Candles for constipation: the pros and cons

Candles for constipation: the pros and cons

To cope with constipation and quickly empty the intestines, you can use rectal suppositories. Unlike drugs taken orally, suppositories do not have a systemic effect on the body and organs of the digestive system. There are candles that can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

It is recommended to resort to the help of suppositories when there is no stool for more than 2 days, or a person needs to cleanse the intestines for medical reasons, for example, before childbirth or colonoscopy. Before you go to the pharmacy, you need to try to cope with the stagnation of fecal masses in non-drug ways: enrich the diet with foods rich in fiber, drink more water, play sports, perform a massage. Often these methods allow you to normalize intestinal motility and cope with constipation. If they did not have the desired effect or there is no time for their implementation, candles are used.

To cope with constipation, you need to determine its cause. Possible risk factors include:

  • Lack of water, diet, lack of dietary fiber.

  • Violations in the work of the digestive tract.

  • Organic pathologies of the intestine.

  • Side effects from medications taken.

  • Elderly age.

  • Pregnancy.

There are several types of candles for constipation, so each person can find a suitable drug for himself. They differ in the mode of action: they increase peristalsis, restore the natural microflora, increase pressure inside the intestines. There are drugs based on natural and synthetic components, combined products, the use of which allows you to have several effects at once.

4 types of candles for constipation:

  • With annoying effect. They can be of natural and vegetable origin. The laxative effect develops quickly. The use of suppositories stimulates intestinal contraction, increasing peristalsis. Fecal masses naturally move towards the exit. An additional effect of such suppositories is the production of mucus by the rectum, which contributes to its painless emptying.

  • Glycerin (detergent) suppositories, which include glycerin and its analogues. Their use promotes gentle bowel movements, without pain and tension.

  • Gas-forming suppositories, which stimulate the act of defecation due to the release of carbon dioxide. It stretches the intestinal walls, irritating them. This allows you to quickly and fully cleanse the body of feces.

  • Herbal preparations based on chestnut fruit, senna leaves or buckthorn.

We have compiled a list of rectal suppositories, described the mechanism of their action, highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages. However, before the first use, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and carefully study the annotation for the selected drug.

How long does it take for constipation suppositories to work?

The effect of using candles for constipation develops at different times. It depends on what effect the active ingredient has on the body, as well as on the composition of the suppository:

  • After 5-10 minutes, Glycerin suppositories, RectActive, Microlax begin to act. They should be used in a place where an immediate act of defecation is possible.

  • After 30 minutes, the effect of using candles Guttalax Express, Dulcolax develops.

  • After 15-60 minutes, Bisacodyl suppositories begin to act.

Candles for constipation for adults

Adults without gastrointestinal diseases can use both synthetic and vegetable suppositories. The main contraindication to their use is the acute course of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. It is unacceptable to use suppositories for intestinal obstruction.

Glycerin candles

Price: 200 rubles

The main active ingredient is glycerol. The use of the drug helps to soften and lubricate hard feces, facilitating their movement through the large intestine. Candles irritate the intestinal mucosa, stimulating its peristalsis. The result is an act of defecation  [1].


  • The drug is well absorbed through the intestinal mucosa, which provides a high-quality laxative effect.

  • The action develops quickly, 5-10 minutes after administration.

  • It is possible to treat constipation caused by various reasons.

  • It is acceptable to use for thrombosed hemorrhoids, anal fissures in remission, after a heart attack, etc.

  • Can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, but only after consultation with a specialist.

  • Made in Romania.


  • You can not use the drug for appendicitis, acute stage of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, inflammation of the rectum.

  • Do not prescribe candles for children under 5 years of age.

  • Possible adverse reactions in the form of itching and burning in the anus.

Guttalax Express

Price: 200 rubles

The active ingredient is bisacodyl, which is a derivative of diphenylmethane. The drug stimulates peristalsis and the accumulation of water and salts in the large intestine. This promotes defecation with soft stools. The action of the drug is due to irritation of nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa.  [2].


  • The drug does not affect the digestion of food and its absorption in the small intestine, as it acts at the local level.

  • The effect develops within half an hour, sometimes it can reach 45 minutes.

  • The drug is excreted mainly by the intestines. The kidneys process no more than 3,1%.

  • The drug can be used for chronic constipation, in the period after childbirth, in bedridden patients, before preparing for surgery.

  • The accumulated experience of using suppositories has not revealed a negative effect of the drug on the fetus, so their use is possible during pregnancy, but only after consulting a doctor.

  • The active ingredients do not penetrate into breast milk, so it is acceptable to prescribe suppositories during lactation.


  • Candles are not used for acute diseases of the abdominal cavity, with intestinal obstruction, with abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

  • Suppositories are not prescribed for children under 10 years of age.

  • Among the side effects: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, irritation of the anus, dizziness, fainting, allergic reactions.

  • During treatment, blood may appear in the stool.


Price: 250 rubles

The active ingredient is bisacodyl. After absorption in the intestinal lumen, the drug stimulates its contraction, and also contributes to the accumulation of water and electrolytes. The walls of the organ begin to contract, defecation occurs  [3].


  • The effect develops within 20 minutes.

  • The drug is excreted mainly by the intestines, without affecting other organs.

  • Candles can be used in the treatment of chronic constipation, as well as a means to cleanse the intestines in the period before surgery.

  • May be used during pregnancy (after consulting a doctor).


  • The presence of contraindications in the form of intestinal obstruction, acute diseases of the digestive system, dehydration, abdominal pain.

  • Candles are not used in the treatment of children under 10 years of age.

  • Elderly people should use the drug with caution.

  • For complete emptying of the candle, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with tablets.

  • Frequent side effects in the form of diarrhea and abdominal pain. Dizziness and fainting are not ruled out.

  • Prolonged use of the drug may cause dehydration.

Quick action candles

If it is necessary to quickly empty the intestines and get rid of constipation, instant-acting suppositories are used. They have the desired effect within minutes of administration. As a rule, the act of defecation occurs almost instantly.


Price: 400 rubles

The active ingredients are sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfate and sorbitol solution. The drug is presented in the form of a microclyster, which is injected into the lumen of the rectum. Its use contributes to the liquefaction of feces, the flow of water into the intestines, which facilitates the act of defecation. Microlax is prescribed for constipation, as well as before preparing for the study of the digestive tract  [4].


  • Convenient and hygienic use.

  • The combined composition quickly has the desired effect. The action develops in 5-15 minutes.

  • The only contraindication in the form of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

  • There are no age restrictions.


  • Possible adverse reactions in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea and allergic reactions.

  • High price.


Price: 320 rubles

The active ingredient is a dry extract of horse chestnut fruits. Getting rid of constipation is due to the saponin escin, which affects the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. Under its influence, the walls of the organ begin to actively contract, stimulating defecation. Candles are used in the treatment of constipation of various etiologies, including those associated with jet lag, reduced physical activity, senile constipation.  [5].


  • Herbal preparation.

  • A quick effect that develops within 5-15 minutes after the administration of the suppository.

  • After the act of defecation, the urge stops.

  • The drug does not lead to stretching of the intestinal wall.

  • Course reception allows you to restore the natural reflex of bowel movement and normalizes the stool.

  • It is possible to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but after consultation with a specialist.

  • Candles can be used for 30 days.

  • The minimum set of side effects.


  • Among the contraindications: intestinal obstruction, diseases of the abdominal organs, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, proctitis, spastic constipation.

  • High price.

  • There may be a burning sensation in the rectum, which quickly passes.

The most inexpensive candles

With one-time problems with the stool, there is no need to spend huge sums on candles for constipation. In such a situation, you can get by with inexpensive drugs that contribute to a quick and painless bowel movement.


Price: 45 rubles

The active ingredient is bisacodyl. The drug affects the intestinal mucosa, irritating its receptors. Strengthening peristalsis and an increase in the volume of mucus produced contributes to the gentle cleansing of the organ. Candles are used for hypotonic and atonic constipation, including in the elderly. The drug can be used to facilitate the act of defecation after surgery, as well as women giving birth  [6].


  • The effect does not have to wait long, it develops within an hour.

  • The drug is budgetary, affordable for every patient.

  • Bisacodyl does not affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • Among the contraindications are intestinal obstruction, spastic constipation, peritonitis, abdominal pain, the cause of which is unknown, an acute form of hemorrhoids and cystitis.

  • The drug should not be given to children under 8 years of age.

  • Among the side effects: burning sensation and pain in the rectum, intestinal colic, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

  • Do not use the drug for longer than 7 days.

Candles for constipation for children

According to statistics, constipation develops in every second child. The reasons are associated with the imperfection of the digestive system, with violations in the mother’s diet if she is breastfeeding, with improper introduction of complementary foods, and not only.

When choosing a drug for constipation, you need to focus on safety. Although most often suppositories do not have a systemic effect on the body, they should be approved for use in children. Suppositories that are used to treat adults will not work for a child.


Price: 200 rubles

Microlax suppositories act gently, the effect develops within 5-15 minutes after the drug is injected into the rectum. It has a high safety profile, so it can be used to treat children from birth. They were written about above.


Price: 120 rubles

The active ingredient is glycerin. The drug has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, increasing its peristalsis. In parallel, there is a softening of the feces, due to which they move more easily towards the exit. The drug can be used for constipation, regardless of the cause that provoked it. Use in children is permissible from 3 months  [7].


  • May be used from an early age.

  • The list of side effects is minimal.

  • The price is affordable.


  • Raises blood glucose levels.

  • Allergic reactions are possible.

  • Do not use for longer than 7 days due to the progression of violations of the physiological process of defecation.

Sea buckthorn candles

Price: 160 rubles

The active component of the drug is the oil of the fruits of buckthorn buckthorn. The main indication for the use of suppositories is the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they are often used as a remedy for constipation. They have a softening effect, contributing to the act of defecation. Suppositories can be used from birth  [8].


  • Safe product based on herbal ingredients.

  • Can be used from birth.

  • The drug has an antioxidant and healing effect.

  • The minimum list of side effects and contraindications.


  • Allergic reactions are not excluded.

  • Diarrhea may develop.

  • Constipation is not indicated in the indications for use.

Candles during pregnancy

The main condition is a mild effect on the intestines, since while the fetus is in the uterus, the load on the abdominal wall is excluded. The use of oral laxatives that stimulate the filling of the intestines with fluid is not recommended. Preference should be given to suppositories.

Candles that can be used to treat constipation during pregnancy: [9]

  • Microlax.

  • Sea buckthorn candles.

  • RectActive.

  • Dulcolax.

  • Guttalax Express.

  • Glycerin candles.

  • Can’t wait.

Instructions for use

Rectal suppositories must be inserted correctly. If you take a suppository and immediately insert it into the rectum, then it will simply fall into its lower ampullar section, due to which the desired effect cannot be achieved. Therefore, it is so important to administer rectal suppositories correctly.


  1. Release the suppository from the packaging.

  2. Lie on your left side with legs bent at the knees. They should be brought to the stomach.

  3. Relax and gently insert the candle into the anus with your right hand, but not entirely. It must be held in this position for about 30 seconds so that it melts a little under the influence of body temperature.

  4. Push the suppository completely into the rectum.

During the procedure, it is recommended to use gloves or a fingertip. If the candle was inserted with bare hands, they must be washed with soap and water.


Each drug is universal, so the list of contraindications will vary. Before the first use, it is necessary to read the annotation to the medicinal product.

Most candles are not recommended for use under the following conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Intestinal obstruction.

  • Appendicitis.

  • Bleeding.

  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids or anal fissure.

  • Tumors and other acute diseases of the rectum.

  • Abdominal pain with no known cause.

Some candles have an age limit.

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