Capuchin balm – composition, action, application, contraindications. The old golden mean for everything

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First, a bit of history. Although the recipe of the famous Capuchin balsam comes from the Czech Republic, it has been guarded by Capuchin brothers for over 100 years, who produce the product in their famous manufacture in Krakow. The balm can be purchased at the monks’ stationary and online store, as well as in well-stocked herbal stores. Formerly it was known as a panacea for all ailments of body and soul, it was used internally and externally. It is worth taking a closer look at the real effects of the balm and the real possibilities of its use in the treatment of various ailments.

Composition of Capuchin balm and its action

Capuchin balm is a type of alcohol tincture (up to 60 percent alcohol), based on herbal and natural ingredients. Although the monks carefully guard the recipe of the balm, its most important ingredients must be included in the composition of the specific. Belong to them:

  1. alona – concentrated aloe juice. It has a laxative effect, so it is used in the case of constipation. In addition, aloe derivatives increase immunity, supporting the fight against all infections, and have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Alona also increases congestion in the abdominal organs and stimulates digestion;
  2. Rooting rhizome (rhubarb) and buckthorn bark – typical laxative effect;
  3. propolis (bee putty) – primarily has a very strong antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral effect. Supports the treatment of all kinds of infections, disinfects;
  4. honey – nourishing and strengthening effect;
  5. angelica root – this herb contains aromatic essential oil with numerous healing properties. It stimulates digestion, has a diastolic and carminative effect, and also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties;
  6. balsamic resins – affect the work of the intestines and have an antiseptic effect.

Application and dosage of Capuchin balm

Capuchin balm is specific for use in adults. Its ingredients indicate two main streams of action: positive effect on the digestive system (supporting digestion, defecation, diastolic) and disinfecting effect, which will be used in the treatment of all infections and disinfection. Therefore, the balm is successfully used internally in the case of constipation, flatulence, digestive problems, stomach and intestinal cramps, lack of appetite, liver diseases, as an aid in parasitic diseases, as an immune-enhancing agent, as an aid in sore throat and any respiratory system infections.

The recommended dosage is 40-50 drops three times a day half an hour before eating undiluted, alone or with sugar. The treatment lasts for three weeks. The balm can also be used externally on skin lesions (mycoses, lichen, warts, pimples), for disinfecting small wounds and rubbing temples in case of headaches.

Contraindications to the use of Capuchin balm

Due to the alcohol content, it should not be used in children and pregnant and lactating women. An allergy to honey or propolis or any other ingredient of the preparation is also a contraindication. It should not be used in gastric ulcers and acute inflammation in the digestive system.

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