Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Rectal and vaginal suppositories, or suppositories, are often included by the attending physician in the adnexitis treatment regimen. The causes of inflammation of the appendages can be prolonged use of the intrauterine device, complications after surgery in the uterine cavity, or long-term consequences of infection with sexually transmitted pathogens.

Regardless of the cause that caused adnexitis, it must be treated without delay in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. The consequence of chronic adnexitis may be infertility due to the adhesive process that has arisen in the small pelvis.

Methods for the treatment of adnexitis

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Adnexitis therapy includes a complex of various activities – taking medications, using physiotherapy procedures, spa treatment. An important role is played by the prevention of complications of this disease.

The main place in this list is occupied by drug treatment with drugs from various pharmaceutical groups (antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral agents). Modern pharmaceuticals has in its arsenal various dosage forms for the treatment of adnexitis – tablets, solutions for injections and for the preparation of therapeutic baths, rectal and vaginal suppositories, sprays for irrigation of the external genitalia.

It is not necessary to be limited during treatment only with drugs used orally, or with exclusively local action. The best result can be achieved with the complex use of drugs.

Pros and cons of candle treatment







No special qualification required for application (like injections)


A prerequisite for treatment with candles is a complete rejection of sexual contact.




When injected, the suppositories are directly in the focus of inflammation.


It is impossible to do with only topical agents; an addition to therapy in the form of tablets or injection solution is required




Candles quickly relieve pain and stop inflammation


May cause itching, burning, allergic reaction




Do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, as tablets do


Require the use of sanitary pads, as discharge after the introduction of suppositories can stain underwear and bed linen




They do not have a hepatogenic side effect, unlike antibiotics in tablets





A wide range of suppositories of various pharmaceutical action offered by the pharmacy chain and affordable prices will satisfy all categories of consumers.





Separate names of suppositories can be used during pregnancy and lactation


Rules for the use of candles

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

The adnexitis treatment regimen may include not only vaginal, but also rectal suppositories, which must be inserted into the rectum. Rectal suppositories are prescribed most often to relieve inflammation.

The sequence and rules for using suppositories in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages:

  • Candles are administered with clean hands. Before this, hygiene procedures should be carried out and the intestines should be emptied, if we are talking about rectal suppositories.

  • Vaginal suppositories are administered in the supine position, rectal – lying on the side. After administration, it is necessary to be in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes to evenly distribute the components of the drug throughout the vagina or along the mucous membrane of the rectum.

  • Most often, this procedure is carried out in the evening before bedtime.

  • Mandatory refusal of sexual contact, the use of daily sanitary pads.

Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal suppositories

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Means from this group are introduced into the vagina, eliminate the pathogenic flora, stop the infectious process.

  • Pros – effectively stop the spread of inflammation, reduce the intensity of discomfort;

  • Minus – negatively affect the beneficial bacteria of the vaginal microflora.

After treatment with candles from this group, it is recommended to take probiotics to replenish the natural flora. At the end of therapy, it is required to prevent thrush with Fluconazole, Flucostat.

Most often, manufacturers offer suppositories of complex action, effectively acting simultaneously against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Of particular note are ichthyol suppositories, which not only eliminate inflammation, destroy pathogens of the inflammatory process, but also restore the damaged vaginal mucosa.

Each case of adnexitis requires the doctor to prescribe suppositories according to individual indications, taking into account side effects and contraindications, the duration and severity of the course of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories from adnexitis

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Drugs in this category are most often used rectally.

The most effective anti-inflammatory suppositories:

  • Movalis is a drug from the NSAID group, incompatible with some antibacterial agents;

  • Indomethacin – the most effective candles, the effect is felt after the first injection, they require an individual approach, as they have side effects;

  • Diclofenac – an analogue of Indomethacin with a slightly lower efficiency, is contraindicated in women suffering from hypertension.

Suppositories to restore the microflora of the vagina (probiotics)

They are used in the treatment of recurrent adnexitis with extensive inflammation, for the treatment of which strong antibacterial drugs were used. In the initial stage of the disease, the treatment of which was carried out as soon as possible, such suppositories are not necessary. The best representatives of this group are Atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin.

7 popular suppositories from adnexitis

When choosing suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis, the attending physician prescribes the most effective remedy that has a quick action and a long lasting effect. It is important that the drug has a minimum of contraindications and does not cause allergic manifestations. Currently, there are a number of candles that meet these requirements.


Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Belongs to the category of rectal suppositories, the main active ingredient is diclofenac from the NSAID group. The maximum allowable dose in the treatment of severe symptoms of adnexitis is 150 mg per day, which should be divided into 2-3 doses. Basically, 75-100 mg per day is enough. Before use, clean the rectum.


  • Perfectly relieve pain and inflammation during exacerbations;

  • Quickly absorbed;

  • Suitable for long-term treatment in the absence of contraindications;

  • Valid up to 12 hours in a row.


  • Candles Voltaren negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane of the rectum and gastrointestinal tract, so they are contraindicated in patients with ulcers, liver and kidney failure, proctitis, hemorrhoids;

  • May weaken labor activity – do not apply in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;

  • Negatively affect blood clotting.


Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the course of treatment with candles lasts 5-7 days. The main active ingredient is meloxicam. The maximum allowable daily dose is 15 mg.

Benefits of using:

  • Fast and long action;

  • High efficiency in the relief of pain and inflammation.


  • These suppositories are not used during pregnancy and lactation;

  • They have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and rectum, so the course of treatment should be as short as possible, they are not used for hemorrhoids, proctitis, intestinal ulcers;

  • Reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs with simultaneous use;

  • May cause anaphylactic shock.


Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

They have an antiseptic effect, are used to disinfect the vagina, the main active ingredient is dequalinium chloride.


  • Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation;

  • Do not affect the ability to drive;

  • Do not cause overdose.


  • High cost (over 750 rubles for 6 pieces);

  • Soap incompatible;

  • They leak out, staining the linen;

  • If the vagina is dry, it may not dissolve.


Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

They are used to destroy pathogenic microflora. The main active ingredient, chlorhexidine, acts at the level of pathogenic bacteria cell structures, inhibiting their development and functioning.


  • Do not violate the natural microflora of the vagina;

  • They act on a wide range of pathogens of the infectious process;

  • Not addictive even with prolonged use;

  • Acceptable for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women;

  • Cleanse the mucosa from the waste products of pathogenic bacteria;

  • Affordable;

  • They remain active even with purulent inflammation.


  • Very rarely cause itching, burning and an allergic reaction.

Candles with Indomethacin

Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

They belong to the category of rectal preparations of complex action. Before use, clean the rectum. Apply 3 times a day for 50 mg or 2 times for 100 mg. The course of treatment is 7 days.


  • Have a good analgesic effect;

  • Stop inflammation;

  • Relieve local and general hyperthermia.


  • Do not apply to the treatment of children under 14 years of age, during pregnancy, during lactation;

  • May provoke side effects from the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems;

  • Cause exacerbation of colitis and hemorrhoids, irritate the mucous membrane of the rectum.


Candles for adnexitis: pros and cons

Effective against bacteria and fungi, the main active ingredients are nystatin, neomycin, polymyxin B. The course of treatment is 12 days.


  • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms and fungi, have a very strong antibacterial effect;

  • Not absorbed from the vagina into the systemic circulation;

  • Do not affect the ability to drive;

  • Do not show side effects;

  • You can not interrupt treatment during menstruation.


  • With prolonged use, a certain type of pathogenic bacteria can be addictive.

Candles with belladonna

The analgesic effect of suppositories is based on the removal of spasm of smooth muscles. During the day, you can use up to 2-3 pieces, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.


  • Have a pronounced analgesic effect;

  • Created on a natural plant basis;

  • Can be used to treat pregnant women;

  • Stop inflammation quickly.


  • Provoke the formation of constipation, spasm of the anal sphincter;

  • May cause allergic reactions.

How to choose the right candles?

When choosing suppositories in the treatment of adnexitis, one should focus on the characteristics of the course of the disease.


Reasons for appointment



Treatment of adnexitis provoked by microbial association, the drug contains nystatin, prednisolone and neomycin

In the evening, 1 suppository for ten days


Treatment of adnexitis caused by anaerobic microbes, contains nystatin and polymyxin B

Morning and evening for 14 days


Therapy of trichomonad adnexitis

In the evening, 1 suppository for ten days


Treatment of trichomonas adnexitis, contain chlorhexidine

Three times a day, 1 suppository for 14-21 days


Therapy of adnexitis caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas and other pathogens

In the evening, 1 suppository for 7 days


Therapy of non-gonococcal adnexitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Morning and evening for ten days


Prevention of adhesions in the recovery period after treatment

Administered rectally at bedtime for 21 days

The use of suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician, who will help you navigate a wide range of drugs, take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and contraindications.

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