Capricorn man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

Capricorn belongs to the calm type of men who will treat you with caution, slowly building relationships. They are stubborn, reliable, serious. Their calmness can be envied, but if a storm somehow starts in this serene reservoir, it will sweep away everything in its path. The Taurus woman is even more stubborn than Capricorn, this can be the basis for their conflicts. This girl is bright, charming, she causes admiring glances. She is elegant, mysterious, but at the same time there is an inner strength in her.

These two signs will immediately interest each other, because they are ideals compiled by each. Taurus is a mystery girl, and it will take a lot of time and effort to figure out what is going on in her soul. For this you need to be patient. Namely, this Capricorn does not occupy. He loves everything mysterious and sophisticated, so he will slowly approach Taurus with pleasure, trying to unravel her nature. Taurus is very patient, leads a measured life, does not rush anywhere, very carefully and slowly approaches people, trusting them. And Capricorn has enough perseverance. He will slowly but surely, step by step, seek the favor of Taurus, trusting her with the secret corners of his soul. Capricorn is quite melancholy and easily depressed, so he benefits from being next to a Taurus girl, which can keep him cheerful and vital.

The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are very similar to each other in their unwillingness to change something, love for constancy, calmness and reliability. Therefore, they will not converge immediately. A lot of time will pass after they met, when both realize that they are perfect for each other and after that it will be difficult to separate them.

They are reliable partners and will be together not just as lovers, but as comrades, friends, relatives, on whom you can rely. And for them it is very valuable. They will not cheat on each other, because this will mean changes, emotional upheavals that both signs do not like so much. If someone else appears in life, they will calmly inform their partner about this, not wanting to hide. Both signs can hardly endure partings and the loss of loved ones, they can easily succumb to longing and do not get rid of this feeling for a long time. But as soon as they find support from the outside, they will come out of this cocoon of sadness and begin to live again, just as calmly and brightly, and thanks to the person who left their life for valuable experience.

Love compatibility

Capricorn man and Taurus woman can become good and reliable friends for each other. They are hardworking and wise, so they will put a lot of effort into maintaining friendship. They will provide peace and constancy in their pair. But this can also become a negative side in this friendly union. They will lack spark, passion and vivid emotions. These two signs are among the calmest in the zodiac circle, because both belong to the elements of the Earth, which describes their main qualities. Reliability, confidence, calmness, constancy. For a bright and long friendship, they need someone third, who could find in the soul of everyone that enthusiasm and fire that is deeply buried under layers of peace. Then their union will be the most practical and will last for many more years. Friendship will be favorably influenced by various interests, because then they will be able to give each other something new, give new knowledge and experience. This will keep a spark of interest in their relationship. Then they will not be able to get bored and will find in this tandem everything they need for their true happiness.

They love each other deeply and sincerely. Both do not like ostentatious displays of feelings in public, remaining calm and detached. But in private they endow each other with love and care. Their couple is one of the most reliable and constant couples that could be. If there are any difficulties on the life path of these people, they will be easily resolved.

The perseverance of Capricorn will allow you to overcome any obstacles, no matter what. And the caring Taurus will support him in this, adding strength and confidence to the man. Their love, most likely, does not look like falling in love with a bunch of romance and butterflies in the stomach. This is a stable relationship of two mature personalities, more suitable for family. These are two signs of the same element, thanks to which they easily understand each other. Many envy their union, because such a strong couple is extremely rare. Over time, they become one, not only spiritually, but also externally. They begin to adopt each other’s habits. Taurus is extremely perceptive, so behind all the dryness and calmness of Capricorn, they can see his interesting and bright nature, helping her to open up. In this couple, moving forward at their measured pace, we must not forget that it is worth supporting the fire of emotions and love. You should not make one of the partners get bored, because then these relationships can become obsolete, leaving only trusting and friendly feelings. This is a couple that over time becomes even stronger and stronger, striking with its long future.

Marriage compatibility

Both the Capricorn man and the Taurus woman are in no hurry to get married. Both partners will look at each other for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. Everyone will compare the beloved with his ideal, which he has long built in his head. Both signs responsibly approach this issue, most often entering into a marriage once in their lives. Therefore, they need to think for a long time before this responsible decision, which will change their way of life. But if this couple decided to get married, then there is no doubt that their feelings are sincere and durable. Their marriage will last a very long time and will be strong. Although there are quarrels in this tandem, they are so insignificant and passing quickly that it is even difficult to notice them.

Another positive side of this couple is prosperity in the family. Both partners are purposeful, stubborn, and independent. Each of them tries to independently develop and make a profit, investing it in the general finances of the family. Capricorn is very hardworking and knows how to make a fortune. And Taurus can teach you how to keep wealth and increase it many times.

This couple can make wonderful parents. The Taurus woman will be a caring mother who will create a cozy environment and everything necessary for the development of her child. Father Capricorn will be strict and somewhat conservative in relation to children, but will give them all the knowledge and experience, helping in everything. He will demand adult balanced decisions, success and perseverance from his child. This can bring discomfort to the child, putting pressure on him with obligations. Therefore, it is worth listening more to the opinion of your child, making allowances for age, before demanding solutions to overwhelming tasks. Despite his outward ordinary calmness, in bed, Capricorn shows very vivid and passionate emotions, deeply hidden inside. The strength and flamboyant nature of Taurus is able to unleash this passion in Capricorn, providing them with an unforgettable sexual experience. These two signs are consciously approaching the solution of any issue. Therefore, their sex life will be filled with passion, experience and quality. Perhaps their intimate moments will not be filled with romance and tenderness, but it will be very well executed and unforgettable. Capricorn and Taurus are two rather conservative signs, so over time, their sex life can both get bored and resemble a well-developed occupation. Therefore, in order to maintain the fire of interest and passion, it is necessary to open up to new experiences and try something different. At the same time, the Taurus woman is a more closed partner, so Capricorn should try to do everything possible that will allow his beloved to open up and accept something new.

Pros and cons of the union Capricorn man – Taurus woman

These two signs belong to the same element that unites them. Therefore, they are similar in many ways. From this comes enough pluses of their union. But even such signs similar to each other in the union may have their drawbacks.

The advantages of such an alliance stem from their similar positive aspects:

  • Common ideas, similar motives, solutions to situations. The similarity of character allows them to understand each other more clearly and avoid sharp corners in relationships, making the union even stronger.
  • A bright life within a couple. Despite their usual calmness and coldness in public, when they are alone in their pair, a warm fire of bright emotions burns, preventing them from getting bored.
  • Thanks to their inner strength, both signs can overcome any difficulties. They are very stubborn and thanks to mutual support they can go through fire and water, all the while staying together.
  • They are loyal and devoted. Due to the fact that they do not like change, they are more likely to remain in old, long relationships with each other than to look at something unusual, new, bright.
  • They perfectly understand each other and trust their partner. There is no all-consuming jealousy in their couple. They do not seek to assign a person only to themselves, allowing him to create. They know each other as themselves, and therefore are not capable of jealousy.

But, like in any other pair, these two such similar signs have their own negative aspects of the relationship:

  • They can’t just enjoy the process. The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are purposeful individuals for whom the outcome of the event is important. Therefore, it is likely that without finding such a result, one of the partners, most likely the melancholy Capricorn, will fall into apathy. But if Taurus finds the strength in himself and is able to support his partner, pulling him out of this state, then everything will work out.
  • The stubbornness of both signs can play a cruel joke with them. No one wants to agree with the opinion of the enemy, inflating the conflict. If one of the signs does not give in, then this can turn into a serious quarrel. That is why it is so important to find compromises.
  • Patience is not limitless. All grievances ever accumulated, stress are stored deep in the soul of each partner. But at one moment the cup may overflow, and a violent stream of negativity will splash out on a loved one, injuring him. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to talk to each other, discussing all the shortcomings and problems.
  • The strictness of the couple as parents may not be beneficial to the relationship with the children. Parents often put a lot of pressure on children. A lot of instructions, expectations, control fall on children’s shoulders like a heavy burden. In order not to worsen relations with the child, it is necessary to give them at least a little freedom.

The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are so similar to each other, but this may be the main problem of this couple. We must learn to listen and hear each other. It is important to find compromises in controversial situations, and not stubbornly stand your ground. Given these features, such an alliance can last a very long time.

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