Capricorn man – Virgo woman: horoscope compatibility

In terms of luck, the meeting of Capricorn and Virgo can be compared to hitting a big jackpot. Their union is rightfully considered one of the best zodiac combinations. These signs are united by a common element – the Earth, but the coincidences do not end there. Capricorn and Virgo have similar values, principles and aspirations. In fact, they want the same thing from life, which means that they just need to join forces – and forward, to the stars!

The Virgo woman in Capricorn is attracted by his strong masculine energy. The sensitive Virgo feels that in front of her is a person with a steel inner core, who prefers concrete actions to empty verbiage. You can rely on Capricorn, he is faithful, purposeful and works so hard that in his life he will obviously be able to save at least one small island. The Virgo woman is looking for these qualities in a potential partner.

To win such an enviable groom, it is important to seem to him a decent, practical and faithful girl who knows how to support and give in to her man. Then Capricorn, without resorting to excessive fantasy, will be able to imagine you as his future wife. He chooses a woman for himself rather with his head than with his heart, so if the cold mind of Capricorn gave a positive assessment, then you are guaranteed heartfelt approval.

The Virgo woman is pragmatic, aristocratically restrained and smart. It is no wonder that even Capricorn, with all his iron internal discipline, completely loses his head next to Virgo. He sees in this woman an ideal companion for life. In fact, Virgo is smart, hardworking, moreover, no less thrifty than himself. The sight of a Virgo woman enthusiastically counting change at the checkout can move Capricorn to tears. “I’m getting married!” he decides firmly. But, first he will have to conquer this, not the most accessible girl. A reasonable Virgo submits to a man only after long hours of observing his behavior. This girl has a real computer in her head. If this internal computer decides that the man’s intentions are serious, and he himself is not without prospects, Virgo says the cherished “Yes”.

Love compatibility

This couple does not spend much time on romance: a couple of bouquets of flowers, a few timid kisses, an awkward meeting with their parents – and now they are already packing up and moving in together. In their life together, Virgo and Capricorn are often guided by the experience of their parents. This is favorable if both signs grew up in a similar environment and similar traditions. But if there is an abyss between the foundations of the Capricorn and Virgo families, there may be a reason for conflict. With all the conservatism of Capricorn and Virgo, they should learn flexibility. Do not forget that it is better to start a new life light, without unnecessary prejudices.

The intellectual compatibility of Capricorn and Virgo is not ashamed to be called unique. They do not just converge in worldviews, moreover, this couple complement each other’s spiritual quest. Both signs are tireless seekers of truth and lovers of digging to the very essence. Looking directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, asking him the most tricky, most painful questions, aiming at the depths of the human psyche, is one of the innocent intellectual entertainments of Capricorn and Virgo. The victims of these experiments feel absolutely helpless under the powerful onslaught of Virgo and Capricorn, and split as if under interrogation. But in the same games with each other, this couple meets a serious rebuff.

Both are skilled psychologists who do not succumb to provocations. This trait brings together and increases the attraction of Capricorn and Virgo to each other.

Alas, both Capricorn and Virgo have a bad habit of exaggerating other people’s shortcomings. Their inherent pickiness can ruin even the most cloudless and good day. These signs make very high demands on themselves, and therefore they do not show much indulgence to others. If a Capricorn man and a Virgo woman learn to focus on the positive qualities of a loved one, they will have practically no reasons to quarrel, but there will be a lot of strength and energy to express love for each other.

If a Capricorn man and a Virgo woman are not up to love, nothing prevents them from building a strong and reliable friendship. The main thing for representatives of these signs is to overcome natural introversion and start communication. After the first conversation, their common views and interests will lay the foundation for a slow but sure rapprochement. Capricorn and Virgo make friends rarely, but firmly. Both prefer infrequent, but full-fledged communication to daily correspondence and can maintain a warm relationship in this mode for at least their entire lives.

Marriage compatibility

Family ties are a logical continuation of their relationship. In a sense, the entire previous romance of Capricorn and Virgo was a mutual test and preparation for a responsible decision to create a cell of society. Together they erect the reinforced concrete walls of the family nest. The marriage of Capricorn and Virgo is really indestructible, in which everyone is ready to throw all his strength into protecting the family idyll. This couple is not afraid of betrayal: both Capricorn and Virgo almost never cheat. Both signs know how and love to work, so that their family can survive material troubles. Capricorn and Virgo do not make scandals out of the blue, and prefer to discuss any issues with a cool head and heart.

But it is important for these signs not to forget about the emotional side of human relationships. Indeed, even in the most rational people, emotions sometimes rage about which Virgo and Capricorn are not always able to tell each other. In order for family life to develop successfully, it is important to share your feelings and fears with your partner. Don’t be afraid to admit your weaknesses and failures to your soulmate and don’t hesitate to ask each other for support.

As for sexual intimacy, here the signs of the Earth can sometimes lack fire. But their intimate life has an enviable constancy and does not lose quality over the years. In bed, the Virgo woman prefers to give the initiative to the man and obey him, and Capricorn, in turn, likes to feel like a conqueror and a hero in the erotic field. This distribution of roles suits both and makes their intimate life harmonious, albeit a little monotonous.

The responsible attitude to life among the representatives of these signs reaches its climax when things begin to concern the most valuable thing – children. In the family of Capricorn and Virgo, more than two children are rarely born, and a huge dose of attention is removed to each child. Mother Virgo is a terrible perfectionist. By the end of her pregnancy, this woman has read so many books on parenting that she may well consider herself a professor of theoretical motherhood. Her children are always impeccably dressed, fed with the healthiest foods, and enrolled in all educational clubs in the city. Dad Capricorn in education plays the role of an auditor, checking the success of the kids, encouraging and punishing. Children in this family may lack simple, relaxed tomfoolery and tactile communication with their parents. They grow obedient and smart, often early achieve great success in sports or school. From childhood, they are taught to respect their parents and, growing up, express their gratitude to them with care and support.

Family life is often combined in Virgo and Capricorn with work activities. In addition to faithful spouses, they can easily consider each other excellent business partners and open a family business. These signs really succeed in being colleagues for the glory. Capricorn takes on the role of leader, and Virgo helps him in organizational and paper matters. In work, both are hardworking and focused. Capricorn and Virgo have iron endurance, they are able to methodically, in small steps, go towards their goal for exactly as long as it takes. If sexual intimacy often helps other couples to forget quarrels and make peace, then a drunken immersion in work has a similar effect on a couple of Capricorn and Virgo. Even sitting in the same office, they go into work with their heads, discarding all the troubles. And working successes, if they don’t throw them into each other’s arms, will definitely make them forget about mutual insults.

Pros and cons of the union Capricorn man – Virgo woman

The union of Capricorn and Virgo is favorable in all respects. The stars generously endowed their love with many positive moments. Here are some of the benefits of this relationship:

  • Capricorn and Virgo are united by common values: family, stability and material well-being.
  • Both signs really look at things and do not build castles in the air.
  • Intellectually kindred spirits.
  • They trust and respect each other.
  • Capricorn and Virgo are loyal to their partner and don’t tend to stare at other people.
  • The traditional distribution of roles in the family.
  • Both signs are pragmatic, prone to hoarding.
  • They agree on the upbringing of children.
  • Capricorn and Virgo are wise and put the family union above fleeting temptations.
  • Equal level of emotionality: neither partner will accuse the other of being too cold or hot.

But even in such a favorable alliance, there may be some rough edges. Capricorn and Virgo will easily overcome all obstacles if they are ready for the following difficulties:

  • Both signs have low emotionality, it can be difficult for them to talk about their feelings.
  • Sex may lack fire.
  • The Virgo woman has a bad habit of criticizing her partner with or without reason.
  • The Capricorn man is not always ready to listen to the opinion of the Virgo.
  • The frugality of both signs can eventually turn into pettiness and greed.
  • Their marriage is so stable and predictable that it can be boring and provoke betrayal.

But, despite all the troubles, the Capricorn man and the Virgo woman are on the same wavelength and look in the same direction, and what more can you ask for?

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