Capricorn man – Aries woman: horoscope compatibility

Representatives of these two signs of the zodiac have a completely different character and disposition. Capricorn man and Aries woman belong to different elements. Capricorn, as a representative of the earth element, is calm, responsible, self-confident. It seems as if nothing can break him and lead him astray. Aries, on the contrary, as a representative of the element of fire, has an ardent nature, they are proactive and active. But even such different signs have similar sides. Both the Capricorn man and the Aries woman have strong charisma. They are purposeful, although they often achieve their goals in various ways. For Aries, it is not so important to achieve the goal as to go through the path itself, to feel the excitement. Taurus achieve their goals with hard work. Slowly but surely.

But these two, as it may seem at first, completely different signs are attracted. They complement each other well, helping to discover new sides of their personality. Capricorn is like a rocky shore against which the fiery sea of ​​Aries’ emotions beats. Aries is trying to help Capricorn become more active, take the initiative, add thrills.

A man brings calm to this tandem, cooling the ardor of his beloved. Capricorn is very stubborn and will defend his point of view, and Aries, with his ardent nature, simply cannot afford to lose, so he will fight just as hard. The Aries woman is a fatal beauty that can kindle the flame of love in any man. Even in such a stingy with emotions and feelings, like Capricorn. She will be able to bring a little spice into his measured life, and he, in turn, will give her care and surround her with comfort. Although both one and the other side will lack tenderness and softness from a partner, this will not become a stumbling block in their pair. Due to different outlooks on life and perseverance, there may be frequent conflicts between these two signs, because of which the couple may break up even at the beginning of the relationship. But if the partners treat each other with understanding and respect the interests of others, then such a relationship will have a long and successful voyage. This couple is not the most unambiguous, we can say that the relationship will not be simple, but they cannot be called incompatible either. Both of these successful and self-confident signs are attracted like magnets, but they can also turn the wrong way, pushing each other away for a while. In fact, this union has a great future and a sea of ​​​​opportunities. In this pair, each partner will improve and help the other achieve success.

Love compatibility

A romantic relationship between a Capricorn man and an Aries woman is possible and there is even a high probability that they will breathe unevenly towards each other at the first meeting. The charm and ardent nature of a woman will interest such a calm man as Capricorn. But Capricorn needs to learn to treat such an emotional lady with understanding. The passionate lady Aries will begin to understand the calm and stubborn Capricorn, harmony will come in their pair, and they can become an example of a good relationship. But Capricorn should not let his partner get bored in their relationship. After all, if the last spark of a ram’s love goes out, it will be very difficult for this man to rekindle it. After this, the Aries woman can start looking for another couple to enjoy new emotions.

The spirit of strength reigns in this couple. These are two powerful personalities who respect each other for their successes and ability to achieve what they want. They can be together and make excellent compatibility if they understand well that there is personal space and you should not violate it.

It is necessary to accept the opinion of the other person and find a compromise before the situation gets out of control. After all, the Wounds are very quick-tempered and can start with one click, and it is quite difficult for them to cool down. In a moment of anger, they can say everything as it is. The Aries woman is very direct and will not discuss her partner with someone behind her back. If a lady does not like something, she will not be afraid and will express it all in person. So sometimes it can be difficult for her. But calm Capricorn will be able to put out the flame of rage in her if she does not stubbornly stand her ground. This tandem will be durable if the partners treat each other with care. These two signs can be perfectly combined in any relationship. Including friendship. They freely initiate each other into all aspects of their personal lives, undoubtedly helping each other. Between these two people can develop a strong friendship for many years. They are both strong personalities, purposeful. You can start competing with each other, which can allow you to come to the pinnacle of success. But such races can also negatively affect relationships if envy creeps into this couple. They must learn to respect each other and understand the goals of each.

Marriage compatibility

The Capricorn man is a representative of cautious people who are in no hurry to tie the knot. They are extremely selective in their partner and can be in a relationship for years without putting a ring on a lady’s finger. Capricorns look at their chosen one for a long time, checking her on all counts, looking at whether she fits his ideal wife. They may be in an ideal relationship, but never make a marriage proposal to a lady, not daring to move on to a more serious stage, to limit themselves. Aries women are in a hurry to quickly marry their chosen one, hinting in every possible way, and often speaking in plain text. Aries are the owners, and the ladies of this zodiac sign try to ring their beloved, to show that he is only her and no one else. Such views on marriage can give rise to disagreements in this couple; the Aries woman will more actively hint at the wedding, and the Capricorn man will try to delay this moment as far as possible. Therefore, partners need to take into account each other’s opinion on this issue. Aries should be less persistent and patient, and Capricorn should be more active in these matters and give an unambiguous answer. But if the Capricorn guy himself is in a hurry to make a cherished proposal to the lady of the heart, then you can be sure that this union will last for many years.

These are two forces, the confrontation of which will occur constantly if they cannot find the one fine line of balance and peace in their family. Aries and Capricorns are stubborn signs that are difficult to give in to each other, they will choose bright expressions, trying to offend a partner. They will not be afraid of others and that others will see their quarrels. Their relationship is full of emotion and ardor, which is so unusual for Capricorn and necessary for Aries. But their sexual compatibility is excellent, so they can throw out all the rage and fervor that they acquire in a quarrel in their intimate life.

Their life in bed is bright and temperamental, full of emotions and passion. The Aries woman in these relationships supports the fire of passion, kindling it in a partner. The Capricorn man will provide reliability and stability in this, allowing him to entrust his soul and body to him. They are quite relaxed in bed and have nothing against sex without commitment.

The couple will become good parents. The Aries girl will be a strict but caring mother. She will not miss any important event in the life of a child. Aries will give all his fiery temper and ardor to the education of his child. She will try to instill the best manners, make a good person, educate so that the child does not make the same mistakes as the parents. The wife will devote most of her free time to her baby, being interested in his success and condition. As a father, Capricorn is strict, due to his conservative nature. The head of the family will communicate with children with respect, but demanding deliberate actions. Sometimes such pressure is too strong for the child, so you should treat the baby more loyally, loosen your grip.

Pros and cons of the union Capricorn man – Aries woman

This unusual tandem also has its pluses and minuses. The benefits and positive aspects of this relationship balance the negative aspects that you need to learn how to cope with. Pros of the union of an Aries woman and a Capricorn man:

  • Both partners in a pair of incredibly strong personalities that complement each other. Thanks to this, they are able to succeed in any business and catch envious looks on themselves.
  • Independence from each other allows their business to be most effective. Their budget in marriage and business partnerships is likely to be separate, as are their roles and responsibilities.
  • Everyone will invest a huge amount of strength in these relationships, so such an alliance is very strong. Both Aries and Capricorn will treat each other with care and respect, working through shortcomings and correcting mistakes.
  • Such a tandem is characterized by financial well-being. Capricorn is extremely frugal in relation to money, he can soberly evaluate his efforts spent for the sake of this reward, therefore he appreciates every penny earned. Aries are purposeful individuals, so they will easily accumulate the amount that they have guessed, using any means. Aries ladies value practicality in money matters and handle money very carefully. They, like Capricorns, understand what it’s worth.

But, as with any couple, the union of an Aries woman and a Capricorn man has its drawbacks:

  • The main disadvantage from which all conflicts come is a different character. Opposites attract, but that can be bad. This couple are two elements fighting each other, all the time trying to change each other and suppress them with their strength of character. Aries and Capricorn are equally strong, and do not want to give in to each other. Therefore, disputes can go on for eternity and drag other people into the maelstrom of chaos.
  • The Capricorn man cannot accept, understand the impulsive and emotional nature of the Aries woman. A lady sometimes does not consider the consequences and rushes into the pool with her head. For such a scrupulous tactician as Capricorn, this behavior of his beloved is extremely strange.
  • The Capricorn man is trying to pacify the ardor of his lady of the heart, and Aries is trying to stir up his partner. Because of these attempts to correct each other, quarrels can occur in a couple.
  • These are two very strong personalities, so they constantly compete.
  • Another problem in a couple is jealousy on the part of each partner.

A pair of Capricorn man and Aries woman cannot be called an unambiguous and most ordinary couple. This is a confrontation between the two sides, their relationship can become a battlefield, but often partners can fight on the same side, complementing each other. At first glance, they are so different and at the same time so similar, they can make a great couple if they take into account each other’s wishes.

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