Car subscription in Our Country
Why buy a car when you can subscribe to a car? In Our Country, services offer dozens of popular models for almost any wallet. Is there a benefit, what are the conditions and price of the service – in the material “KP”

The subscription market in Our Country, and in the rest of the world, is on the rise: household appliances, digital goods (music, movies, applications) and even clothing. Modern man wants to become less and less attached to expensive things, instead he prefers to accumulate impressions. In our material, we will tell you what the essence of a relatively new service on the market is car rental by subscription. How it differs from the classic car rental, how much the offers of different services cost and which companies are considered the best – we will figure it out together with an expert.

What does car subscription mean?

— Subscribing to cars is a relatively new service and type of car use for Our Country. Many drivers are familiar with car rental: carsharing has been operating in large cities for a long time, and tourists often rent cars during their holidays. The main difference between a subscription and other types of rental is a longer period. Car sharing is needed for short trips around the city, on vacation they take a car only for the duration of the trip. In the case of car subscription services, the car is offered for personal use for daily trips, explains Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Insurance and Economics of the Social Sphere at the Financial University under the Government of the Federation Alexander Tsyganov.

A subscription to a car in Our Country is offered by car concerns or their representatives in Our Country – Hyundai, Kia, Volvo and others. Subsidiaries of banks, as well as classic rental offices and car sharing companies, are engaged in this area.

There are more offers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in million-plus cities, the service is only looking for its client. We have long had a practice that the future owner goes to a large city to buy a car – prices are lower, there is more choice. So in the case of a long-term subscription to a car, users are ready to go to the metropolis to rent a “swallow”. 

Rating of the top 5 best car subscription services in Our Country

1. Hyundai Mobility

Pioneer in the subscription car market in Our Country. The machines are provided by the official distributor of the brand in Our Country. On a rented car, you can drive almost throughout the country and travel abroad, if you submit an appropriate application before that.

Three tariffs are available to choose from, which differ in prices, models and rental periods. Available models include Santa Fe, Tucson, H-1 minivan, Sonata, Creta, Elantra, Palisade. For some, you can choose a color and a specific package.

In the reviews, users complain that outside the capital cities, there are often no free cars. Dissatisfied that technical support does not go further than 100 km from the border of the city. But they praise that everything is made out simply, the support service responds promptly.

2. The Mashina

A new subscription car service that currently issues cars only in Moscow. But you can ride them all over the country. The cars are new and are delivered directly from the manufacturer, according to the description of the service. 

The lineup is large. Skoda Rapid and Karoq, HAVAL Jolion, Polo, Qashqai, Tiguan, RAV4 are available. Fans of premium cars can take the Audi A4, Mini Cooper, several Mercedes and BMWs are available. There is also a Tesla 3 – if you have long dreamed of trying electric cars. True, the price is not too democratic.

Among the shortcomings, users note that a subscription specifically to this service does not provide so many advantages. Therefore, if you were hoping for an abundance of additional options, then it is better to look at competitors. Among the positive aspects, the expanding model range and fast delivery of the car to your home are distinguished.

3. Anytime Prime

The company offers only premium cars by subscription. An almost complete range of modern BMWs and Lexus is available. Popular models of Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac and Volvo are presented. Lots of Audis and even one Ferrari California. Just under a hundred models.

You can take for 1 – 3, 7, 30, 180 and 360 days. Tariffs are arranged in such a way that the cost of one day with a longer rental period decreases almost exponentially. For example, if you take a Porsche Cayenne E3 for 1 day, then it will cost 22 rubles, and if it’s for a year at once, then 000 rubles per day.

Since the service is premium, customers here are treated with special reverence, which is noted in the reviews. 

4. “Yandex.Drive”

A major player in the car sharing market in four cities with a million population. They also have a car subscription service. However, unlike the cars that are put up for sharing, here the models are a class higher. Several variations of the Mercedes E200 and the Audi A3, A6, there is the BMW 520i and the premium Genesis G70. From a more democratic segment, only Skoda Rapid (second version) and Nissan Leaf.

Among the shortcomings of the service is the travel zone. So far, you can travel to two capitals, to Karelia, Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory. And if you want to go to another region, please coordinate your route with the company. An interesting feature of this service: if the car is painted in Drive’s corporate colors, then it can be left in paid parking lots for free. After all, there are benefits for sharing.

5. Notice

The international car rental service also offers a subscription service. For long-term rentals, they have much fewer models available than when renting for a couple of days. There are economical Solaris and Polo, comfortable Sonata and Camry. Luxury is represented by Mercedes-Benz E-Class and BMW 520d. There are a couple of SUVs and SUVs to choose from, as well as a Volkswagen Caravelle minivan and a huge L200 pickup truck.

You can also try to negotiate a rental car that is not represented in the park. There are offices and representative offices of the company in many large cities of Our Country – most in the Central part and in the Urals. For each car, a limit of 3000 km per month is set. Anything more requires payment at the rate of a specific model.

Other subscription services

The following companies also operate in Our Country:

  • SaveAutosubscription;
  • Motorhome Subscription;
  • BelkaCar (together with VW, Skoda, AUDI);
  • Jaguar and Land Rover (with the participation of VTB);
  • Volvo Car Drive;
  • KIA Flex;
  • Genesis Mobility.

Car subscription price comparison in Our Country

Service namePrices
Hyundai Mobility1 day – 3000 rubles, 

1 month – from 31 rubles.

The Mashina1 month – from 19 to 990 rubles. (price for rent for one year, if rented for 199 months, then + 900-6%)
Anytime Prime1 day from 2000 to 35 000 rubles. (subject to a one-year lease)
“Yandex.Drive”1 month from 22 to 000 rubles.
Reviews1 month from 30 to 300 rubles. (subject to subscription for one year, if taken for a shorter period, then + 267-700%)

How to choose the right car subscription service in Our Country

1. Explore more subscription options

The main advantage of a long-term lease is that it saves the user from unnecessary trouble. For example, you do not need to service the car, conclude insurance contracts, buy a child seat and a winter set of tires. However, not all firms support a high level of service by default. For the base price of a car, some provide only a car. All other services are paid. Therefore, the price tag can grow before our eyes. Before subscribing, read the full terms of the contract.

2. Criteria for age and driving experience

For economy class cars, the age of the driver must be at least 21 years old. It also requires at least 2 years of driving experience. For the premium segment, the service will most likely require that the driver be at least 25-26 years old and have at least 5 years of driving experience.

3. Estimate available mileage

Car subscription services in Our Country set the maximum allowable mileage for their cars. If there is more, then penalties are imposed in the form of payment for each kilometer in excess of the limit. In the case when you take the car for work or long trips, evaluate the “power reserve”.

4. Terms of insurance

They also vary from service to service. CASCO and OSAGO give everything, but the conditions will be different. Some in the event of an accident will still require compensation for part of the repair costs. Others offer premium versions of insurance with a surcharge.

5. Is it possible to transfer the car

With a long-term car rental for family use, there will certainly be a situation when someone close wants to use the car. Most companies allow this scenario. But they impose certain restrictions. For example, by the number of persons who are allowed to transfer the car.

6. Travel radius from rental location

Subscription is developed in large metropolitan areas of Our Country. But is it possible to go abroad or to a neighboring region? Check this point in the service. Some are loyal to any movement. Only international companies, fearing sanctions, may not be allowed to travel to the territory of the Crimean peninsula.

Firms that have chosen residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg as their audience may not be allowed to leave further than the Central part of the Federation. Or require advance notice. You can’t cheat: modern cars have a GPS beacon that shows the company the location of its vehicle.

Popular questions and answers 

We talked about how car subscription services work in Our Country. But the service is relatively new, and users often have questions. Replies to the most popular economist (d., professor) Alexander Tsyganov.

What are the benefits of subscribing to a car?
– The main advantage of the subscription is the absence of most of the hassle faced by car owners. No need to waste time on maintenance, insurance, pay taxes. The services offer roadside assistance 24/7, storage of tires and their “re-shoes” according to the season to the user of such a rental. But the main thing is that the car does not need to be sold after the decision to change and look for a profitable trade-in. The ability to regularly update the car is another plus of the subscription. In addition, you do not need to pay a down payment on the loan. In some cases, a subscription is also a way out for people with a damaged credit history, the expert answers.
Are there any downsides to the new service?
– The negative point for any temporary use is the cost of a subscription per month. It is important to calculate whether real savings come out compared to a loan and the classic option with the purchase and subsequent sale of a car to a second hand. Obviously, if the car is used for several years, there will be a significant overpayment. It compensates for the risks of the rental office and generates profit for it. But in the case of temporary use from 1 to 12 months, this is a good option.
Who should borrow a car with a subscription?
Simple answer: to those for whom it is beneficial. A simple algorithm will help calculate the conditions of ownership. It is necessary to compare the cost of the subscription in annual terms, the regular price of the car and calculate it, taking into account the overpayment on credit. It is worth remembering that personal time in the modern world also costs money. The price of your time is more difficult to calculate, but if you are disgusted by car dealership trips, car sales and maintenance, then this may be an argument in favor of a subscription car.

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