Not infrequently underestimated cardiac asthma, also known as angina, often occurs as a result of poor eating habits and a stressful lifestyle, which favors the development of diseases that are difficult to treat.
Asthma results from abnormalities that have developed in the circulatory system. Attacks of shortness of breath disturb sleep, and also occur after exercise. Left ventricular failure and abnormal valvular left venous outlet are associated with cardiac asthma.
Causes and types of cardiac asthma
Cardiac angina includes:
- cardiac asthma resulting from experiencing strong stress,
- cardiac asthma with cardiac lesion of passively hyperemic bronchi,
- atopic cardiac asthma, which occurs in patients with bacterial bronchitis,
- metabolic asthma developing as a result of acidosis after other diseases.
The basis for the occurrence of cardiac asthma is, among others: insufficiency of the valves of the main artery and chronic myocarditis. Because, as a result of them, lung congestion progresses, with which their capacity decreases by up to 30%. and failure of the left ventricle of the heart, our lungs function with strain. The disease is quite often inherited in the genes, which usually manifests itself in childhood.
Characteristics of shortness of breath
Typical symptoms of angina are:
- inability to breathe
- the respiratory rate is limited, which passes after changing the position in which we are, e.g. after we sit up on the bed awakened from sleep,
- shortness of breath also happens after exercise,
- shortness of breath occurs both during inhalation and exhalation,
- wheezing
- cough,
- sudden sweats
- feeling faint,
- feeling of weight located under the sternum,
- there is pain that subsides when you remain calm.
Necessary therapy
Wanting to treat angina, the doctor prescribes cardiac drugs, but also increased oxygen supply. Doctor’s indications regarding the intake of herbs, such as valerian roots, yarrow, broom, silverwort or common goldenrod, cannot be ruled out. Smoking and drinking alcohol are not recommended. You should also keep your salt intake to a minimum.
Directly when an attack of shortness of breath occurs, we must necessarily and immediately sit down. Fresh, clean air is most suitable. It happens, however, that despite the provision of favorable conditions, seizures do not subside, and even increase. This is the moment when we must immediately seek help from a doctor.
We must not leave this disease alone, because pains located in the heart area may turn out to be the beginning of more serious diseases.