Pre-workout carbohydrate supplement
Thus, you will remove the time for burning fat. The body will use the incoming carbohydrates as energy and only when their reserves disappear will it take up fat deposits. We recommend having a little snack an hour before your workout. An apple or low-calorie yogurt is great. These calories are just enough to get to the gym …
Workout on an empty stomach
Many people think that in this way they will immediately begin to burn fat. It’s a delusion! Nutritionists at the Riverside Sports Clinic (California, USA) agree that you should not torment yourself with a hunger strike, it is enough not to eat 45-60 minutes before training. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates need up to an hour to be absorbed, fats – up to 4 hours. Moreover, the body also spends calories on the digestion of food, only it takes them from those already available, and not from those that have just arrived.
The more sweat, the more efficient the fat burning process
Many people believe that the more you sweat during exercise, the more calories you burn. Very often, before the competition, athletes run in tight suits in order to lose weight due to evaporation and get into the desired weight category. They manage to lose several kilograms, but, having made up for the lack of fluid, the weight returns to the previous one. Therefore, you should not chase a quick result.
Cardio workout compensates for unhealthy lifestyles
If you do not follow your diet, often drink alcohol, smoke, devote little time to sleep and still work a lot, do not hope that training will bring you at least some benefit. It will not happen! Only a strict diet, exercise and rest regime will bring results. And even more so forget about alcohol and cigarettes!
Cardio interferes with weight gain
If the goal of your workouts is to gain muscle mass, you should not be afraid of cardio workouts. The heart should be given not only anaerobic exercise, but also an aerobic one. 1-2 light cardio workouts per week will be just right, especially since they can be combined with strength training. At the end, we will once again highlight the important components of successful cardio workouts.
Short but intense exercise (interval training).
Timely prevention of dehydration.
Proper nutrition.
Healthy sleep for at least 8 hours a day.