Carcinophobia — fear of cancer: causes and methods of treatment

Hello, dear readers of the site! Cancerophobia, or oncophobia, is a panic fear of cancer.

And today we will try to figure out why it occurs, how to detect it and how to find peace of mind, getting rid of frightening thoughts about an imminent painful death due to cancer.

What is it like?

Cancer is one of the ten most common causes of human death. After all, they touched almost every one of us, if not directly, but indirectly. Neighbors, or friends, distant relatives were sick …

Either way, it’s really scary. If only because there is still no medicine that will surely get rid of cancer and its metastasis. Radiation, chemotherapy and other treatments do not give guaranteed results.

Therefore, if a malignant tumor is found, it is always a struggle. The struggle for life, the time allotted on earth, for days devoid of pain and other ailments.

Carcinophobia — fear of cancer: causes and methods of treatment

By the way, oncophobia can be terrifying not only about problems with one’s own health, but also about problems with one’s own health, but also about loved ones.

He fully understands that fear is unreasonable, irrational. Especially if earlier doctors did not diagnose him with such a dangerous disease. But he does not know what to do with his experiences in order to get rid of them. This topic is not easy to discuss with friends.

Perhaps talking about what worries could well help to discharge, relieve excess stress, understand that cancer scares many and this is a completely normal reaction.

But not everyone is able to openly declare their feelings. To admit that she is afraid of something, and indeed, to think about such terrible things as oncology. Most often, people change the subject, say that you should not think about the bad, and so on. And that doesn’t help you get rid of your fear.


A carcinophobe can constantly complain about health problems. Especially if it is suspicious, anxious, then each pimple will suspect that it is a tumor in the first stage of development.

As a result, individuals with this phobia are characterized by tearfulness, or vice versa, excessive irritability and aggressiveness.

Not surprisingly, constant tension and anxiety literally «shake» his nervous system. The resources of the body are on the verge of exhaustion, so it is not able to stand as before in the event of the slightest stressful situations.

Why even a minor irritant, especially if it is associated with the cause of fear, can provoke a panic attack.

Let’s say a person was just watching the news on social media or on TV and learned that a famous person had passed away after years of fighting cancer. Or vice versa, he quickly left the world, because the disease was discovered too late, when nothing could be done.

Naturally, a carcinophobe cannot ignore such information. Insomnia, anxiety, tantrums and panic will be provided in the coming days. Best case scenario.

After all, it happens that the disorder reaches such forms when the patient is unable to think about anything else. He withdraws into himself, ceases to lead the usual way of life. He limits communication with others, his activity, and even sometimes does not leave the house.

This naturally leads to the development of other concomitant mental disorders, depression, neurosis and degradation. That is, the loss of skills and knowledge that he previously possessed. You will learn more about what this degradation is from this article.

Carcinophobia — fear of cancer: causes and methods of treatment


So, all the attention of an oncophobe is captured, of course, by oncology. He buys literature on relevant topics. Searches the Internet for articles about how to treat cancer or what methods of preventing it can be taken.

Often he is fond of non-traditional methods of getting rid of diseases, categorically rejecting medical ones. Because, for example, he thinks that drugs can just provoke its development.

Sometimes patients are visited by ideas that it is beneficial for the government that people develop malignant tumors. Why do doctors do everything possible to “infect” as many people as possible with them.

And it happens that on the contrary, such a person constantly complains about his health and systematically undergoes various examinations. She makes her own diagnoses, does not believe if specialists deny them, looks for other doctors, and so on in a circle.

But the most terrible form of cancerophobia is when a person was actually diagnosed with oncology, or some symptoms of its presence appeared.

But he takes no action. Out of fear. After all, if you go for an examination, it means admitting that he is really dangerously ill. And that this disease is not simple, but threatens his life.

And this is how people can bring themselves to such a state when it is really too late to do something. For example, cancer literally «ate» part of the body. He lived and suffered hellish pains, but even the thought was afraid to admit that it was really a serious matter.

Some cover up their phobia with an unstable and difficult financial situation. That is, they know about the disease, but in order to get rid of it, you need a large amount of money, which is not there, so you just have to wait and hope that it will pass by itself.

There is a myth among some oncophobes that oncology is transmitted. It does not matter, through contact with the patient, or through airborne droplets, in some energetic way.

That is, if you communicate with patients of oncological hospitals, then a person has a high risk of catching an “infection”. Therefore, it is better to avoid them and not even think about this terrible diagnosis.


When a panic attack occurs, it seems to a person that he is about to suffocate due to lack of air. The fact is that breathing quickens and becomes superficial, and this leads to an excess of oxygen in the blood. Therefore, the head is spinning, sometimes there is a loss of consciousness.

In such cases, it is necessary to breathe into folded palms, or into a paper bag, if one is at hand. Carbon dioxide emitted on exhalation normalizes the level of oxygen in the blood, which, accordingly, will improve well-being.

Carcinophobia — fear of cancer: causes and methods of treatment

Panic is also characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse and high blood pressure. Sometimes it hurts in the chest, there is dryness in the mouth and sweating increases.

A person is literally thrown into the heat, despite the temperature in the room.

Hands and legs tremble, voice, chin, thoughts are confused and the only thing that worries at such a moment is how to survive. A person is not able to “pull himself together” and calm down by an effort of will. She is unable to control this state. Why anxiety only intensifies and sometimes leads to terrible consequences.

That is, in a moment of panic, a person sometimes screams, cries loudly and begs to be saved. Often runs somewhere in search of shelter or help, not noticing obstacles in its path. Why is it traumatized, or experiencing toxic (life-poisoning) shame for their behavior.


Psychological trauma

Fear of getting cancer can arise, as already mentioned, if a person has witnessed the suffering of a cancer patient. Especially if he was his relative.

Since it is generally accepted that the predisposition to cancerous tumors is inherited. And instead of being more attentive to their health, a person seems to “go crazy”, experiencing constant anxiety about his future.

Cancerophobia is often one of the signs of post-traumatic syndrome. That is, a person has experienced such severe stress that now he does not give him rest, periodically reminding him of himself.

For example, if you already once had to fight cancer, and the thought that the situation will happen again causes such strong horror that the psyche cannot cope and fails in the form of a disorder.

The presence of benign tumors is also worrisome, because they can at some point be transformed into malignant ones. This gives rise to the development of a phobia. After all, you have to constantly be in anticipation of something irreparable.


To complicate matters, we literally come across stories every day of people who are trying to survive, or, unfortunately, have lost the battle with cancer.

It is worth going to any social network, news feeds are literally “full of” calls to help people with cancer.

Their life stories, receipts for treatment, photos before and after — inevitably suggest that each of us is doomed to a painful life and death due to a malignant tumor. That no preventive measures will help, because among the patients there are a lot of small children, as well as those who have never smoked and led a healthy lifestyle.

That is, it all deprives the cancerophobe of hope to be saved. He understands that he is vulnerable, that there is no justice, and no matter how well he behaves, it will not help.

Carcinophobia — fear of cancer: causes and methods of treatment

Character traits

A high risk of acquiring this phobia in hypochondriacs, who are suspicious and anxious. They are in constant search for symptoms of various terrible diseases in themselves.

Also in those who suffer from neurosis, psychopathy, schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

When a person does not have internal reserves to withstand stress, he is the most vulnerable. This is the most common cause of oncophobia.


Be sure to contact a specialist if you understand that you want to recover. In terms of, emotionally, mentally.

It is practically useless to look for information on how to get rid of oncophobia on your own, because it is similar to how to recover from a malignant tumor without doing or changing anything.

The phobia will only grow, gradually worsening the state of health and complicating the life of its «owner».

Psychotherapy, in particular, cognitive and gestalt, has proven itself well. After all, it is important, first of all, to understand what provoked the development of a phobic disorder. Then you can already look for ways that will help.

If necessary, the psychologist refers the patient to a psychiatrist for comprehensive treatment. After all, only a doctor has the right to prescribe antidepressants, in case of mood problems, or sleeping pills, if insomnia does not give rest.

As you know, lack of sleep only makes you feel worse. And sometimes it causes neurosis, depression and other diseases associated with the psyche, nervous system.

He can also prescribe sedatives for those who often lose their temper and take out their anger on others. Which just at that moment are for various reasons next to him.


Take care of your health, for example, by giving up bad habits that can really provoke the development of malignant tumors, from junk food.

For example, fast foods, carbonated drinks are completely unhealthy for our body and do a lot of harm. Do a fluorography in a timely manner. And at the first alarming signals that something is wrong with the body — go to the doctors for diagnosis and consultation.

But it’s not just physical health that needs to be taken care of. Psychological hygiene is no less important, because most diseases are psychosomatic.

That is, those that have arisen due to our thoughts, experienced stress, negative subconscious programs, communication difficulties, and so on.

Therefore, in order not to think about what to do and how to heal, be sure to meditate, so you will bring your mind to a calm state. Engage in your favorite hobby, sports — in general, those that will allow you to relieve negative energy, excess stress.

Exclude from your life toxic people, next to whom it is always painful, malicious and insulting. Spend more time outdoors by walking in the park. And, of course, travel, because the best medicine is sometimes just an opportunity to get new emotions, impressions, as well as a change in the usual picture.

And also develop, overcome your limitations — this can be done with the help of increasing awareness. The feeling of inner harmony is the key to your psychological and physical health!

Be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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