Care for the chronically ill – what services can you take advantage of?

Caring for a chronically ill person at home is a real challenge, both for the sick person and the people who care for them. That is why it is worth getting acquainted with and taking advantage of the available forms of assistance offered by the state. See what is worth paying special attention to if you care for chronically ill patients and what support you are entitled to.

Care for the chronically ill – services financed by the National Health Fund

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 30 August 2009 on guaranteed benefits in the field of nursing and care benefits as part of long-term care, guaranteed benefits provided at home are provided by:

  1. long-term home care team for adults, children and adolescents mechanically ventilated,
  2. long-term home nursing care.

Long-term care benefits are provided on the basis of a doctor’s referral. They should be accompanied by the hospital treatment information sheet, the beneficiary’s test results and the qualification for home care. As for qualification, it must be issued by an anesthesiologist and intensive care specialist.

Remember about the health prophylaxis of a disabled person. Order the selected diagnostic test with the possibility of home blood collection. It is a simple and convenient way to test without having to queue or visit a medical facility. See the full offer of research with home download.

Also read how to organize long-term care?

What do the benefits guaranteed for the chronically ill include?

In the aforementioned regulation, you can find information that guaranteed benefits include:

  1. nursing benefits,
  2. preparation of the beneficiary and his family for self-care and self-care, including the development of skills in coping with disability,
  3. nursing benefits in accordance with the nursing process,
  4. health education of the recipient and his family members,
  5. help in solving health problems related to independent functioning in the home environment,
  6. assistance in obtaining medical and rehabilitation equipment necessary for the proper care and rehabilitation of the beneficiary at home.

Read more about geriatrics in Poland

Care for the chronically ill – how to apply for a pension?

When applying for a pension, you should first see a doctor. Given the state of health of the patient, it can issue certificate of incapacity for work on print N-9. Such a certificate should be accompanied by:

  1. medical documentation confirming treatment (this is primarily about test results and discharge from the hospital),
  2. pension application (the relevant form can be found on the ZUS website),
  3. a questionnaire (form N-10), completed by the workplace,
  4. documents confirming contributory and non-contributory periods,
  5. certificate of earnings from the workplace (form Rp-7).

See also: How to prepare for hospitalization?

Caring for the chronically ill – how to apply for a nursing supplement?

Nursing supplement is granted to a person who is entitled to benefits, has been completely recognized as incapable of work and independent existence, or has reached the age of 75. The nursing supplement is due and paid by ZUS. To apply for it, you must provide the following documents:

  1. application for a nursing supplement,
  2. health certificate issued by the attending physician (on form N-9),
  3. medical records confirming the state of health and treatment.

Care for the chronically ill – how to apply for a carer’s allowance?

If an employee needs to look after a sick family member, they can apply for care allowance. The application can be submitted to ZUS or the employer. It is about taking care of your spouse, parents, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren and siblings. There is a condition. Such people must stay in the same household while they are caring for them. Importantly, such a benefit is due when there are no other people who could look after the sick person.

If you want to apply for care allowance, you must provide:

  1. an application filled in on the ZUS Z-15 form,
  2. ZUS ZLA medical certificate,
  3. a declaration on staying in a common household with a sick family member.

If you are an employee you should also join certificate of the contribution payer on the ZUS Z-3 form. On the other hand, other insured persons, apart from the above-mentioned documents, must also remember about the confirmation of the contribution payer on the ZUS Z-3a form.

If you are caring for a chronically ill or elderly person, buy them the myBand 4family wristband as a gift. Thanks to it, you can easily measure the pressure and pulse of your student. The band also has a GPS locator, pedometer and SOS alert function, which can be especially useful in the case of sick people.

People who are chronically ill should use food for special medical purposes in order to increase the immunity and condition of their body. Buy now:

  1. ONCORIA IN – Prehabilitation before oncological treatment,
  2. ONCORIA IN – Regeneration during oncological treatment,
  3. ONCORIA IN – Forte regeneration during oncological treatment,
  4. ONCORIA IN DERMA – healthy hair, skin and nails.

Medicines during hospitalization – is the hospital obliged to provide them?

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