Capricorn and Capricorn: Horoscope Sign Compatibility

The union of two people born under the constellation Capricorn is a relationship in which you can see yourself in a partner, as if in a mirror. The Capricorn man and woman are united not only by a similar character and temperament, but also by common values ​​and life goals. It would seem that what could be more successful than to get your spiritual twin as a beloved? However, not everything is so clear.

To conquer a Capricorn man, a woman of the same sign needs to rely on femininity and softness. This man is usually serious and immediately looks for the qualities in the girl that his future wife should have. The Capricorn woman has enough responsibility and decency, which her chosen one so appreciates. But, in addition to a faithful companion, this man wants to see a tender and caring woman in his future wife.

Capricorns do not often pay attention to each other when they first meet. Both are restrained both in internal and external manifestations, they are dressed simply and strictly, they prefer to remain silent in the company. Capricorns will be able to recognize “their own” where they show themselves in all their glory: in the labor field.

For Capricorns who are passionate about work, smoke comes out from under their hands, and their eyes burn. These two note each other first as worthy competitors, then as partners, but, gradually, a more personal interest arises between them. The Capricorn girl in men is attracted by intelligence, reliability and good breeding. Financial security and prospects also play an important role. Capricorn is accustomed to a pragmatic view of the world, pink castles and dreams are the least of her worries. A man standing firmly on his feet with iron principles and the ability to take responsibility is what a woman of this sign needs. The Capricorn man has everything that this girl is looking for with her mind, but even the pragmatic Capricorn chooses love not only with her mind, but also with her feelings. Her heart will be very pleased with the romantic impulses and actions of the chosen one. So, if a Capricorn man wants to get this girl, no one has canceled beautiful courtship even in the 21st century.

Love compatibility

Even when Capricorns fell head over heels in love with each other, the beginning of their relationship can be delayed due to the caution and isolation of both. The first step is most often taken by the Capricorn man. The rapprochement of these people from the side can look a little awkward – they are not used to dealing with feelings, so both feel insecure and constrained. But, gradually, Capricorns understand that their embarrassment and awkwardness are mutual, and relax.

Their first dates will be filled with a joyful feeling of unanimity in thoughts and desires. They soon begin to trust each other. Capricorns even have a feeling that they have found their halves. Alas, the truth is that Capricorns found in each other not an addition to their own personality, but rather its mirror image. Delight from the feeling of kinship can be replaced by boredom from the predictability of a partner, and then completely turn into irritation.

The problem of the union of two Capricorns is in the endless stubbornness of both. These man and woman can hardly be called flexible natures. They tend to stand their ground to the last, considering their own opinion more important than the opinion of another.

Grinding in the relationship between a Capricorn man and a woman is a scythe grinding against a stone. But gradually both soften and adapt to the nature of the partner. In the relations of people of this sign, there is hardly a place for romance and joint adventures, but there is constancy, loyalty and reliability in them. Capricorns are very jealous by nature, but they trust each other. Men and women of this sign feel that their relationship is equally important for both, so there is simply no place for petty intrigues on the side in this union.

Capricorns are given complete mutual understanding in the intellectual sphere. They do not arrange drama without a reason and rationally perceive information. Their communication is devoid of idle chatter and is constructive. The main communication between the Capricorn man and woman takes place without words, but rather through doing something together. But this does not mean that this pair does not have a heart-to-heart talk. They just happen rarely, but always – about the most intimate.

Marriage compatibility

Capricorns are conservative by nature, they see a natural continuation of a serious relationship legal marriage. The fateful decision is made in this pair not in a romantic outburst of a kneeling gesture, but after a long weighing of all the pros and cons. The marriage of a Capricorn man and a woman is a triumph of common sense, not feelings. But Capricorns enter into it quite consciously and with a full understanding of what they are going for and why they need it. Two Capricorn pedants will be tempted to paint their entire life together like a ledger. But planning leads to predictability, and predictability leads to deadly boredom.

Capricorns need to allow spontaneity and emotion to permeate their lives. The more space in the family for unplanned trips to nature or sudden trips to the cinema, the easier and easier family life will be for them.

In intimate life, a Capricorn man and woman should be comfortable enough with each other. Yes, in the union of the two elements of the Earth, fire and sensuality may not be enough, but both are endowed with a healthy sexual temperament and the ability to understand their own desires and the desires of a partner. Their intimate life has an enviable constancy and harmony.

The Capricorn woman prefers to be led, while the man gets the role of the conqueror, which suits him perfectly. But, over time, Capricorn’s sex runs the risk of becoming a routine performance of marital duty. In order to avoid such a sad metamorphosis, these signs should not forget about the feelings and inspiration that you should not be afraid to experience when you are alone with your loved one.

Capricorn parents run the risk of going too far in raising children. They are so concerned about the future of their offspring that in an attempt to prepare children for adulthood, they forget to let them enjoy the happy times of childhood. Capricorns teach their children from an early age to set and achieve goals, to be honest, responsible and not to build castles in the air. Children may lack emotional contact with their parents: Capricorns often have neither the strength nor the time for it. With the advent of children, these workaholics begin to work even harder to give children the opportunity to develop their talents in the best educational institutions and circles in the city. In this family, the situation is natural when the child is still walking under the table, and the parents have already set aside money for his studies at a prestigious university. Educated, hardworking and purposeful children grow up in the Capricorn family, unless, of course, excessive parental control broke their psyche and turned them into incorrigible rebels or weak-willed robots.

If one Capricorn is able to move mountains, then for two Capricorns and the planet to turn in the other direction is not a problem. In the career field, these people are really capable of anything, as if by nature they are imprisoned for the stubborn achievement of goals and moving only forward. If the Capricorn family decides to join forces by opening a joint business, the success of the enterprise is inevitable.

Two energetic and far-sighted pragmatists will be able to survive any crisis. The only thing that threatens their fruitful partnership is competition with each other. Two stubborn Capricorns can ruin their own endeavor if their rivalry, from a healthy and motivating competition, turns into a fierce struggle for leadership. A Capricorn man and woman should immediately share their responsibilities and appreciate each other’s contribution to the cause, no less than their own.

Pros and cons of the union Capricorn man – Capricorn woman

The similarity of a man and a woman born under the constellation Capricorn creates a unique atmosphere of trust and understanding between them and leads to many other advantages, for example:

  • Capricorns have common values ​​and are guided by similar principles in life.
  • By joining forces, this couple can achieve material well-being for their family for more than one generation to come.
  • Capricorns do not have problems with emotional dissatisfaction in relationships, feelings for both do not matter much.
  • Perfect intellectual compatibility.
  • Capricorns are loyal, value family and traditional values.
  • Good sexual compatibility.
  • Unanimity in the methods of raising children.
  • Similar temperaments and the rhythm of life of Capricorns make it easy to establish a common life and life.

But the similarity of the two Capricorns has a downside. In this union, there is no mutual complement, and the negative sides of a man and a woman reinforce each other and intensify. The disadvantages of this union are:

  • Both people are self-centered and selfish.
  • Stubbornness and uncompromising attitude towards a partner.
  • The propensity for planning and caution of the Capricorn man and woman makes their life predictable and dreary.
  • The low emotional background of Capricorns leaves no room for feelings in their relationship.
  • They can compete with each other for a prize in the race up the career ladder.
  • Capricorn man and woman have closed and hidden natures. Both can hide in their shells and hold grudges against each other for a long time.

But the main potential of the union of two Capricorns is the opportunity to see their own shortcomings in each other and change for the better. If a Capricorn man and woman choose this relationship not only as an opportunity to live in a comfort zone without changing their habits, but also as a field for joint development and creativity, then their love can really be called priceless and real.

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