Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Cystitis is one of the most common diseases among the female population, in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder occurs. The disease is dangerous because it often becomes chronic. If there is no treatment, or the wrong treatment is chosen, cystitis will constantly recur, causing the corresponding symptoms.

In recent years, cystitis treatment protocols have been revised and changed. Therapy of inflammation of the bladder involves an integrated approach, using not only oral medications, but also suppositories of various effects. [1], [2], [3].

Cystitis from the point of view of modern science

Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Cystitis is one of those diseases that significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, causing not only physical but also psychological discomfort. The disease provokes frequent urge to empty the bladder, which ends in pain and pain. In addition, cystitis often becomes chronic.

The disease is widespread, the International Association of Urology is closely involved in it. Scientists annually develop new ways to treat cystitis.

Studies show that there is a direct relationship between the incidence of the disease and the following factors:

  • Standard of living.

  • Ecology.

  • Gender.

  • Age.

Most often, women suffer from cystitis, which is associated with the peculiarities of the structure of their genitourinary system. However, men are also affected by the disease.

Cystitis often becomes chronic, its relapses occur in every 10 patients, and every second woman has symptoms at least once in her life. The average age of patients is 20-45 years, although inflammation of the bladder is often diagnosed in girls under 18 years of age and in women who have entered menopause.

Cystitis is a serious disease. There is evidence that every 4 women who have experienced more than 3 episodes of inflammation in their life are later diagnosed with bladder cancer. Every 5 patient suffers from damage to the interstitium of the organ and recurrent pain. All this happens against the background of a decrease in the volume of the bladder, which in the future threatens with disability.

Advantages and disadvantages of suppositories

The use of suppositories for cystitis allows you to deliver the active ingredient to the inflamed tissues, bypassing the organs of the digestive system, which reduces their negative impact on the body. Most drugs are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, reaching the bladder mucosa.

The main disadvantage of using suppositories for cystitis is that they can cause allergic reactions, which are most often manifested by itching and burning in the injection area. However, side effects occur infrequently, mainly in case of violation of the instructions or when used without prior consultation with a specialist.

Types of candles and their purpose

Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Suppositories from cystitis can be inserted into the vagina and into the rectum, therefore, vaginal and rectal suppositories are distinguished.

Also, all drugs differ in the mode of action:

  • With antibacterial effect. They are used for cystitis provoked by bacterial flora. Most often, such suppositories are used for acute inflammation in order to destroy microbes.

  • With analgesic effect. They allow you to relieve spasm, reduce the negative manifestations of the disease.

  • With anti-inflammatory action. Their use allows you to restore damaged tissues, speed up recovery, relieve inflammation and pain. Most of them allow you to reduce body temperature.

  • Candles of hematogenous properties. They are aimed at increasing immunity and accelerating the regeneration of damaged cells.

Combined action candles are the most effective.

For the treatment of cystitis, candles are used, which have a different effect on the course of the disease. They have an antibacterial effect, others act as an antiseptic. There are suppositories with analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. [4], [5].

Candles with antibacterial and antiseptic effect

Antimicrobial suppositories for cystitis allow you to destroy the causative agent of the disease and prevent the attachment of a secondary infection.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles from cystitis Hexicon – price 350 rubles. The drug contains chlorhexidine, presented in the form of white or white-yellow vaginal tablets. They are used to treat cystitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, gardnerella.


  • The drug is effective in the treatment of purulent cystitis.

  • Does not affect its own microflora.

  • A small list of contraindications.


  • Prohibited for use by women under 18 years of age.

  • Side effects in the form of allergies, itching and burning at the injection site.

  • For the period of therapy, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Vaginal suppositories Betadine – 600 rubles. The active ingredient is povidone-iodine. The drug is used as an antiseptic, it has a disinfectant effect, destroys fungi and protozoa. Candles have an antibacterial effect, destroying E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus [6].


  • It is practically not absorbed into the blood, without having a systemic effect on the body.

  • A small list of contraindications.

  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation, but under medical supervision.

  • Made in Hungary.


  • High price.

  • Prohibition for use in diseases of the thyroid gland.

  • Side effects in the form of itching and burning at the injection site.

  • Individuals with thyroid disease may develop hyperthyroidism.

  • Do not combine with other antiseptics, including hydrogen peroxide.

  • They have a spermicidal effect, so their use is not recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles Palin – 350 rubles. The main active ingredient is pipemidic acid. The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect, affecting E. coli, staphylococci, salmonella and more. Candles can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis.


  • High antibacterial activity.

  • Ease of use. For the treatment of cystitis, it is enough to administer the drug once a day, in the evening.


  • Prohibition of use during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Do not use suppositories for the treatment of persons under 14 years of age, patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the central nervous system.

  • During therapy, you can not take alcoholic beverages, is under the influence of direct sunlight.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles Urosept – price 800 rubles. The main active ingredient is pipemide acid trihydrate. The drug from the group of quinolones is active against gram-negative microbial flora. Candles are inserted into the rectum, the main active substance is absorbed into the blood, and then penetrates into the urine.


  • Can be used for acute and chronic cystitis.

  • After administration in the bladder, the drug accumulates in high concentration, which has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

  • The action is enhanced by alkalinization of urine.


  • It interacts with other substances.

  • The drug is not effective against gram-positive flora and anaerobic bacteria.

  • Do not prescribe to persons with severe impairment of liver and kidney function, with an allergy to quinolones.

  • Prohibition of use during pregnancy and lactation.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Vaginal suppositories Clotrimazole – 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. The drug can be used for cystitis provoked by fungal flora.


  • Slight systemic effect on the body.

  • Affordable.


  • Prohibition of use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

  • Limited scope (only for fungal cystitis).

  • Allergic reactions are possible.

  • Do not use during menstrual bleeding.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Vaginal suppositories Nystatin – 100 rubles. The active substance is nystatin. Candles are used to destroy fungi of the genus Candida, they can be used in the treatment and prevention of candidal cystitis.


  • Rare occurrence of resistance.

  • Can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

  • Доступная цена.

  • Treatment is not interrupted during menstruation.


  • Do not administer to persons under 18 years of age and pregnant women.

  • Limited spectrum of activity (only fungi of the genus Candida).

  • The need for two doses per day.

Candles for cystitis with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

Cystitis is always accompanied by inflammation, causing painful spasms when trying to empty the bladder. Candles are designed to reduce the symptoms of inflammation and relieve pain, thereby speeding up recovery and alleviating the course of the disease.

Candles with propolis

Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles with propolis – 300 rubles. The active ingredient is propolis. The use of suppositories can reduce inflammation and pain, accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues, and strengthen the immune system.


  • Natural composition.

  • Can be used for acute and chronic cystitis.

  • The drug does not interact with other drugs.


  • Homeopathic remedy, the effectiveness of which has not been scientifically proven.

  • Do not use for persons under 18 years of age, as well as for people allergic to bee products.

  • Storage requires special conditions. The temperature should be in the range of 5 to 15 degrees.

Sea buckthorn candles

Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Sea buckthorn candles – price 300 rubles. The active ingredient is sea buckthorn fruit oil in a concentrated form. The use of suppositories for cystitis allows you to start the recovery processes in the mucous tissues, accelerates healing, and helps relieve inflammation. Candles have an antioxidant effect, act as a mild immunostimulant, and prevent tissue damage at the cellular level.


  • Herbal preparation.

  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Candles are suitable for use in acute and chronic forms of cystitis.


  • Cannot be used for diarrhea.

  • Allergic reactions are possible.

  • Candles must be stored at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees so that they do not lose their medicinal properties.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles Diclofenac – 80 rubles. The main active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. A drug from the NSAID group is used for cystitis to relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and lower body temperature.


  • The effect develops quickly, the drug begins to act half an hour after administration.

  • Comprehensive action in the form of pain relief and inflammation relief.

  • Доступная цена.


  • Candles do not affect the progression of the disease, but only help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

  • A wide list of contraindications and side effects.

  • Do not use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Suppositories Voltaren – price 30 rubles. The main active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. The use of the drug for cystitis allows you to stop inflammation, has an analgesic effect, reduces body temperature. Its use allows you to remove inflammatory edema and make you feel better.


  • Quick effect.

  • Removal of pain and inflammation, which in acute cystitis comes to the fore.

  • It is possible to use during pregnancy, but only after consultation with a specialist.

  • Produced in France.


  • The drug does not have a significant effect on the course of the disease.

  • The list of contraindications and side effects is extensive.

  • People with stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, a tendency to allergic reactions and liver disease should use Voltaren with caution.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles Papaverine – price 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is papaverine hydrochloride. The drug from the group of antispasmodics effectively relieves pain in acute and chronic cystitis. Its action is aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles of the genitourinary system.


  • It has minimal effect on the central nervous system.

  • Allows you to relieve spasms from the bladder, to alleviate well-being in the acute phase of the disease.

  • It is possible to use during pregnancy, but after consultation with a specialist.

  • Доступная цена.


  • It is impossible to take in high doses, as the drug has a sedative effect.

  • Bioavailability does not exceed 25%.

  • Side effects in villa allergic reactions, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure and constipation.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Rectal and vaginal suppositories – price 850 rubles. The active substance is interferon alpha-2b human recombinant, taurine, benzocaine. The drug from the group of immunomodulators allows you to speed up recovery by activating the immune system at the cellular level. Candles have antiviral and antibacterial action.


  • High bioavailability, which reaches 80%.

  • Possibility of application for cystitis of various etiologies.

  • Recovery occurs due to the activation of one’s own defenses.

  • The drug is well tolerated by patients.

  • Use during pregnancy is possible, but only after consulting a doctor.


  • The drug can only be used in a complex treatment regimen.

  • Allergic reactions at the local level are possible.

  • High price.

complex action


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Polygynax vaginal capsules – 450 rubles. The main active ingredient is represented by three components: Neomycin sulfate, Nystatin and Polymyxin B sulfate. The drug is a combined antibiotic, active against gram-negative and gram-positive flora [7].


  • complex effect.

  • Does not have a systemic effect on the body.

  • It can be used for acute and chronic cystitis in a complex therapy regimen.

  • During menstruation, the course is not interrupted.

  • Made in France.


  • Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • Allergic reactions are possible.

  • Cannot be used in conjunction with spermicides.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles from cystitis Macmirror – the price is 1100 rubles. The active ingredients are nifuratel and nystatin. The drug is active against fungi, bacteria and protozoa. it is prescribed for cystitis provoked by Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Trichomonas, amoeba, enterobacteria, etc.


  • High efficiency and low toxicity.

  • Wide range of activities.

  • The drug does not violate the physiological flora, does not cause the development of dysbacteriosis.

  • Does not interact with other drugs.

  • Can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

  • Italian quality.


  • High price.

  • Allergic reactions are possible.

The most inexpensive


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Metliuracil suppositories – price 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. The use of suppositories allows you to relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system, accelerate the recovery of bladder tissues.


  • The drug helps to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, which is important for acute cystitis.

  • Доступная цена.

  • Does not interact with other drugs.

  • Stimulates local immunity.


  • Causes allergic reactions in the form of itching and mild burning.

  • The indication for use from the official instructions is the treatment of erosive-ulcerative colitis and anal fissures. Therefore, they can be used for cystitis only after consulting a specialist.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Synthomycin vaginal suppositories – price 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is synthomycin. Candles are used for bacterial cystitis. They interfere with protein synthesis in the microbial cell, causing its death. The drug can be used for purulent cystitis caused by E. coli, shigella, staphylococci and streptococci, chlamydia and other pathogenic flora.


  • Affordable.

  • When administered vaginally, it does not have a systemic effect on the body, acting at the local level.

  • Wide spectrum of antibacterial activity.


  • The drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Cannot be used to treat girls who do not live sexually.

  • Adverse reactions in the form of allergies, inhibition of hematopoietic function, burning sensation during urination.

  • Weakens the effect of certain drugs (Clindamycin, Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Penicillins, Cephalosporins) when used together.

  • Cannot be used while drinking alcohol.


Candles from cystitis: pros and cons

Candles Indomethacin – 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is indomethacin. The drug belongs to the group of NSAIDs, relieves pain, reduces inflammation, helps to lower body temperature. Its use can alleviate the symptoms of cystitis, remove swelling from the tissues.


  • complex effect.

  • Rapid improvement in well-being. The drug begins to act within 30 minutes.

  • Доступная цена.


  • Wide list of contraindications.

  • Candles do not cure cystitis, they are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

  • Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – how to treat cystitis at home:

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