
Arrhythmia, tachycardia or angina, unfortunately, began to be diagnosed more and more often. Moreover, heart diseases are also found in young people, although more recently such pathologies could only be found in old age.

It is very important to notice the development of heart disease at an early stage in order to prevent serious deviations in the future. This can be done with the help of modern equipment, which just includes a cardiograph. The procedure itself is called cardiography.

What is a cardiograph?

This is a medical device through which you can measure the bioelectrical cardiac activity. Modern medicine uses multichannel cardiographs. This portable computer device is used to conduct electrocardiographic studies.

Without this device, cardiological departments, intensive care rooms cannot do. It is worth noting that any ambulance should have a cardiograph in order to be able to diagnose a stroke or myocardial infarction in time, as well as provide emergency care to the patient.

It is multichannel devices that are popular in medical practice, since a larger number of cardiac signals can be recorded, which allows doctors to clear cardiac signals from noise. With the help of a multichannel cardiograph, even the most minimal deviations in the operation of the engine of the human body, that is, the heart, can be recorded.

Thanks to modern technologies, scientists have managed to invent a compact and reliable cardiograph, which differs from its predecessors in versatility and high accuracy. It is very easy and comfortable to work with it, and most importantly, it is quite compact.

Now the developers of this device are working to make a version of the cardiograph for home use. Then people with any cardiac abnormalities will be able to constantly monitor their health. At the moment, it is already available in pharmacies, but it is expensive and difficult to use for non-professionals.

The heart rate monitor has a high contrast LCD display and a built-in rechargeable battery. As soon as the channels fix the heartbeat, they immediately output the results to the built-in printer, which prints all the heart vibrations on paper, and the specialist makes a diagnosis based on the results. Remember that a cardiograph is an indispensable thing in the study of the work of the heart. This is the only way to diagnose any deviations in the early stages, and thereby prevent serious consequences.

In what cases is diagnostics prescribed by a cardiograph and how is the procedure carried out?

To get a more accurate diagnosis, the specialist must follow all the rules for the procedure. Electrocardiography is prescribed for patients with:

  • various types of cardiac arrhythmias;
  • impaired conductivity;
  • signs of cardiac hypertrophy (in this case, the cardiograph more accurately diagnoses the disease, even better than ultrasound);
  • various ECG syndromes, including at birth.

You can not do an electrocardiogram immediately, as soon as the patient entered the office. In the beginning, he should lie down on the couch for fifteen minutes and calm down, and only then you can connect him to the device.

It is important that the room is at a comfortable temperature. If during the study the patient will shiver from the cold, then the record will be distorted. This is due to the fact that trembling in the muscles begins to knock down the sensors of the apparatus.

The electrocardiogram is not performed on a full stomach (it is desirable that at least three hours have passed after eating). It is also recommended that manipulation be carried out before other similar diagnostics, for example, physiotherapy or X-ray.

The outer area around the heart is degreased with alcohol, so the sensors will better adhere to the skin and will not come off at the crucial moment of reading. As soon as the doctor turns on all the sensors, you can begin the procedure.

What does a cardiograph record?

The main task of a cardiological device is to register the total electrical activity of the heart. When myocardial cells are in a calm state, they have a positive charge on the outside, and a negative charge on the inside.

As soon as the device catches the signal of these cells, it will begin to give the result on paper in the form of an isoline (straight line).

After the conductive cardiac department begins to distribute electrical impulses through the cells, the cells of the myocardial membrane go into an excited state, then the charge will be positive from the inside and negative from the outside. This process is called depolarization. After some time, the cells return to their usual state with the original polarity, that is, the process of repolarization occurs.

The work of the cardiograph is aimed at successively propagating electrical impulses through various heart departments, and causing depolarization of myocardial cells. When the heart experiences depolarization, some of the cells receive a positive charge, while the rest receive a negative charge. It is at this moment that the cardiograph records the potential difference.

The device reads the results obtained in the form of a total potential difference of all myocardial cells. This process in medicine is called the electromotive force of the heart.


A cardiograph is a device used in medical practice and has been an indispensable part of diagnosing cardiac pathologies for a long time. The principle of operation remains the same, but over time, additional functions are added that are based on standard electrocardiography, for example: vector cardiography, Holter monitoring, high resolution electrocardiography, measurement of heart muscle rhythm variability.

A modern and functional cardiograph is the key to a successful and diagnostic study. It is with the help of it that specialists can timely diagnose even the slightest deviations in the work of the heart, and begin timely therapy, thereby saving the patient from serious complications and consequences. Remember that the proper functioning of the heart is your life, and do not neglect preventive examinations by cardiologists.

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