Capsaicin – a measure not only for weight loss?

Capsaicin – a substance known for its spicy taste – is primarily a component of many spices, but also an additive to slimming tablets. But capsaicin has other properties. What? Here is some information.

What is capsaicin?

Capsaicin is an organic chemical compound responsible for the searing and extremely hot taste of chili peppers. This substance dissolves in fats and alcohol. So if you need to get rid of the burning sensation in the mouth, it is worth drinking a glass of fatty milk or rinsing your mouth with vegetable fat. Drinking alcohol or eating ice cream will also work very well.

Capsaicin – action

When taken in low concentrations, caspaicin works in many areas – most notably in relation to anti-cancer properties. It perfectly protects against the appearance of neoplasms and their development, as well as destroys already formed cancer cells. In addition, capsaicin has the ability to reduce oxidative stress.

Thanks to the systematic intake of this substance, it is possible to delay the development of dangerous atherosclerosis. This, in turn, reduces the risk of developing other serious conditions such as heart attacks and coronary artery disease. It is worth knowing that capsaicin also has antibacterial properties. It was found that it inhibits the growth of various species of bacteria. The breadth of action of this compound depends not only on its concentration, but also on the resistance of microorganisms to this substance.

It is worth mentioning the reports that capsaicin may reduce the risk of stomach ulcers. However, as long as it is taken in small amounts. Unfortunately, higher doses of capsaicin may have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Capsaicin for weight loss?

Of course, capsaicin works for weight loss. It influences the acceleration of metabolism, and thus accelerates the burning of adipose tissue. What’s more – it increases heat production by stimulating the production of dopamine and adrenaline. It has been proven that people using slimming preparations containing capsaicin lose more abdominal fat than people using other slimming agents.

Capsaicin can be found in many weight loss preparations. Before applying, however, you must consult a specialist. It is also worth choosing products from proven sources.

Pure capsaicin

Pure capsaicin, used in larger portions, is poison. Serious problems may occur at a dose greater than 56 mg / kg bw, especially in the functioning of the respiratory system.

It is also worth mentioning that pure capsaicin is definitely stronger than that used in industry. However, it is used in medicine – it is a component of ointments and patches used as preparations for warming muscles and joints.

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