Capillary mesh: how to get rid of? Video

The capillary mesh is an unpleasant cosmetic defect. The vascular networks themselves do not pose any danger to health, but they can spoil the mood, because for a modern person it is important to look beautiful. You can get rid of capillary networks.

It is a mistake to think that it will be possible to remove capillary nets on our own, even if they did not hit the face, but, as often happens, the legs or forearms. If we are talking about small manifestations, then you can try using creams or masks sold in pharmacies. However, it is difficult to achieve a significant effect only with the help of cosmetics.

At night, try to make masks more often from a decoction of chamomile, string, nettle. They are excellent at soothing the skin. The capillary mesh will not go away, but it will significantly lighten, and it can be hidden with ordinary powder.

In order to prepare the mask, you will need:

  • plastic container with lid
  • still mineral water
  • dried flower of the selected herb
  • gauze

Boil 2 tbsp for 3-2 minutes. tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of mineral water. Excess moisture will evaporate, and the flowers are saturated with mineral water and swell, you get a gruel, which must be put in a plastic container and tightly closed with a lid. Leave the mask to steam for two hours.

Put the gruel on cheesecloth and mask for 7-10 minutes. You do not need to wash your face after the procedure. Please note that you do not need to apply dried flowers directly to the skin, it is much more convenient to work with gauze.

Apple cider vinegar compresses can help reduce the number of capillaries visible. Just soak a cotton swab in vinegar (if you are making a compress on your face, you can dilute the vinegar a little with water) and leave it on the affected area for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to wash after the procedure.

If the fact of using vinegar scares you (and vinegar really dries the skin), make similar compresses from cabbage juice

Simply grind the cabbage leaf in a blender and let sit for 10 minutes. The cabbage will give abundant juice. It remains to moisten a tampon in it and apply for 5-7 minutes on the capillary mesh.

Soothing compresses from arnica and hazel help well in the early stages, however, they have a significant drawback: the hazel bark is heavily colored, so compresses can be done only on the shins.

To radically remove the capillary mesh from the skin, you should consult a specialist. Today, several methods of eliminating vascular networks are widely used, and the clinic will advise you on the best option.

Never self-medicate or self-diagnose. The appearance of a capillary mesh is an alarm signal and a reason to consult a doctor!

Removing the capillary mesh with a laser is a modern, safe and painless method to quickly remove the red capillary pattern. Using a laser beam, the vessel is “sealed” and the mesh disappears. After laser exposure, there are no scars, scars or any other marks, the likelihood of negative consequences or relapses is close to zero. When carrying out such an operation, healthy areas of the skin are not affected, therefore, the removal of the capillary network from the skin using a laser can be recommended to everyone, without exception.

Cauterization of vascular formations with a high-frequency current, or electrocoagulation, is a procedure no less effective than laser removal of meshes. However, the removal of the capillary network with electricity is somewhat painful, in addition, such cauterization affects healthy tissue, therefore, after the procedure, there is a risk of damage to the skin. Doctors, as a rule, try to apply dressings with septic tanks to the treated areas.

It is important to contact professionals in a good clinic for electrocoagulation, otherwise you will have to get rid of scars or scars

One of the oldest techniques is cryodestruction. Freezing tissues with liquid nitrogen has been used for many years; a number of advantages of this method can be noted. So, there is no need to process each small vessel separately, because the treatment takes less time. The efficiency of nitrogen freezing is high, but cryodestruction has a number of contraindications. Be sure to talk to your doctor before treatment.

After freezing with nitrogen, a red crust remains on the skin, in rare cases – scars or scars, therefore, a clinic and a specialist should be selected carefully

The clinic may also advise a less radical set of measures to remove the capillary network from the skin. The exact treatment regimen is selected by the cosmetologist after examination and identification of the reasons that led to the appearance of the vascular network. Perhaps, treatment will be prescribed aimed at thinning the blood (to avoid the formation of blood clots), strengthening blood vessels, lowering blood pressure or increasing the body’s resistance.

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