
Cardamom is an exquisite classic oriental spice native to India and Sri Lanka. In ancient times, the fruits of cardamom were called the grain of paradise. Grains were considered an expensive treat that only rich people could afford. Yes, and today cardamom is one of the three most expensive spices in the world after saffron and vanilla. In this case, we are not talking about ground spices, but about high-quality cardamom fruits in seed boxes. The spice has a piquant taste due to notes of eucalyptus and camphor, combining something from white pepper, something from ginger, and something from nutmeg. Cardamom, according to ancient legend, was grown in the Babylonian Hanging Gardens of Babylon. This tropical plant of the Ginger family began to spread in ancient India. Until now, India is one of the largest exporting countries of spices on a par with Guatemala.

In the Middle Ages, the spice was used as a medicine, but it has always remained in the category of elite and expensive spices. It wasn’t until the 19th century that the spice was cultivated for culinary and medicinal purposes. Today, cardamom is the subject of study by physicians, culinary specialists, aromatherapists, perfumers and nutritionists because of its amazing ability to support the body’s defenses, awaken not only appetite, but also sensuality.


Cardamom belongs to the herbaceous plants of the species Eletaria cardamomum. In the wild, it grows in a forest area in southern India. The spice ranks second in the Indian market in terms of the number of sales, second only to black pepper. In the world, Malabar cardamom with small fruits and Mysore cardamom with larger fruits are highly valued. Researchers believe that Arab merchants introduced the ancient Greeks and Romans to this “queen of spices.” Even in the writings of Dioscorides and Pliny, this spice is mentioned as an expensive and delicate spice with great healing power.

The fruits of the spice are three-compartment capsules that are harvested when barely ripe. They are dried in the sun, ground and used for healing and cooking. Green boxes are popular in India, and specially bleached boxes are popular in northern Europe, where bright spices are unpopular. The grains are bleached with sulfur dioxide, which gives the spice a sweetish note and mutes its pungency. It is worth noting that in Europe, spice is most preferred by the Scandinavians. In these countries with a cold climate, cardamom is added to sausages, meat and fish dishes, fish marinades, liqueurs, hot glög and punch. [1]. Natural green plant seeds are very popular in eastern countries, where they are used to prepare various dishes. “Black cardamom” from the Ginger family (a tree of the genus Atotite) is a brown box with black seeds. Their size is 2-5 cm. Fruits grow in Nepal, North Vietnam and China. In India, black spice is added to simple spicy dishes, considering only green cardamom as a great legacy of ancient cuisine.

The plant can be grown from seeds, but it is best propagated by processes of rhizomes. It begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. Approximately from one hectare they get up to 100 kilograms of fruits. The crop can be harvested for about 10 years. The plant does not tolerate winter sub-zero temperatures. It can be grown in greenhouses, conservatories or homes.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Plant seeds contain 3-8% essential oil containing fatty oil, cineole, protein, terpineol and terpinyl acetate [2]. The seeds also contain dietary fiber, vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and zinc. The energy value of the spice is 311 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritional value per 100 grams (estimated) [3]
NutrientQuantityAverage rate per day for an adult
Caloric value331Kal1684Kal
Proteins10,8 g76 g
Fats6,7 g60 g
Carbohydrates40,5 g211 g
Alimentary fiber28 g20 g
Water8,3 g2400 g
Ash5,8 g
Vitamin V10,2 mg1,5 mg
Vitamin V20,18 mg1,8 mg
Vitamin V60,23 mg2 mg
Vitamin C21 mg90 mg
Vitamin PP1,1 mg20 mg
potassium1120 mg2500 mg
Calcium380 mg1000 mg
Magnesium230 mg400 mg
Sodium18 mg1300 mg
Phosphorus180 mg800 mg
Hardware14 mg18 mg
Manganese28 mg2 mg
Copper383 μg1000 μg
Zinc7,5 mg12 mg
Omega-30,12 g0,9-3,7 g
Omega-60,31 g4,7-16,8 g

Useful Properties

Most spices of oriental origin, including cardamom, have been used by oriental healers since ancient times to treat various diseases. [4]. The seeds of this plant have always been known for their medicinal and aromatic properties. To date, it is known and scientifically proven that the substances contained in spices can stimulate appetite, restore favorable microflora in the body and improve digestive processes. [5].

In modern medicine, spice is used to lower body temperature as an antiseptic, for bronchitis, pneumonia and laryngitis. [6].

Spices contain vitamins:

  • B1, which is part of the enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism for the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • B6, which is involved in the system of inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system, in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids to stimulate appetite, ensures the normal condition of the skin and prevents anemia;
  • A, which acts as an antioxidant [7];
  • C, involved in redox processes, iron absorption and the immune system [8].

Grains of spice have a tonic effect. In ancient Ayurvedic literature, it is said that cardamom gives a feeling of calm and tranquility, gives clarity and activity of the mind. [9].

The essential oil of the seeds is useful for colic in the stomach and vomiting. Tea made from ground cardamom, ginger and cloves eliminates indigestion and stimulates the intestines. It is also useful to use it before the onset of “women’s days” to relieve pain and discomfort. In addition, the essential oil of the spice eliminates headaches, apathy, depression and fears. From a feeling of heaviness in the body, a drink made from a mixture of cardamom, cumin and coriander will help. It helps with cough, asthma and bronchitis.

Cardamom stimulates the metabolism in the body, the production of gastric juice and removes toxic substances and toxins. Spice helps with constipation (used in complex treatment). Grains of the plant perfectly freshen breath and eliminate inflammation in the mouth. [10]. The spice is good for insomnia.

Cardamom has a stimulating effect. It was used in the ancient art of love as an aphrodisiac. The smell of grains attracts partners to each other and increases sexual desire.

The spice has powerful antioxidant properties and prevents aging of the body. [11]. The spice also breaks down fats and promotes weight loss. [12].

In general, the main therapeutic goals in which cardamom can be used are as follows:

  • antiseptic for colds, viral infections [13];
  • expectorant when coughing;
  • diuretic;
  • with high blood cholesterol [14];
  • with flatulence;
  • with vomiting and nausea;
  • for insomnia and depression;
  • in case of heart rhythm failure;
  • with fatigue and low blood pressure;
  • with disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • with intestinal disorders.

Contraindications and side effects

The spice is contraindicated in people suffering from acute gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It is also not recommended to use spice for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years old.

Cardamom can cause an allergic reaction, so before eating it, you need to check whether it will cause an individual intolerance.

Excessive consumption of spices can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.

Selection rules and storage conditions

When buying, you need to choose cardamom in grains in boxes [15]. Ground spice quickly loses its essential oils. If necessary, it is best to grind the right amount of beans in a coffee grinder. Natural cardamom should be a nice light green color.

It is best to store the spice in the grains in a sealed glass jar with a tight lid or ceramic container. Spice should be kept in a dry place at room temperature. Do not allow direct sunlight, moisture or air.


For the treatment of intestinal disorders, the following recipe is used: mix a piece of grated ginger, 2-3 ground cardamom grains and a glass of hot water, bring to a boil and leave for several minutes. Drink warm instead of tea.

To get rid of nausea, you only need to chew 2-3 spice grains.

To strengthen the immune system, 3-4 ground spice seeds and a teaspoon of honey are used. The resulting mixture is taken once in the morning after waking up.

To reduce weight, brew green tea and add a quarter of a spoon of ground spice with a few drops of lemon juice. As an aid, it is taken once a day in the morning.

To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, one teaspoon of ground spice is poured with one glass of boiling water and drunk hot in a quarter cup once a day.

In order to get rid of diarrhea, ground cardamom, fennel and dill seeds are mixed in equal proportions. One teaspoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted. Drink a tablespoon, gradually increasing the intake to a quarter cup.

For constipation, cardamom is added to foods that contain fiber and they drink tea with spices and ginger.

During insomnia, pour one teaspoon of ground cardamom with a glass of water, bring to a boil and drink a quarter of a glass.

To get rid of pharyngitis, dry throat and hoarseness, pour 0,5 teaspoon of crushed seeds with a glass of boiling water and, after an hour of infusion, gargle several times a day.

With impotence, take 1 teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cardamom and pour a glass of boiled milk. Take in the evening 1 glass.

To improve eyesight, take 4-5 ground seeds and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Taken once a day.

For weight loss, ¼ teaspoon of cardamom is added to coffee or tea. For best results, it is recommended to add cardamom, cinnamon and red pepper to your meals. The combination of these three spices stimulates the metabolism, and cinnamon regulates glucose levels.

In aromatherapy, cardamom is used for colds, emotional exhaustion, and headaches. To do this, just put a couple of drops on the aroma lamp and inhale about 15 minutes.

For massage oil is used in combination with grape, linseed, olive oils. To do this, add 3-4 drops of cardamom essential oil to 1 a tablespoon of base oil.

To improve the condition of problem skin 4-5 drops of essential oil is added when taking a bath.


The use of cardamom as a spice is varied. In Germany, cardamom is traditionally added to Christmas pastries, in Scandinavia – to meat pates, sausages and punches, in Russia – to pastry dough and Easter cakes. Arabs add spice to coffee. In the East, it is believed that coffee with cardamom is an indispensable attribute of hospitality.

Bedouin coffee

In a cup of coffee, add a quarter of a teaspoon of spices. If brewed coffee, then you need to mix it with ground cardamom and brew. If the coffee is instant, then you need to add a little spice in it and pour boiling water over it.

The spice adds spice to the drink and neutralizes the toxicity of caffeine, which reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

Cardamom Tea

Three grains of spice pour 0,5 liters of boiling water and leave for several minutes. The resulting tincture is added to green or black tea.

Rice with cardamom

Rinse 1 cup of rice and let dry slightly. Grind 4 pods of spices. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add turmeric and a pinch of salt. In a deep frying pan or saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and add cinnamon and cardamom. Then pour the dried rice and fry for a few minutes. After that, pour in boiling water, bring to a boil and cook under the lid for 20 minutes. When the rice absorbs all the water, the dish can be considered cooked. The number of servings received is 4.

Dairy sweet rice

To prepare the dish, you will need a container with a heavy bottom, into which you need to pour 4 cups of milk and pour 3 tablespoons of washed rice. Mix the ingredients and bring to a boil, and cook until half of the contents have evaporated. Then you need to add 1 teaspoon of freshly ground spice grains and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and set aside. The cooked dish can be sprinkled with chopped pistachios, almonds or peanuts.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Popular science magazine “Chemistry and Life”. – Cardamom.
  2. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Chemical and biological evaluation of essential oils from cardamom species.
  3. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Spices, cardamom.
  4. ↑ ScienceDirect Internet resource. – Cardamom.
  5. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Gastroprotective effects of combination of hot water extracts of turmeric (Curcuma domestica L.), cardamom pods (Ammomum compactum S.) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera DC.) against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer model in rats.
  6. ↑ Medical portal Medical News Today. – What are the health benefits of cardamom?
  7. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Blood pressure lowering, fibrinolysis enhancing and antioxidant activities of Cardamom.
  8. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Chemopreventive effects of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum L.) on chemically induced skin carcinogenesis in Swiss albino mice.
  9. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – The effect of Elettaria cardamomum extract on anxiety-like behavior in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  10. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Antimicrobial activity of Amomum subulatum and Elettaria cardamomum against dental caries causing microorganisms.
  11. ↑ Интернет-ресурс ScienceDirect. – Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects of Cardamom (Elettaria repens (Sonn.) Baill) and its phytochemical analysis by 4D GCXGC TOF-MS.
  12. ↑ Global Publisher BioMedCentral. – Green cardamom increases Sirtuin-1 and reduces inflammation in overweight or obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  13. ↑ Open Science Platform «Frontiers in microbiology». – Encapsulation of cardamom essential oil in chitosan Nano-composites: In-vitro efficacy on antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens and cytotoxicity studies.
  14. ↑ Wiley online library. – Anti‐hypercholesterolemic influence of the spice cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) in experimental rats.
  15. ↑ Electronic fund of legal and regulatory and technical documentation. – Interstate standard (GOST): Spices. Cardamom.

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