Carbonated water: harm to the human body. Video

Carbonated water: harm to the human body. Video

Most of the human body is water, so we need water just like air or food. But drinking ordinary water is not as pleasant and tasty as various drinks – tea, coffee, juices, sweet compotes or soda water. But if simple clean water makes up for the lack of fluid in the body, then some drinks can, on the contrary, be harmful to humans. And most often soda is called the most harmful.

Carbonated water: harm to the body

Benefits and harms of soda without additives

Water with the addition of gas, but without sugar and other additives quenches thirst well, has refreshing properties and tastes better than ordinary water. But it contains carbon dioxide, in different drinks its content is different, but according to the standard it should not exceed ten grams per liter, that is, the amount of gas is one percent of the volume of water.

Many natural springs provide mineral water saturated with gas, and the benefits of such water were recognized in ancient times. And mineral water that is not saturated with natural gas is carbonated to preserve its beneficial properties, since it is the least harmful preservative. It is believed that carbonated hearth is useful in that it strengthens the walls of the stomach and intestines. If a person has a low secretion of gastric juice, then such water solves the problem. If you use soda to make herbal infusions, this increases the healing effect. Natural carbon dioxide gives water antibacterial properties, so this water protects the body from harmful bacteria.

But carbonic acid, especially if it is artificially added to water, can harm the body. Firstly, soda is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, since carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membrane. Frequent consumption of carbonated water, even in healthy people, can cause gastritis. Secondly, carbon dioxide affects the tooth enamel and gradually destroys it, but for this you need to drink soda in large quantities.

The harm of soda water with sugar and additives

Unsweetened sparkling water is not very popular, and Coca-Cola, lemonades, and similar sodas are the most common, but none of their qualities are useful. Carbonated water with added sugar, sugar substitutes, preservatives, flavors and other additives is only harmful to the body.

If you drink soda in small quantities – a couple of glasses on holidays, then its effect will be imperceptible, but regular use of soda leads to many diseases

Carbonated water with sugar contributes to the development of obesity. Drinking sweet water, people do not notice how they consume a huge amount of calories – compared to a bun or chocolate, a glass of water seems light, almost free of calories. But in fact, a liter of carbonated water contains more than four hundred kilocalories, that is, a fifth of the approximate daily dose for a woman. But to drink a liter of cola with food or just on the go, you can imperceptibly – like a liter of water. Since sugary drinks do not quench your thirst, but increase it, a larger amount is drunk as a result. All this is eventually deposited at the waist and hips.

In addition, high sugar levels raise blood glucose levels, forcing the pancreas to produce insulin frequently, resulting in high blood sugar spikes leading to diabetes.

Not only sugar in carbonated water is harmful to the body, phosphoric acid is very harmful, which flushes calcium from bones and destroys enamel. Citric or malic acids can be used instead of phosphoric acid, but a large amount of them is also harmful to humans. Colorants, preservatives, flavorings also have an impact on health.

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