Capricorn: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity

😉 Greetings to new and regular readers of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! In the article “Capricorn: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrities” a complete portrait of Capricorn.

Period from December 22 to January 20

Capricorn: character

Representatives of this zodiac sign are people of strong will and high ambitions. They achieve their goals slowly but surely. They never get tired of learning and improving. They are sociable, and at the same time withdrawn. About the shortcomings and how to fix them.

Capricorn: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity

They are patronized by Saturn – the planet of “small misfortune”. Thanks to her influence, they can be callous and cruel. However, the good side of Saturn endows them with hard work, reliability and a love of discipline.

The Capricorn element is Earth, so they are practical and have a cold mind. Before making a decision, they weigh everything carefully. Such people listen to the advice of others, but they make the decision themselves.

They are devoted in friendship, honest and loyal in relationships, responsible in their work, value quality and stability in everything. They have a solid inner core and have excellent self-control.

Strong and successful player

This zodiac sign always wants to be the first in everything. On the surface, he may seem timid and shy, but this is only a mask. Observes traditions and morality, values ​​family relations, respects parents and people who are older in status.

In general, he is a systemic person. The role of a revolutionary or a reformer is not suitable for him. He does not come up with new ideas, but observes the old bylaws.

His career path is not a springboard with ups and downs. Such a person moves towards the goal step by step, step by step. He is very careful in his actions and knows how to keep his mouth shut.

Mexican passions in his personal life or petty affairs at work are not for him. Home comfort and peace of mind are much more important. Capricorns are humble but strong-willed. They enjoy being praised for their work. They become romantic already at maturity.

Wards of Saturn put family first, even if they hold a high position. They are wise in relationships, love children and try to cultivate the best qualities in them.

People born under this sign choose an intelligent partner, companion and like-minded person. Strive for calmness and comfort in a relationship. Marriage is taken seriously. Often they marry or get married of convenience. They know how to be faithful. They are conservative and respectful of tradition.

Dedicating themselves to work, Capricorns may not care about their appearance. Usually they are not chasing fashion, but prefer classic or retro style. In general, such people are loyal allies and responsible colleagues. They can be entrusted with any business.

Capricorn – famous people

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Edgar Poe;
  • Adriano Celentano;
  • Marlene Dietrich;
  • Nikolai Tsiskaridze;
  • Joseph Rudyard Kipling;
  • Nostradamus;
  • Moliere;
  • Whether;
  • Michel Mercier;
  • Nina Ricci;
  • Sir Isaac Newton;
  • Archip Quinji;
  • Hieromonk Photius;
  • Elvis Presley;
  • Konstantin Khabensky;
  • Osip Mandelstam;
  • Martin Luther King;
  • Benjamin Franklin;
  • Henri Matiss;
  • Mel Gibson;
  • Sir Anthony Hopkins;
  • Carlos Castaneda;
  • Federico Fellini;
  • Aristotle Socrates Onassis;
  • Vanessa Paradi;
  • Mao Zedong;
  • Jeanne d’Arc;
  •  Karel Čapek;
  •  Albert Schweitzer;
  •  Galina Ulanova;
  • Al Capone.

Capricorn: characteristics of the zodiac sign – video

General Characteristics of the Sign of Capricorn. “Gloomy child of Saturn”

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