Candles for prostatitis: TOP-15

A sedentary, passive lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, infections often become factors provoking the development of such an unpleasant disease in people as prostatitis. Effective means for the treatment of this pathology are special remedies for prostatitis. They act faster than oral drugs and are less safe for the gastrointestinal tract. Candles are made from natural and synthetic ingredients. Candles for prostatitis are prescribed to patients as an adjuvant, using them simultaneously with antibacterial drugs (for bacterial prostatitis), or as an independent medicine. For some patients, the use of oral drugs is contraindicated (see drugs for prostatitis in men). For them, suppositories are the only possible treatment option. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].

Why candles?  What are the benefits of using them? The prostate is located in the body in such a way that it touches the outer wall of the rectum. Therefore, when administered rectally, drugs penetrate the prostate gland through the tissues to the maximum, while exerting a minimal effect on the patient’s body as a whole.

However, alone to cope with the problems of prostatitis, especially acute, candles are not able to. The active ingredients in suppositories are usually contained in small amounts.

Candles may have a different composition. Their systematic use in combination with other methods of treatment helps to get rid of the disease. What types of suppositories exist, how to choose the best drug in terms of quality / price?



The main advantage


The best candles for prostatitis: TOP-3:


Vitaprost and Prostatilen

Doctors recommendation #1

1250 r / 500 r.



The best defense against prostate fibrosis



Diclofenac suppositories

Pain relief with the lowest cost


The most inexpensive candles:


Candles with sea buckthorn oil

Lowest Cost



Diclofenac suppositories

Pain relief with the lowest cost



Ichthyol candles

Have no contraindications



Methyluracil suppositories

Frequent choice of doctors


Antibiotic suppositories:


Vitaprost plus

The best broad spectrum antibiotic suppositories




Powerful hormonal suppositories, with antibiotic




Polyoxidonium candles

complex effect




Powerful general immunostimulant




Indicated for chlamydial prostatitis


Candles from pumpkin seeds:


Tykveol candles

Huge spectrum of therapeutic action




Indicated for adenoma and prostatitis


Candles with propolis:


Propolis DN

The power of bee ingredients








Homemade candles

Other candles:



Improves urine outflow from the first days


Which candles are best for you?

Antiseptic. Antiseptics should not be confused with antibiotics. Antiseptics are substances of natural or synthetic origin that can destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi. Each of the above substances can cause the development of prostatitis. Antiseptics do not contribute to the development of severe dysbacteriosis, the resistance of bacteria to them is formed rather slowly [6], [7].

For the treatment of prostatitis, suppositories with antiseptics are used for the following diseases:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis along with intravenous antibiotics;

  • chronic bacterial prostatitis (even in the presence of infected stones), simultaneously with suppositories containing antibiotics;

  • viral prostatitis;

  • chlamydial prostatitis;

  • nonspecific chronic prostatitis.

This group includes the following drugs:

  • Propolis-DN (300 rubles);

  • Prostopin (500 rubles);

  • Ichthyol candles (130 rubles).

  • Any other candles containing propolis.

Anti-inflammatory (painkillers) . This category includes drugs such as diclofenac. With prostatitis, they are prescribed only if there is pain in the prostate gland. They are called NSAIDs or NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory suppositories). These drugs act through the enzyme cyclooxygenase. Their use allows you to reduce swelling of the gland, suppress the inflammatory process, reduce pain. [8], [9].

This group includes:

  • Voltaren (330 rubles);

  • Ketonal (250 rubles);

  • Flexen (180 rubles);

  • Indomethacin (160 rubles);

  • Indobene (150 rubles);

  • Amelotex (130 rubles);

  • Diklovit (110 rubles);

With prostate extract . These preparations use animal prostate extract (usually the gland of pubescent bulls), which affects only the prostate, as a rule, they treat chronic prostatitis [10], [11].

This substance works as follows:

  • reduces swelling of the body;

  • eliminates inflammation;

  • reduces the tone of the bladder, which helps to reduce the pain of urination;

  • improves microcirculation in the prostate;

  • contributes to the activation of spermatozoa.

This group includes such candles from prostatitis as:

  • Prostatilen (500 rubles);

  • Vitaprost (1250 rubles).

  • Uroprost (780 rubles).

Healing.  Have a similar effect with prostate extract [12], [13].

These include:

  • Methyluracil suppositories (140 rubles). Restore prostate tissue after inflammatory diseases.

  • Candles containing sea buckthorn oil (85 rubles).

The best candles for prostatitis: TOP-3

1 Vitaprost and Prostatilen

  • Doctors recommendation #1

Price: vitaprost – 1250 rubles, prostatilen – 500 rubles.

The main active ingredient of the suppositories of this group is the prostate extract, extracted from the tissues of the bovine prostate gland. This substance was developed and studied back in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It turned out that this drug has the ability to improve the tone of the bladder, reduce swelling of the prostate gland, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms experienced by people who are unable to go to the toilet the first time.

Prostate extract reduces swelling of the organ, enhances the activity of spermatozoa, reduces the tone of the bladder, eliminates existing inflammatory processes, activates blood microcirculation inside the gland. Chronic prostatitis is treated with suppositories containing prostate extract.

Studies show that the effectiveness of the drug when used to prevent exacerbations of the disease exceeds ninety-seven percent. Tablets are taken twice a day, one at a time. The course of treatment is at least ten days. Prevention of exacerbations of the disease is carried out in the same dose by monthly courses once a year or every six months.

Analogues: Prostatilen with zinc, Uroprost (780 rubles).

2 Longidaza

  • The best defense against prostate fibrosis

Price: from 2000 rubles and more.

The active ingredient of this drug is Bovhyaluronidase azoximer. With this drug, normal prostate tissue, which does not produce the liquid part of sperm, is not allowed to be replaced by scar tissue as a result of inflammation. This pathological process is accompanied by chronic prostatitis. With this form of the disease, each new inflammation leads to the development of the process of fibrosis, when healthy prostate tissues are replaced by scar ones.

This drug is considered the most effective when used for the complex treatment of prostatitis. He has received a large number of positive reviews, but its cost is quite high.

Contraindications:  individual intolerance to hyaluronidase, oncological diseases, hemorrhages and blood loss, infections in the acute phase, age up to eighteen years.

3 Diclofenac suppositories

  • Pain relief with the lowest cost

Price: 90 rubles

Diclofenac eliminates pain, removes swelling and inflammation from the prostate, improves its blood supply. Suppositories with Diclofenac are used in the complex therapy of the disease with the use of etiotropic drugs. The agent is characterized by rapid absorption into the blood. Its maximum content in the blood is observed after one and a half to two hours.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity of the body to the components included in the composition, age up to 18 years, erosive and ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract during the exacerbation period, “aspirin triad”.


  • Voltaren (330 rubles);

  • Ketonal (250 rubles);

  • Flexen (180 rubles);

  • Indomethacin (160 rubles);

  • Indobene (150 rubles);

  • Amelotex (130 rubles);

  • Diklovit (110 rubles).

The most inexpensive candles for prostatitis

1 Candles with sea buckthorn oil

  • Lowest Cost

Price: 85 rubles

A well-known property of sea buckthorn oil is its ability to regenerate damaged tissues. A similar effect is provided by the extract of the bovine prostate gland, which is part of the more expensive drugs prostatilen and vitaprost. One candle should be used every two days.

2 Diclofenac suppositories

  • Best pain relief effect with low cost

Price: 90 rubles.

We wrote more about them above ↑.

3 Ichthyol candles

  • They have no contraindications.

Price: 120 rubles.

Ichthyol candles are produced on the basis of a substance that is released from oil shale. It eliminates inflammation of the prostate, removes swelling, helps to normalize blood flow. The antiseptic effect of ichthyol makes it possible to successfully use this remedy for the treatment of prostatitis caused by an infectious factor.

4 Methyluracil suppositories

  • Frequent choice of doctors

Price: 140 rubles

The basis of the drug is methyluracil, which is a nucleic acid derivative. Once in the body, it helps to accelerate tissue regeneration, increase local immunity, minimize the manifestations of inflammation, and has a reparative effect.

Adult patients are recommended to use from one to four suppositories per day. The duration of one course can be up to forty days.

Contraindications:  oncological diseases of the bone marrow, leukemia, kidney disease, malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Antibiotic suppositories

1 Vitaprost plus

  • The best broad spectrum antibiotic suppositories

Price: 1600 rubles

Candles for prostatitis with lomefloxacin, which belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, are among the most effective antimicrobial drugs. They act against a large number of prostatitis pathogens. Price  is 1300 rubles and more.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children’s age.

2 Proctosedyl

  • Powerful hormonal suppositories, with antibiotic

Price:  360 rubles

Candles have a combined composition. Their main active substances are the hormone hydrocortisone, the anesthetic drugs benzocaine and butamben, and the antibiotic framycetin. They have antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to one of the components, tumor formations in the perianal zone and rectum, infectious rashes – syphilitic, tuberculous, viral or fungal etiology.


1 Polyoxidonium candles

  • complex effect

Price:  1200 rubles

Azoximer bromide has a complex effect on the body, has an antioxidant, detoxifying effect, fights inflammation, and improves immunity.

Azoximer bromide increases the body’s resistance to the effects of generalized and local infections. It restores the response of the immune system in immunodeficiency states of a secondary nature, which are caused by various infections, malignant tumors, burns, injuries, complications after surgical interventions and the use of chemotherapeutic drugs (steroid hormones, cytostatics, etc.).

The mechanism of the immunomodulating effect of azoximer bromide is based on the direct effect of this substance on natural killers and phagocytic cells. It also stimulates antibody formation. This substance reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory response of the body, normalizing the synthesis of anti- and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Contraindications:  age less than six years, the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy, acute heart failure, individual intolerance to the components.

2 Pyrogenal

  • Powerful general immunostimulant

Price:  2500 rubles

Broad-spectrum drug, immunomodulator. has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect, improves the body’s resistance, activates the thermoregulatory centers of the hypothalamus.

Contraindications:  chronic diseases at the stage of decompensation and exacerbation (except for those that require treatment with this drug), febrile illnesses, pregnancy, blood diseases.

Use with caution in febrile convulsions, lowering of the seizure threshold, diabetes mellitus, convulsions, diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

3 Galavit

  • Indicated for chlamydial prostatitis

Price: 1300 rubles

It is prescribed for chlamydial prostatitis. Provides normalization of phagocytic activity of macrophages and monocytes, cytotoxic activity of IR cells, bactericidal activity of neutrophils. It restores the reduced activity of cells of adaptive and innate immunity and increases the body’s resistance to various infections.

Contraindications:  age less than twelve years, lactation period, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Candles from pumpkin seeds

1 Tykveol candles

  • Huge spectrum of therapeutic action

Price: 620 rubles

Due to its pronounced antiandrogenic properties, tykveol reduces the proliferation of prostate cells. The drug normalizes prostate function due to anti-inflammatory action and the ability to improve microcirculation.

It is prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia in the first and second stages of the disease, which occurs against the background of concomitant prostatitis.

Contraindications:  individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

2 Bioprost

  • Indicated for adenoma and prostatitis

Price: 520 rubles

Eliminates inflammation, anesthetizes, has a bacteriostatic effect. It inhibits the pathological process that accompanies benign prostatic hyperplasia. Improves urination, minimizes pain in the prostate area.

Thymol destroys pathogenic microorganisms, is characterized by high activity against coccal flora.

Contraindications:  hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Candles with propolis

1 Propolis DN

  • The power of bee ingredients

Price:  280 rubles

The composition of the preparation includes various beekeeping products: propolis, perga, royal jelly, honey, beeswax, as well as the basis for the production of candles – cocoa butter and lanolin. The use of the drug contributes to the destruction of fungi, viruses, bacteria, anesthesia, elimination of inflammatory processes. Its use helps to restore tissues, increase their tone, stimulate local immunity, and increase potency. It can be used for preventive purposes, as well as for treatment, as an addition to other medicines.

However, it should be borne in mind that this drug is not an anti-inflammatory drug and is not an antibiotic. Therefore, it is effective only when used as part of complex therapy. It is used to treat anal erosions, hemorrhoids, chronic prostatitis.

Analog: Prostopin (500 rubles).

Contraindications: allergy to bee products, childhood.

2 Candles with propolis at home

You can make candles from prostatitis with your own hands only on the basis of propolis. To do this, you need to purchase ethyl medical alcohol and propolis. The preparation is made as follows. Fifty grams of propolis must be filled with 50 ml of alcohol. The resulting substance should be infused for a couple of weeks, stirring the mass daily. Two weeks later, the excess liquid is evaporated on a water bath. After that, the dehydrated tincture is mixed with cocoa butter in a ratio of one to twenty. Candles are rolled up from the resulting thick mass and injected one at a time into the rectum before going to bed.

Other candles

1 Adenoprosin

  • Improves urine outflow from the first days

Price:  880 rubles.

Adenoprosin is produced on the basis of biomass obtained from gypsy moth larvae. This biomass has the ability to have an antioxidant effect, suppress inflammation.

Already a few days after the start of the use of this drug, an improvement in urodynamic parameters is observed – the rate of urine flow becomes higher, the time of urination decreases, the amount of residual urine decreases. The general condition of people with chronic prostatitis and BPH improves (there is a decrease in the index of chronic prostatitis, a decrease in the content of leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate, an improvement in the homogeneity of the echostructure of the organ). Adenoprosin has the ability to regulate peristalsis and tone of the segments of the urinary tract, resulting in a decrease in the frequency of urination, including at night. Dysuric phenomena decrease, the feeling of tension during urination disappears.

Contraindications:  malignant tumors of the prostate gland, acute urinary retention.

How to insert candles correctly?

The prostate gland touches part of the rectum, therefore, when administered rectally, the drugs act as efficiently as possible. After their introduction, pain disappears faster, inflammation is eliminated. In addition, with rectal use, other body systems suffer the least, since the impact on them in this case is minimal. This is especially important if chronic prostatitis is being treated.

Each drug is accompanied by instructions, which must be carefully read before using it. Suppositories are usually used once a day. Before using them, you need to empty the intestines, if necessary, an enema should be done. To prevent the drug from melting in the hands, they should be cooled with cold water or put on medical gloves. After opening the package, remove the candle and moisten it with water or apply a water-based lubricant. Then you should lie on your stomach or side, relax and carefully insert the candle 3-4 cm from its base into the anus.

More than one candle cannot be used at the same time. If the doctor has prescribed half a suppository, cut it lengthwise before use. After the introduction of the candle, you should lie on your stomach for at least thirty minutes, so it is best to perform the procedure before going to bed. Once in the anus, the suppository is exposed to heat, and its solid base turns into a liquid, so the medicine can leak out of the anus if you get up too early. If you have to inject the suppository during the day, use disposable pads to protect your clothes and underwear.

[Video] surgeon-coloproctologist Maryana Abritsova will tell you the correct technique for inserting a candle:

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