Cardio workout for problem areas from the Italian youtube channel Fixfit

Fixfit Fitness Lifestyle is an Italian youtube channel, which includes a variety of workouts to lose weight, burn fat and tone muscles at home. We offer you a brief overview of the video channel, as well as a selection of cardio and training for problem areas from Fixfit.

Read more about HIIT-workouts

Description youtube channel Fixfit

The Creator of the youtube channel Fixfit steel Italian fitness experts Katie and Ivan MATEO. They have created a free online gym that includes a variety of programs, ranging from easy exercises and ending with a functional exercise. Only on the channel more than 350 video different difficulty levels for beginners and for advanced level training.

Training is held in Italian, but thanks to the great design video to follow easily even without knowledge of the Italian language. Exercises on the white background, the video is accompanied by all required information: timer, calories burned, difficulty of exercise, name of exercise intensity. In addition, you can easily find an appropriate program in the list of workouts, because on the cover of the video contain all the necessary information:

Training Fixfit is conveniently sorted by playlists in accordance with the purpose (level of difficulty, target area and other features):

  • Allenamenti Intensi Fitness (intense workouts)
  • Allenamenti per Principianti Fitness (workout for beginner)
  • Allenamenti Di Fitness a round with Media (training for mid-level)
  • E Dimagrimento Tonificazione (weight loss and muscle tone)
  • Braccia Esercizi (exercises for the hands)
  • Esercizi Gambe e Glutei (workout for legs and buttocks)
  • Allenamenti ed Esercizi per Addominali e Core Stability (exercises for belly and bark)
  • Allenamenti Senza Salti (workout’s low impact)
  • Combination! Crea Il Tuo Allenamento (10-minute video to create your own workouts)
  • Serie Speciali (Power HIIT, Resistance, Cardio Killer Performance)

Mostly trainers offer interval training for 20-40 minutes with minimal equipment, which include aerobic and toning exercises. On the channel a lot of impact HIIT-training and TABATA style workouts for problem areas (legs, buttocks, hands, stomach), so the video is ideal for weight loss and creating gorgeous shapes in the home.

We offer you a selection of cardio and training for problem areas that you can alternate between a fast weight loss and achieving an excellent shape in a short time. So that you can easily find a desired program, we offer you a brief Glossary of Italian words. This will help you to Orient in variety of training Italian fitness experts:

  • Brucia Grassi: fat burning
  • Allenamento: training
  • Addominali/Addome: belly
  • Gambe e Glutei: legs and buttocks
  • Braccia: hands
  • Esercizi: exercises
  • Snellire e Tonificare: harmony and toning
  • Per Dimagrire: to lose weight

Workout for problem areas from Fixfit

1. Total Body Allenamento Brucia Grassi e Tonificazione (30 minutes)

This workout for all problem areas consists of three blocks of exercises. In the first block you will work on abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks on the floor. In the second block you expect cardio exercise to burn fat. In the last unit you will work on core muscles and upper body with modifications to the straps.

Allenamento Brucia Grassi e Tonificazione Total Body!

2. Gambe Snelle, Addome e Glutei Sodi Tonico (30 minutes)

Simple training with a focus on the problem areas thighs, buttocks and belly. You will not need additional equipment. In this program you will alternate exercises standing and on the floor, toning targeted muscles.

Gambe Snelle, Glutei Sodi e Addome Tonico! Allenamento GAG Intenso.

3. Super Abs & Core (20 min)

Working on this exercise for the belly and the bark is completely on the floor. The program begins with stomach crunches on the floor, then you go to a side bar and come back to the crunches. In the second part of the workout, you will alternate the plank and crunches.

Super Abs & Core: Allenamento Addominali e Core Stability Avanzato

4. Total Body Workout Per Dimagrire e Tonificare (25 minutes)

This program is designed to tone the body and weight loss focus on the muscles of the arms and shoulders. You’ll alternate between intensive cardio exercises, exercises to tone the body muscles and the exercises for the arms with dumbbells.

Workout Total Body Con Pesetti Per Dimagrire e Tonificare

5. Workout fitness completo (45 minutes)

This is a great 45-minute workout for the whole body. In the first block for 15 minutes you will be working on your problem areas standing and on the floor. In the second block you are waiting for modifications squats. In the third unit you will perform crunches and planks on the floor.

Video Workout G-A-G, tonificazione gambe, glutei e addominali (45 minuti)

Cardio workout from Fixfit

1. Super HIIT Workout (24 minutes)

Intense exercise for fat-burning, which is suitable for intermediate and advanced level training. Exercises are performed according to scheme 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest.

Super HIIT Workout! Allenamento Brucia Grassi Ad Alta Intensità

2. Maxi Tabata Workout (40 minutes)

Training in the TABATA style, in which you play 4-minute blocks of intense exercises according to the scheme of 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest. The program is focusing on the stomach, so you can also expect abdominal exercises on the floor.

Maxi Tabata Workout: Allenamento HIIT Total Body + Addominali a Terra

3. Workout Brucia Grassi (45 minutes)

This workout for fat loss moderate intensity. It focuses mainly on the lower body, to maximize the burning of calories and to tighten the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Training low udarnoi.

Allenamento Completo A Media Intensità Costante

4. Allenamento Brucia Grassi Power HIIT (30 minutes)

Intense interval training, which is performed according to the scheme 40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds rest. The program consists of two parts, each part of the exercise, go on increasing the complexity.

Allenamento Brucia Grassi Power HIIT 40-20

5. Mega Tabata (20 minutes)

Intense exercise in the TABATA style is suitable for the advanced student. Exercises are performed according to scheme 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest, 8 approaches. There are 3 series of exercises. The coaches Fixfit very much TABATA training, so the youtube channel will definitely appeal to fans of such activities.

MEGA TABATA 2 - Allenamento HIIT Per Dimagrire e Bruciare Il Grasso Addominale Con L'alta intensità

See also:

  • Top 12 cardio workouts from FitnessBlender, with emphasis on the stomach
  • Top 14 intensive training from Christine Salus on 800-1000 calories
  • Top 10 short’s low impact workout for the legs from Blogilates

For weight loss, Interval workout, Cardio workout

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