
Exotic fruits have long filled domestic markets and settled in crystal vases in the middle of the table of every first Khrushchev. In this vase, a three-dimensional five-pointed star – carambola – definitely flaunts. In the countries of the former CIS, she enjoys special honor. Each of us drank several liters of a sweet drink with carambola (or rather, with its chemical fragrance). We grew up, changed priorities and began to take care of our health. Now we are holding in our hands not an extremely harmful soda, but a fresh nutritious fruit. Why is carambola useful, how and with what it should be eaten, and is it worth spending money on exotics at all?

General characteristics

Carambola is an evergreen tree that looks like a wide branched shrub. The height does not exceed 5 meters. The branches are drooping, thick, lowered down, which creates the illusion of an overly thick bush, and not a developed tree. On the branches grow soft emerald leaves, one side of which is covered with white bloom (reminiscent of frost). The leaves are particularly sensitive to ultraviolet: they are collected in a beam at night and “bloom” in the daytime. You can draw an analogy with the closest to us sunflower, which turns away / turns the cap towards the sun.

The plant gives inflorescences of bright red or pale pink. An amazing palette for some time attracts tourists, after which it blooms and becomes a three-dimensional five-pointed star. The developed fruit is fleshy, juicy and crunchy, with a slightly spicy smell. Uneven growths that protect the flesh form around the fruit. Carambola becomes yellow with an amber or green subtone. The shape and structure of an exotic fruit is unique. The British, not inventing anything more original, called the starfruit cannon (star-shaped fruit).

The taste of the product depends on the type of wood. Some fruits have a sweet and spicy palate, others sweet and sour. The taste of carambola is similar to a combination of gooseberry and plum or apple and grapes. Some fruits resemble a sweetened cucumber.

HabitatAcclimatization zones
Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, AsiaBrazil, French Polynesia, Israel, Ghana, some US states

Carambola – absolutely unpretentious tree. Fruit can be grown from seeds on its own sill. Inside the fruit is a few oblate ovoid 1-2 centimeters in length. Plant a few seeds in the soil, fertilize and periodically water the sprouts. Carambola easily endures temperature fluctuations, does not require careful maintenance, loves moisture, but quietly endures temporary drought. As the sprout develops, it forms a miniature, lowered willow.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of unprocessed fruit)
Caloric value31 kCal
Proteins1 g
Fats0,3 g
Carbohydrates6,7 g
Alimentary fiber2,8 g
Water92 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of unprocessed fruit)
Alpha Carotene (A)0,003
Alpha Carotene (A)0,024
Beta Carotene (A)0,025
Thiamine (V1)0,014
Riboflavin (V2)0,016
Choline (B4)7,6
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,391
Pyridoxine (B6)0,017
Folic acid (B9)0,012
Ascorbic Acid (B12)35
Tocopherol (E)0,150
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,367
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw fruit)
Potassium (K)133
Calcium (Ca)3
Magnesium (Mg)10
Sodium (Na)2
Phosphorus (P)12
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)0,08
Manganese (Mn)0,037
Copper (Cu)0,137
Selenium (Se)0,0006
Zinc (Zn)0,12

Useful properties of the product

The main benefits of carambola are concentrated in organic acids and vitamins. Ancestors used carambola as often as we use chamomile. The flesh, and flowers, and leaves, and even the bark of an exotic tree are used. Little is known about the specific benefits of carambola. There are several basic assumptions regarding the benefits and, conversely, the harm of the fruit.

  1. Used as a means of stopping the blood. Similar property for several centuries enjoyed by the people of India. Modern medicine has refused such methods and offers more loyal and effective ways of dealing with bleeding. In the same India, dried fruits are used as a cure for bouts of fever.
  2. Candied fruit is able to regulate the level of bile in the body, eliminate diarrhea and even relieve hangover.
  3. Brazilians use carambola as a diuretic. Sometimes eczema and other serious skin pathologies are treated with it. In Brazil, it is not the fruit itself that is used, but a decoction of leaves, less often – pulp and peel.
  4. It is believed that carambola leaves can relieve a headache. Scientists strongly refute this assumption, and lovers of traditional medicine, forgetting the meaning of the word “placebo”, insist on the opposite.

Let us return to the properties of the fruit, which are recognized by traditional medicine and are used for the benefit of patients.

  1. Carambola roots help with poisoning, infectious diseases.
  2. Ground seeds have a calming effect on the human nervous system. Seed extract is used in sedative medications.
  3. Due to the high fluid content, carambola is able to “equalize” the water balance and prevent the feeling of thirst.
  4. Fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, regulates blood pressure.
  5. Reduces the risk of avitaminosis.
  6. Whitens dentures.
  7. Relieves colic and abdominal pain (the effectiveness of therapy depends on the origin of the pain).

The use of fruit in cooking

The culinary role of the carambola is determined by the 2 roles:

  • ingredient;
  • decor element.

Both roles are used with the same frequency, so it is impossible to highlight the only characteristic. Fruit slices hang over beverage glasses, salad bowls, and massive food bowls.

What to cook with carambola:

  • jelly;
  • warm or traditional salad;
  • pickled snack with a salty or sweet aftertaste;
  • candied fruit dessert;
  • tonic cocktail or any other drink;
  • pudding;
  • meat / fish dressing;
  • seasoning.

Carambola has a unique sweet-and-sour taste, which is characteristic only of this exotic fruit. The fruit gives a certain astringency and dilutes the boring taste palette. Carambola seasoning diversifies a tired chicken breast or add a new accent to vegetable salad.

Recipe for tropical fruit salad and coconut

We need:

  • Carambola – 250 g;
  • Mango – 150 g;
  • pineapple – 150 g;
  • kiwi fruit – 200 g;
  • grapes – 100 grams;
  • lime juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • coconut chips without dyes and fillers to taste;
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup / honey / sweetener to taste.


Prepare large capacity. Imagine the look of your culinary creations: fruits are cut into circles, squares, or their curly equivalents. As presented, and cut, because the food should be not only tasty, but also nice to the eye. Do not forget to get the bones from the grapes to facilitate the process of absorption of the dish. Add the required amount of sweetener, juice, periodically trying the taste and texture of the dish. Send the salad to the refrigerator for a few hours and serve.

Smoothies can be made from the products used. The taste of the dish will be similar, the difference lies in the structure. It is convenient to take smoothies with you in any container, to give a child whose teeth have not yet erupted or the baby simply has not learned to chew solid food. To prepare a pureed drink, the fruit must be cut and sent to a blender. Sweeteners are not recommended to be added to the smoothie, because fruits that contain natural sugar will provide the necessary sweetness.

Hawaiian Hula Hula Cocktail Recipe

Excessive alcohol consumption causes irreparable harm to the human body. No need to deny yourself the pleasure, just control the amount of alcohol, the state of your own body and the current state of health.

We need:

  • dark rum – 30 ml;
  • light rum – 30 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 30 ml;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • passion fruit juice – 50 ml;
  • ground kiwi and carambola to taste.


Send all the ingredients in a blender, after adding a few ice cubes. The consistency of the drink depends on your preference. Watch out for the Hula Hula structure and turn off the blender as soon as you achieve the desired result. Pour the drink into the container and serve.

Note: Carambola can be used not only as an ingredient in a drink, but also as a decoration. Take the whole fruit, cut into small stars and give free rein to your imagination. The classic method of threading a piece of fruit over the edge of the glass has become too commonplace. Let not only the taste, but also the appearance of the dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Use of the ingredient in cosmetology

The fruit extract is added to the luxury care products, and age women, in pursuit of youth and beauty, use carambola pulp instead of night cream. The ingredient is effective due to the presence of fruit acids. The product gently exfoliates the upper layer of the dermis, penetrates deeper and produces a special “cleaning” of all layers of the skin. Carambola cope with early wrinkles, acne, post-acne, hyperpigmentation, remove oily shine and make the skin matte and radiant.

By itself, the fruit will not be able to cure serious skin diseases. Do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist to solve the problem and prescribe a therapeutic course.

How to use a carom in home care:

  1. Take ice forms and fill them with fruit juice. In the morning, take a frozen juice cube and massage it over your face. The skin will invigorate, the inflammation will dry up, and the complexion will be noticeably better. In addition, such an icy start to the day will perfectly invigorate and lead to feelings after a long sleep.
  2. Prepare a scrub. The pulp of the fetus will act and moisturizing, and acid-peeling agent. Be careful with acids and do not keep the cooked scrub on your face for more than 10 minutes.
  3. Make a mask. Crush the pulp and mix with oils or other fresh herbal ingredients that suit your skin type.
  4. Take it inside. Beauty, as is known, begins from within. If you want to achieve radiant skin – adjust the power. Use fresh carambola as a diet item, not as a cosmetic. So the effect will be better and more noticeable.

Before applying the carambola, test for an allergic reaction. Prepare the desired product and apply a small amount on the area under the ear. Spend your usual cosmetic rituals and wait 24 hours. If after a day the skin under the ear has not changed – feel free to apply a carambola on your face. If there is a rash, redness, discomfort – discard the ingredient and select the product according to the skin type.

Possible harm and contraindications

Carambola is prohibited in the presence of:

  • gastritis;
  • gastric / duodenal ulcers;
  • enterocolitis;
  • individual intolerance to the product or components that make up.

The composition of the fruit includes oxalic acid. A high concentration of acid will adversely affect even a healthy body. Affected organs will react especially sharply to the stimulus, but the consequences of the reaction cannot be predicted and prevented. Someone gets off with stitching pains in the abdominal cavity, someone will need hospitalization.

Even if you do not complain about health, be careful with the aggressive composition of the fruit. Excessive use of cannon can lead to impaired salt metabolism, the development of pathologies of the kidneys and the biliary system.

How to choose a carambola

Skin structure

Peel should be moderately dense, not be forced through and not leave dents. Too loose structure indicates the implementation of the deadline and incorrect storage conditions. The classic push test will not work here: the elastic and hard skin does not deform and will not leave marks.


If there is an opportunity to taste the product before buying – use it. Taste a few varieties and choose exactly the star fruit that will satisfy your taste buds. The main thing is that the taste should not be excessively sour (immature fruit) or candied (overripe). In general, the taste palette may vary, so be guided by personal tastes.

Product integrity

Observe the dryness of the peel, the absence of damage, rot, mucus and mold. You also need to pay attention to the smell of the fruit: ripe carambola smells like jasmine.

Size and color

These two indicators do not matter. Each fruit is unique – its size, color and shape are not repeated. Dimensions can be equal to a small coconut or ripened kiwi. It is believed that small fruits are sweeter, but this assumption has more than once been refuted. Only by trial and error can you find the perfect combination of the taste, size and texture of an exotic fruit, therefore – a successful search!

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