The conservative and stubborn Capricorn man, the light and freedom-loving Aquarius woman, the sign of the Earth and the sign of Air – what can unite these people, besides being born in the cold season? However, Capricorn and Aquarius have a reason to be drawn to each other. This is the planet Saturn, which patronizes both of these signs. It makes even so different people somewhat close and understandable to each other.
If the Aquarius woman has her eye on the Capricorn man, she will have to work hard to win his trust and interest. This pragmatic man is immediately looking for a girl worthy of becoming his future wife. He chooses a companion with his mind rather than his heart.
To conquer Capricorn, Aquarius needs to demonstrate a serious approach to life, the presence of principles and traditional attitudes towards marriage and family. A man of this sign will melt if you admire his perseverance and career success, show flexibility and patience in relation to the stubborn nature of Capricorn. He will also be delighted by the woman’s ability to cook deliciously, as well as keep the apartment cozy and clean.
The Capricorn man will also have a hard time on the way to the heart of the Aquarius woman. This girl is looking for spiritual kinship and intellectual intimacy in her chosen one. It can be difficult for a silent Capricorn to build trust and friendship with a chatty Aquarius, but without this aspect, the relationship simply does not make sense to her. This woman appreciates in men a sense of humor, sincerity and originality. To fall in love with Aquarius means to surprise her, give her a sense of novelty and celebration. Therefore, in order to win her heart, Capricorn will have to call on all his imagination and resourcefulness to help.
Love compatibility
At the dawn of mutual feelings, the Capricorn man and the Aquarius woman begin their journey towards rapprochement, each in his own way. A woman opens her soul to Capricorn, shares her innermost thoughts and ideas with him, offers to make common plans. A man will help Aquarius with advice and deed, give her, albeit banal, but beautiful flowers, perform masculine deeds. But the most reliable sign of Capricorn’s sincere love is if he can even once neglect work to take the Aquarius girl to the movies or help her around the house.
At the initial stage of the relationship, the differences of these people do not confuse, but, on the contrary, inspire them. Over time, Capricorn and Aquarius may become irritated due to a misunderstanding of their partner. But there is always a chance to restore the lost harmony, because from the qualities inherent in these signs – the romanticism of Aquarius and the pragmatism of Capricorn – a wonderful and self-sufficient love union can be formed.
The problem of this couple lies in the emotional imbalance. The element of Air makes its wards people, mainly, of feelings, and not of the mind. The Aquarius woman lives a vibrant emotional life that she wants to share with her beloved Capricorn. He tends to rationalize even his most intuitive and illogical experiences.
In addition, the Capricorn man is unlikely to share the interests of his chosen one. The Aquarius woman is very inquisitive, but her curiosity is superficial: she is interested in knowing about everything, but little by little. Capricorn, on the other hand, plunges headlong into the subject that interests him and can delve into the topic for years, especially if this knowledge can potentially bring material benefits. The superficial erudition of Aquarius does not cause much enthusiasm in him, which often offends a woman.
One of the wonderful qualities of Aquarius is her innate flexibility and ability to adapt to circumstances. Such softness of character is an indispensable feature in communicating with Capricorn. This man is practically incapable of compromise. You can either give in to him or leave the game altogether. The easy nature of the Aquarius girl allows her to choose the first option, thereby maintaining the relationship. But, no matter how patient Aquarius is, her patience can come to an end if the Capricorn man neglects her opinion and does not pay enough attention to her. Feeling indifference, the Aquarius woman will certainly not stay with a man ignoring her for a single extra second.
The relationship between a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman often begins with friendship. Sometimes they end there. In friendly communication, these signs can be really good with each other. Aquarius infects Capricorn with positivity and love of life, and he, in turn, “grounds” his girlfriend, teaches her a pragmatic and reasonable attitude to life. Friends Capricorn and Aquarius are unlikely to go together to conquer nightclubs and noisy companies, but they regularly meet in quiet cozy cafes to share the latest events, ask each other for advice and laugh together at life, with its turmoil.
Marriage compatibility
Marriages between these signs are not often concluded. Even the loving Capricorn man and Aquarius woman understand that they are unlikely to be able to satisfy each other’s needs until the end of time. But it happens that these people become so attached that they create a family, despite the irreconcilable traits of their characters. There are certainly chances for the marriage of Capricorn and Aquarius.
But there will be enough difficulties on the way to achieving family harmony. Capricorn expects that his wife will be the faithful mistress of a cozy fortress in the rear, to which he will be able to return after battles in a career field. Aquarius, on the other hand, clearly does not want to exist for the rest of his days as the head of frying pans and mops. This woman is attracted by life in its entirety, she has enough ambition and desire to fulfill herself. She needs a family, first of all, as a place for the unity of two souls, joint contemplation and creation.
The Capricorn man is jealous, and the Aquarius woman is not inclined to put on a monastic robe after marriage. She likes the attention of men, but Aquarius will definitely not agree to more than light flirting. And the Aquarius girl can go for flirting only if she lacks attention from her man. If the jealous Capricorn wants the chosen one to be faithful to him even in innocent little things, then it is worth pleasing the Aquarius woman more often with compliments.
It is important for a couple of Capricorn and Aquarius to discuss issues related to the material side of life at the beginning of living together. These signs have a completely different attitude towards money: Aquarius considers it reasonable to invest in self-development and travel, while Capricorn is unlikely to consider spending on something less fundamental than buying real estate justified. A woman allows herself to buy small trinkets, while a man is ready to limit himself in everything if his goal is to save up for something serious. This couple may split the budget or plan out spending to minimize conflicts over money and leave energy for arguing about higher things.
In intimate life, Capricorn and Aquarius will not immediately be able to tune in to each other’s temperaments. The Aquarius woman loves experiments, role reversals and sensual moods in sex. Capricorn, on the contrary, is overly conservative, although it is distinguished by excellent technique and endurance. To achieve harmony in bed, these signs need to build a strong emotional contact.
The slightest internal tension upsets the sexual union of this couple. Therefore, before rushing into the abyss of passion, speak out and forget all the insults and barbs received from each other during the day. The bedroom becomes for Capricorn and Aquarius a place of maximum openness and sincerity with each other. Combining sex with a kind of group psychotherapy, these signs approach and trust each other, and along with this, the quality of their sexual life grows.
The appearance of children in this family can renew the union of Capricorn and Aquarius, breathe new life and feelings into it. Motherhood transforms an airy woman in the eyes of Capricorn: she becomes more responsible, wiser and calmer, immersed in caring for her beloved children.
Aquarius has a real talent to communicate with children: she will become their reliable friend, without losing parental authority. The Capricorn man is more concerned with the material side of the issue of raising offspring. He wants to provide the child with a decent education and a bright future, and is ready to work for this purpose almost day and night. But dad Capricorn does not forget about direct contact with the child. He tries to be a good example for his children, but sometimes he goes too far with moralizing. In this case, his notations may have the opposite effect of what was intended.
In the family of a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman, children have more trusting contact with their mother, but their father is respected and loved no less. They grow up educated, “loved”, but not spoiled people, with strong moral principles, thanks to their father Capricorn, and careful attitude to the feelings of others, thanks to their mother Aquarius.
Pros and cons of the union Capricorn man – Aquarius woman
Capricorn and Aquarius, despite the difference in characters, are able to find an approach to each other. If these people accept their differences and really want to be together, the relationship will consist of the following pluses:
- Harmonious addition and joint development.
- Vitality and activity of both partners.
- Capricorn and Aquarius make great parents.
- Both signs are self-sufficient and do not stop self-development, even after marriage.
- Capricorn and Aquarius know how to approach everything with humor.
- Sexual compatibility improves with age.
- The Aquarius woman helps Capricorn discover the sensual side of her nature.
- The Capricorn man teaches Aquarius a pragmatic outlook on life.
But you can look at the union of these signs through gray glasses. The difference in temperaments creates a lot of inconvenience for Capricorn and Aquarius. Here are some of them:
- Different values and outlook.
- The Capricorn man is jealous of Aquarius and can begin to control her.
- Emotional incompatibility.
- Different attitude to money and life.
- An Aquarius woman may lack communication and intimacy next to a closed Capricorn.
- These signs have a different idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbrest and entertainment.
Whether the union of the Capricorn man and the Aquarius woman will be long-lasting and successful depends entirely on the sincerity of their desire to be together. Any transformations and compromises are possible if both feel kinship and warmth in each other, despite all differences, and strive for one goal – a happy future together.