Capillaries on the legs: causes of appearance. Video
A fine mesh of capillaries that shines through the skin on the legs and lies practically on its surface is by no means only a cosmetic defect. If you ignore it, you can miss the symptoms of a much more severe vascular disease. At the same time, simple preventive measures and knowledge of the causes of what is happening will allow you not to worry about possible negative consequences.
Capillaries on the legs: causes of appearance
The capillary mesh, which is also called rosacea, is a violation of blood circulation in certain groups of vessels, as a result of which their walls expand, due to which they become more visible than other small capillaries. If there is a rupture of the walls of blood vessels, due to the release of a small volume of blood, spider veins are formed. Most often, a similar defect occurs on the face, wings of the nose, under the eyes, and it can also be seen on the legs, which many seek to get rid of.
When a vascular network appears, it will not be superfluous to visit a phlebologist, since a similar problem with blood vessels may be the first symptom of varicose veins.
Reasons for the appearance of a capillary network
There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, ranging from hypersensitivity of the skin to the weakness of the walls of blood vessels. The latter reason can be considered the main one, since it is she who contributes to the appearance of such a pattern on the skin. Circulatory problems can be caused by stress, malnutrition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, hormonal imbalances, excess weight, excessive physical exertion, or, conversely, their complete absence.
The forerunners of the subsequent appearance of the vascular network can be:
- painful sensations in the legs
- feeling of heaviness and fatigue
- swelling, especially in the evening
Already at this stage, it is desirable to revise the lifestyle and engage in physical education. Even small loads help to improve blood circulation and prevent further expansion of veins and blood vessels, and then the vessels will not burst. This applies not only to the legs, arms, but also to other parts of the body, on which the capillary network protrudes. Also, if there is a tendency to the appearance of a vascular network on the body, sunlight should be avoided.
You can strengthen blood vessels with the help of proper nutrition, foods in which are rich in vitamins C and P
How to remove the vascular mesh
Strengthening of blood vessels is to a greater extent a preventive measure, while vessels already visible on the surface of the skin need to be treated. For this, there are both folk recipes and guaranteed plastic surgery. The latter are carried out in clinics by specialists, when the walls of a burst vessel are, as it were, sealed, due to which the cosmetic defect disappears. Folk recipes recommend getting rid of the plexus of the vascular network by ingesting decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John’s wort as a medicine. Also use topical compresses on the affected area from apple cider vinegar or aloe pulp. Lotions with vinegar are applied for several minutes twice a day, and aloe compresses are left overnight. The course of treatment should be at least a month, if necessary, it can be repeated, and then the vessels will not show through so clearly.
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