Cantabas – tincture of black currant buds

Homemade blackcurrant bud tincture is remembered for its light green or brown color, the characteristic smell of currants and a mild taste with berry and tannic notes in the aftertaste. The drink is considered rare and seasonal, because it is stored for only a few weeks, and it is difficult to collect many buds.

For cooking, blackcurrant buds that have not yet been opened are required (usually appear in April), it is better to collect them from the top of the bush so as not to harm the future harvest of berries. The alcohol base should be neutral: vodka, sugar moonshine (double purification) and ethyl alcohol diluted with water will do.

Currant bud tincture recipe


  • black currant buds – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 l;
  • sugar (fructose or flower honey) – 0,5 teaspoon (optional).

Sugar or honey is added to soften the taste, it is better to do this at the end of cooking after infusion.

Technology of preparation

1. Rinse currant buds in running water, put in a glass bottle or jar, then pour in an alcohol base and close tightly.

2. Be sure to insist 5 days in a dark place (or cover with a cloth) at room temperature.

3. Strain the finished drink through gauze or a kitchen strainer. Taste, sweeten with sugar, fructose or honey if desired.

Cantabas – tincture of black currant buds

Attention! The color of the tincture varies from light green to brown, it depends on the degree of opening of the blackcurrant buds and even the variety of the bush, but with different colors the taste is the same.

Shelf life of blackcurrant bud tincture is up to 14 days, be sure to store in a dark, cool place. After a few weeks, the drink significantly loses its aroma and taste. Fortress – 36-38% vol.

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