Capricorn man – Libra woman: horoscope compatibility

Representatives of the elements of Earth and Air – Capricorn and Libra – are hardly made for each other. But love, even from such different signs, is able to forge a strong and happy union. What is the difference between these people? Creative energy seethes in the Libra woman, while Capricorn is a stronghold of conservative ideas. He is closed to everything new, but Libra always goes where the wind of change blows. However, inexplicably, both feel that they can find in the other an addition to their own “I”.

The Capricorn man, on the one hand, is courageous, has military endurance and is reliable as a rock. But, at the same time, he is extremely closed emotionally and is afraid of close spiritual contacts. The Libra woman is light, sociable and emotional. Her trouble is that as soon as fate confronts her with the need for any, even the most insignificant choice, this woman is lost in endless doubts. Capricorn and Libra are able to heal each other’s weaknesses. A woman can teach a Capricorn man openness and trust, and he, in turn, can neutralize her eternal doubts with her capacious and confident outlook on life.

Therefore, they are drawn to each other: they feel that they can experience some important experience together. But, first, Capricorn and Libra will not have the easiest path.

The Libra woman is able to conquer Capricorn with a harmonious combination of external and internal beauty in her. She is energetic, smart and simply charming. However, in order to take the stubborn Capricorn with them, Libra will have to demonstrate to this man what she lacks most of all – stability and balance. Capricorn is looking for a woman who will calm him down after a hard day’s work, bring his mental state to balance, and create a harmonious home environment. Give Capricorn this sense of stability and he will choose you over many other women. To win the heart of a Libra woman, it is also worth betting on the practical side of your personality. Her charming carelessness and absent-mindedness creates many difficulties for this girl in solving specific problems. Help Libra solve some household issue, give her valuable practical advice, and she will feel that she can rely on you.

Love compatibility

On first dates, Capricorn and Libra will be so overwhelmed by the joyful feeling of falling in love that they will not notice how much their temperaments differ from each other. But gradually the hormones will calm down, and reality will begin to emerge through the sweet fog of euphoria. Capricorn will see that the Libra girl is quite windy and constantly hovers in the clouds. And Libra, in turn, will find in their chosen one a considerable amount of tediousness and excessive seriousness. Understanding the differences in their characters and accepting them is the first test that the stars have prepared for this couple. If they really want to be together, they will cope with this task without difficulty.

Capricorn and Libra are a classic example of a pessimist and optimist. Libra does not understand how you can see the whole world in black light. Capricorn, on the other hand, believes that his chosen one is still a completely stupid child. Both signs look at life through glasses of different colors, but this is not a reason for quarrels. On the contrary, Capricorn and Libra can help each other take off their glasses and see life for what it really is.

Capricorn man is a real guarantor of financial well-being. This worthy representative of the zodiacal circle plows like a horse, work for him is something like a drug. He often spends decades in a work frenzy, only to come to his senses when it is too late to enjoy life. The Libra woman likes the feeling of material well-being, she easily finds use for extra money. At first, Capricorn will be happy to embody the desires of his chosen one, but soon he will take care of the painful thinness of his wallet and stop investing in Libra’s endless fantasies.

To relieve tension in a relationship, a Libra woman should often show the feminine and soft side of her nature. Arrange cozy home dinners for your Capricorn, surround this man, always tired at work, with affection and tenderness. But do not confuse femininity with bad coquetry, Capricorn does not like this. For him, female mystery and tricks are just another reason for excitement and irritation, which Capricorn already has in abundance in life.

If fate did not make lovers out of Capricorn and Libra, life offers them another union – a friendly one. With all the differences in characters and interests, these signs can become faithful comrades to each other. The friendship of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman will be rather patronizing on the male side. Capricorn is horrified by the carefree life of a friend. He will read many didactic speeches in an attempt to save her naive soul. Libra does not listen to the exhortations of Capricorn, but feels that his concern is sincere, and at the decisive moment he comes to him for advice. Capricorn likes the role of the head teacher, besides, deep down he also likes to relax, and Libra definitely knows a lot about entertainment. Their friendship seems to be written off from the famous story about the dragonfly and the ant, but the main thing is that both Capricorn and Libra are satisfied with their roles in this fable.

Marriage compatibility

In this couple, the man is more often a champion of family values. It is he who inclines the hesitant woman to legitimize the relationship. Unfortunately, the stamp in the passport will not cancel the previous difficulties in their relationship. In order for the family to develop for real, and not just on paper, the Capricorn man will have to keep his dictatorial habits to himself. Libra does not tolerate pressure and perceives criticism only in a mild form. This woman will never follow the line and set the table exactly on the clock, but she, like no one else, can bring lightness and variety to the home routine. Give free rein to Libra’s creativity, and she will turn the family nest into an abode of beauty and grace.

It can be difficult for Capricorn and Libra to find common ground in material matters. Capricorn has an extremely practical outlook on things and will never buy something that he does not see the benefit of. Scales, first of all, pay attention to the aesthetic side of the subject.

Capricorn can accuse this woman of squandering, she can reproach him with stinginess and deafness to beauty. What’s the way out? Fill your home with both beautiful and practical things, so that Libra’s eyes will rejoice, and the toad will not choke Capricorn for the money spent. The intimate life of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman is like a complex and demanding mechanism. At the beginning of the relationship, at the peak of mutual attraction, this couple experiences some inconvenience in bed. Capricorn may feel insecure: he needs time to study the desires of his partner. The Libra woman, in turn, prefers to adapt to a man in her sexual life, so Capricorn’s insecurity can confuse her. But over time, these signs will study each other enough in order not to be distracted by analytics, and plunge headlong into the world of feelings and passion.

Having become parents, Capricorn and Libra often play the roles of an evil and good cop. Capricorn gets the role of the first: he menacingly inspects children’s diaries, punishes for pranks and reads lengthy notations of a preventive nature. Meanwhile, Libra’s mother rarely raises her voice to children and shows miracles of care and delicacy towards her children. She subtly feels the psychological state of the child and does not force him with either excessive guardianship or excessive severity.

Creativity, love of communication and empathy are transmitted from mother to children. And from Capricorn’s dad, children inherit a serious outlook on life beyond their years, as well as remarkable willpower and iron moral principles. Parenthood softens the relationship between Capricorn man and Libra woman. In their children, they observe a harmonious combination of those traits that prevented them from finding harmony in their own relationships. Capricorn and Libra become more tolerant of each other, parenthood unites them, gives rise to common worries and joys.

If a couple is not connected by the same worldview, similar temperaments or common children, the union can be saved by joint activities on some project. A family business is an excellent field for the joint implementation of these signs. Capricorn is a great leader, and Libra is great at a job that involves interacting with people. These signs will not compete, they appreciate each other’s contribution to the common cause and try to harmoniously distribute responsibilities. A man is sometimes able to lose patience and smack a fever, but a Libra woman is able to calm down and calm a nervous spouse. The individualistic Capricorn lacks the ability to take into account the opinions and needs of other people in his reasoning, but Libra is fluent in this skill, which saves many business transactions.

Pros and cons of the union of Capricorn man – Libra woman

With a favorable development of events, the union of Earth and Air is a relationship of interchange and development. Capricorn and Libra have a lot to give and learn from their partner. In the case of mutual enthusiasm in finding common ground, their union will only improve every year. Here are the benefits of their relationship:

  • The Libra woman gives the pessimistic Capricorn a shot of optimism.
  • Both are not prone to scandals and conflicts from scratch.
  • The birth of children harmonizes relationships.
  • Capricorn teaches the Libra woman pragmatism and a realistic outlook on life.
  • Good sexual compatibility.
  • Material security.
  • The flexibility of the Libra woman and her ability to adapt to the difficult temper of Capricorn.

But if Capricorn and Libra give free rein to not their best qualities and do not compromise, the following difficulties will appear in the relationship:

  • Unreasonable spending by a Libra woman can annoy Capricorn.
  • Capricorn tends to be possessive and restrict Libra’s freedom.
  • The Libra woman is windy and prone to fleeting hobbies on the side.
  • different interests and worldviews.
  • Different rhythms of life, it can be difficult for Libra and Capricorn to synchronize with each other.
  • A Libra woman may consider Capricorn a boring bore.
  • Capricorn can be annoyed by the frivolity of Libra.

It happens that people do not fit together, but nothing prevents them from crawling carefully towards each other! Yes, in order to be happy together, this couple will have to go through a difficult period of adaptation and change to please the other person. But if the person is beloved and the only one, why not take a chance?

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