Cardiological diseases during the pandemic. How to take care of your heart without leaving home?
Comarch Healthcare Publication partner

Cardiological diseases account for more than half of deaths in Poland. It is worth noting that the death rate from an untreated heart attack is much higher than from coronavirus infection. That is why, in the era of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, you should take special care of the condition of your heart. How to do it without leaving home? Modern technology comes to the rescue.

Take care of your heart, do not underestimate the symptoms of a heart attack

Cardiovascular diseases can appear at any age, but they most often affect the elderly, who are additionally burdened with many chronic diseases. They also often appear in obese people who smoke, lead an unhealthy diet and have a little active lifestyle. And the statistics are not optimistic. Heart disease is the most common cause of death in Poland.

Cardiologists are alerting that in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, fewer and fewer patients with symptoms of a heart attack seek medical attention. People who, fearing for SARS-CoV-2 infection, presented with symptoms of a heart attack, which they experienced 3-4 days earlier, appear in the offices. Many of them choose not to visit altogether. Fewer people also decide to undergo preventive examinations. Even those who had been diagnosed with hypertension or other diseases related to the cardiovascular system many years earlier.

A heart attack itself is often called a silent killerbecause its symptoms are not specific. The most disturbing are:

  1. fatigue,
  2. discomfort and / or pain felt in the chest
  3. dizziness,
  4. cold sweats
  5. numbness in the limbs,
  6. shortness of breath
  7. tachycardia, or acceleration of the heart rate.

By caring for your and your loved ones’ hearts, you can gain a chance for better health and longer life. Introducing certain habits (e.g. daily exercise, healthy diet, quitting smoking) and starting to use the latest technological achievements will help to effectively and systematically monitor the work of the heart, including proper blood pressure and circulation.

Modern technology in healthcare

Increasingly easier access to innovative solutions from the life-science industry has made controlling your own health much easier today, which increases the comfort of patients and facilitates the work of doctors. You can use many devices without leaving your home. They reliably allow you to measure basic life activities, and these parameters are sent in real time to the appropriate medical centers.

One of the examples of solutions created in the service of health is Comarch Bracelet of Life. It is intended for use by seniors who, for various life reasons, live alone or away from their loved ones. The small size of the device enables immediate contact with specific telephone numbers and provides the exact location of an elderly person. Worn as a classic watch it can save a life. Such solutions have already been implemented by many modern medical care facilities around the world.

One of the fundamental research applied in cardiology is based on the Holter method. Its purpose is to monitor the work of the heart and inform the specialist about possible disorders. Today, the telemedicine holter can be successfully used at home, also at night. The key is the initial setting of parameters selected individually for each patient. The device sends a signal to the doctor about the occurrence of a disorder. Due to high sensitivity, anomalies that are imperceptible to the patient are detected.

Another example is the CardioVest vest. It is one of the more advanced cardiological devices. Its use is recommended primarily to patients suffering from numerous heart diseases, as well as to athletes who want to work more efficiently. CardioVest records an electrocardiogram (EKG) with special electrodes. Importantly, the electrodes do not stick to the skin, and they are an integral part of the vest. This increases comfort and provides long-term heart monitoring.

As you can see, monitoring the heart rate does not have to be associated with waiting in long lines at the hospital or clinic. Modern devices can be used without leaving home and without the risk of coronavirus infections. In a simple and, above all, non-invasive way, you can increase the chances of quick detection of abnormalities related to the cardiovascular system, and this gives you the chance for immediate treatment and a longer life. Such technological solutions are undoubtedly the future of medicine.

All these devices can be found in the e-shop and ordered throughout Poland:,2,3

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