Cardio exercises – effects, types of exercises, heart rate

Cardio is a topic closely related to endurance training. The main task of cardio is to improve your heart performance. In addition, cardio exercises allow you to lose unnecessary kilograms, oxygenate the body and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Cardio is all physical exertion that stimulates the heart to act. Regular cardio exercise strengthens our most important muscle, so it pumps more blood, which contains the oxygen necessary for our lives. The effect of this action is that the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, our well-being improves, and the metabolism is more effective. During cardio exercise, the body draws its energy from fat. Cardio is most effective when it lasts at least half an hour. Then they are most effective in terms of their effect on caloric loss.

Cardio exercises and health

About the impact cardio exercises We have already said a few words on health in the introduction. However, it is worth explaining this topic a bit. Thanks cardio exercises the heart starts to work better, so it tires less and wears out slower. As a result, the circulatory system functions very well all the time. Additionally cardio exercises increase the throughput in the veins. This means that the risk of many diseases in the body is reduced. We can mention among them: stroke, heart attack, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cardio exercises and slimming

Anyone who wants to lose weight knows that diet alone is not enough. In addition to the proper selection of meals, physical activity is a very important element. For people struggling with residual fatty tissue, it turns out to be a great solution cardio exercisesbecause, as we mentioned before, energy is supplied to the body from fat when exercising.

However, this topic should be covered in more detail because cardio exercises may not always help you burn fat. Burning fat takes place under aerobic conditions. This is a state in which the body is able to meet its full oxygen needs. If cardio exercises are performed too intensively, anaerobic processes begin to take place, which means that fat burning does not take place. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the more intense and longer they exercise, the more body fat they will lose from their body.

So what should be done to increase effectiveness cardio exercises? A beginner should practice 20 to a maximum of 40 minutes three times a week. Of course, you have to remember that the intensity of the exercises should be at an average level. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your heart rate.

After physical activity, you can perform a warming massage to relax the muscles with the use of a CBD gel for athletes. The preparation contains hemp extract and is available to order on the Medonet Market platform.

Heart rate in cardio exercises

Heart rate during exercise cardio exercises by a person who wants to lose weight should remain at the level of 60 to 70 percent. maximum heart rate. For this purpose, it is worth buying a device that will allow you to control the level of your heart rate. To find out exactly what heart rate you should have while exercising cardio exercises, just do the following:

  1. for women: Tmax = 210 – (0,5 x age in years) – (0,022 x body weight in kilograms)
  2. for men: Tmax = 210 – (0,5 x age in years) – (0,022 x body weight in kilograms) + 4

Types of cardio exercises

When we think about cardio exercisesactivities related to the faster heartbeat immediately come to mind. Therefore, among cardio exercises the most frequently mentioned are running, cycling and swimming. Cardio exercise however, there is much more and can be done virtually anywhere. In addition to the aforementioned, it is also worth remembering about walking, skating, skiing, rollerblading or Nordic walking. As you can see, the choice of exercises is very large. The problem is that the above-mentioned can only be done outside the home. do they exist cardio exercisesthat can be done without leaving the room? Yes! Jumping rope or riding a stationary bike is also a good choice. Today you can buy the OstroVit metal skipping rope with regulation, which will help you take care of your condition.

When cardio exercises we want to perform under the supervision of professionals and combine it with, for example, strength training, it is worth choosing a gym. Each of them has, for example, elliptical cross trainers, treadmills and steppers.

If you want to improve the efficiency of your body, use supplementary supplements for sportsmen, which you can buy at We recommend, among others Ornithine powder OstroVit.

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