Candidiasis – symptoms and causes. What is the treatment of yeast infection?

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Candidiasis is a fungal disease caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeasts in the body. It leads to infection and weakening of the mucous membranes or nails.

Candidiasis – symptoms

What are the symptoms of candidiasis? They can occur in three areas of the human body: nails, skin and mucous membranes. In the case of nails, there are clear reddening and swelling around them. In the worst cases, there may even be a purulent discharge. In the case of mucous membranes, candidiasis is manifested by vaginal discharge (in the case of vaginal fungal infection), itching, burning and erosions. It is easy to recognize on the skin – there is a nagging itching accompanied by a rash and erythematous spots.

If you suspect you have a fungal infection, do the Candida Albicans Shipping Test that you can buy at Medonet Market.

  1. Check if there may be changes in the appearance of your nails

Candidiasis – causes

Both oral, nail and skin candidiasis have the same cause. It is yeasts of the genus Candida. They occur naturally in the human body, but if they multiply, infections result in troublesome ailments, including a large decrease in immunity. In the worst cases, systemic mycosis, i.e. infection of the entire body, can occur.

Yeast multiplication can occur due to various factors, such as:

  1. long-term use of antibiotics, some hormonal contraceptives or chemotherapy – lead to the destruction of the physiological flora that inhibits the development of pathogens, including yeasts,
  2. hormonal disorders – this applies to pregnant women and people with this problem,
  3. high blood sugar – obese people, people suffering from diabetes and consuming a lot of sugar are exposed to candidiasis,
  4. weakened immunity – a decrease in immunity favors the development of candidiasis, which applies to everyone, especially people suffering from autoimmune diseases, after surgery, HIV carriers and AIDS patients,
  5. windproof underwear made of artificial materials promotes the development of fungi,
  6. high sweating in the groin area, armpits and between the toes – moisture promotes the multiplication of fungi.

In order to reduce the multiplication of unfavorable yeasts, it is worth supplementing Candida Ultra Support – Doctor Life dietary supplement.

The diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis is possible thanks to stool tests. At Medonet Market, you can buy bowel candidiasis in order to do it yourself, without leaving your home.

Candidiasis – treatment of yeast infection

How should candidiasis be treated? After diagnosis by a specialist, the degree of its advancement will be known, which will allow you to start one of several treatments. Nail diseases are sometimes treated with special varnishes, in the case of intimate infections, globules are often used, the skin requires creams, and oral candidiasis is rinsed. Sometimes oral preparations are necessary for treatment.

Worth knowing

It should be borne in mind that most of the factors promoting yeast multiplication will exist all the time, so relapse may be expected.

In the treatment of bacterial infections, it is worth remembering about the support of the bacterial flora. Dietary supplement Azeol AF, thanks to the content of the seed oil, helps to strengthen the immune system and supports the body in the fight against infections.

Candidiasis – prophylaxis

A diet can promote both the multiplication of yeasts and the treatment of candidiasis that already exist. It is recommended to eat fruit – grapefruit, orange, apple, apricots, lemon, lime, blueberries, plums, peaches – as well as brown rice (you can order freshly packed brown rice by weight at Medonet Market), oatmeal, groats, eggs and oatmeal.

Fish and steamed vegetables will also help. It is good to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and special herbal teas.

During the treatment of candidiasis, carbonated drinks, alcohol, white flour products, sugars, blue cheese and white rice should be avoided. The consumption of mayonnaise and ketchup should be significantly reduced.

Prophylactically against candidiasis, supplement with Candida Control Complex – YANGO dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

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