Candied fruits: a sweet slice of summer

Home-made candied fruits are a great treat that you should stock up on right now. We can’t bring back the past summer, but it is quite possible to enjoy the sweet memories.

Melon bliss

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Juicy melon pleases us only in summer. You can extend it with pleasure by preparing excellent candied fruits. We will need a hard melon, which we will cut into slices and remove the soft part – it can be eaten or left for another dessert. With the remaining crusts, cut off the hard part of the melon and cut it into small slices. Then we cook the syrup from 100 ml of water and 300 g of sugar. When it becomes homogeneous, we lower the melon slices into it, boil for 5-7 minutes and let it cool. Repeat the procedure several times until the excess liquid completely evaporates. Put the slices on a baking sheet and dry for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. We cool them and roll them in sugar – the melon candied fruits are ready.

Air pear

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The pear has all the qualities to become a delicious candied fruit. For this recipe, choose 1.5 kg of hard fruit. We remove the tails and the core, the peel can be left. Cut the pears into slices and pour boiling water. After a few minutes, drain the water, add 700 g of sugar to it and cook until completely dissolved. When the syrup boils, pour out the pear slices, cook for 5 minutes and cool. Repeat this manipulation 4 more times. As soon as the slices become translucent, we take them out, dry them, lay them out on a tray and cover them with dry gauze. Candied fruits will be ready in a few days, then it remains to roll them in powdered sugar.

Refreshing plum

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Do you like desserts with a sour note? Then prepare candied plums. Take 300 g of hard fruit, scald them with boiling water and immediately pour cold water for a few minutes. Then we divide the plums into halves, remove the bones and pour sugar syrup (1.2 kg of sugar per 300 ml of water). Cook the plums on low heat for 15 minutes, then soak in the syrup for 8 hours. We repeat the whole process three times and at the end we throw the plums into a colander. When all the liquid drains, spread them in one layer on a sieve to dry in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. As soon as the crust of sugar crystals appears, we put a new batch of plums in the oven. Ready-made candied fruits sprinkle with sugar and leave to dry for a few days. 

Cherry sweetness

Berries are perfect for the role of candied fruits, and the recipe for their preparation is quite simple. To begin with, prepare a thick syrup of 100 ml of water and 500 g of sugar, drop the pitted berries into it, cook for a few minutes. Then remove the syrup from the heat and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, drain the syrup, boil it over medium heat for 15 minutes, pour the cherries again and cool. We do the same thing several times until the berries are covered with sugar crystals. Now it remains to dry the candied fruits in a warm oven, which we will preheat well.  

Invigorating citrus fruits

Цукаты: сладкий кусочек лета

Do not rush to throw away the peel of oranges – it will turn out candied fruits with a delicious aroma. Peel from a kilogram of oranges cut into small squares, fill with cold water and leave for 5 days. Do not forget to change the water 3-4 times a day. Then cook the crusts until they are soft. We throw them in a colander, and when the water drains, you can fill them with syrup. We will cook it from 1.5 kg of sugar and water, in which we boiled the crusts. The resulting mass is kept on low heat until completely thickened, we catch candied fruits with a slotted spoon, roll them in sugar and dry them on a wide dish for 2-3 days. 

Sweet candied fruits are not only a delicious dessert, but also an original decoration for home baking. Prepare candied fruits according to our recipes and share your own secrets.

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