Canned beans by Bonduelle withdrawn from the market. The reason for the defective packaging

The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate issued a public warning regarding the recall of Bonduelle’s canned products. These are baked beans and Indian curry beans.

Defective packaging of beans in the Bonduelle can

As we read in the announcement issued by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, two types of Bonduelle canned products (listed below) are being withdrawn from the market all over Poland due to the inadequate quality of the packaging. It is about the lack of hermetic closure and the possibility of leakage of the contents, which may pose a risk to the health of consumers.

Details on recalled products:

  1. POLISH BRETON BEANS, 31/03/24 RHG042510.14 L 07/05/2020 019 Hx *, then the production time is between 02:40 and 07:20, 425 ml;
  2. INDIAN CURRY BEAN, 31/03/24 RHG042510.25 L07 / 05/2020 019 Hx production time between 21:40 and 23:35, 425 ml;
  3. INDIAN CURRY BEAN, 31/03/24 RHG042510.14 L 07/05/2020 019 Hx production time between 01:45 and 06:35, 425 ml.

* x can be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7.

Date of minimum durability: 31.03.2024/25/2750. Country of origin: Hungary. Producer: Bonduelle Central Europe Kft., Ceglédi út XNUMX, XNUMX Nagykőrös, Hungary

Recommendations for consumers

As we read in the GIS release, the products indicated in the warning should not be eaten. The products were delivered to recipients in Poland in June and July 2020. Recipients should stop selling these products as well as remove them from store shelves. The bodies of the State Sanitary Inspection supervise the withdrawal of the above-mentioned products from the market.

GIS alerts that have appeared recently:

  1. GIS warns: listeria bacteria in hamburgers
  2. GIS informs about the recall of “FRUPP” bars. The reason is a foreign body
  3. Popular bacon from Biedronka withdrawn. The reason is dangerous bacteria

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