candidiasis in men
Candidiasis doesn’t just happen to women. Often, candidiasis in men is asymptomatic, and the consequences of the disease can be serious. Therefore, this topic requires special attention.

Candidiasis most often means “thrush” – a fungal disease of the genital organs. But the causative agent of candidiasis, a fungus of the genus Candida, can also affect the oral mucosa and respiratory organs, although this happens much less frequently.

Diseases provoke yeast-like fungi. In a small amount, almost all people have them, and are part of our normal flora. But the balance of all microorganisms relative to each other is very fragile. If some bacteria become smaller, fungi immediately develop in their place.

Since there are too many fungi, they begin to affect the mucous membranes and bring discomfort.

What is candidiasis?

The name of the fungus Candida gave the disease its name. Excessive reproduction of these microorganisms leads to candidiasis. Fungi begin to inhibit the growth of other flora, and the ratio of microorganisms is disturbed even more.

These fungi choose those parts of the body where it is warm and humid, while there is not enough air. Therefore, mainly the external genital organs are affected. A characteristic white coating appears on them and the tissues become inflamed.

Causes of candidiasis in men

What is bad for us is good for fungi. Reduced immunity due to colds, taking heavy antibiotics, hypothermia – all this leads to excessive reproduction of fungi. Normal flora and local immunity cease to regulate the growth of candida.

The most common cause of candidiasis is infectious diseases that suppress the immune system. From the common cold to HIV infection. Therefore, candidiasis can be one of the early symptoms of HIV, when the disease still does not manifest itself.

Often, taking medications, such as hormonal drugs and antibiotics, also provoke the growth of fungi. Antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics, also kill the beneficial flora, and the balance is disturbed.

Improper hygiene, too frequent washing with caustic soap, or, conversely, a rare shower, has a bad effect on local immunity. Wearing tight synthetic underwear, hot and humid environments are good conditions for the reproduction of the fungus. At the same time, air does not get much into the mucous membranes, and heat and friction lead to inflammation, the formation of microcracks in the skin.

Symptoms of candidiasis in men

Genital candidiasis is a fairly mild disease. Everything is much harder if the fungi enter the systemic circulation or affect the lungs.

When candida multiplies, a whitish coating or dots appear on the genitals, rashes, swelling and redness of the glans penis. During urination or sexual intercourse, pain and burning are possible. The most common symptom is persistent itching. Often this leads to scratching and increased inflammation. There is a risk of introducing another infection into the wounds.

When the oral mucosa is affected, the same white coating with an unpleasant odor often forms on the tongue. If you try to remove the plaque, an inflamed bleeding surface will remain in its place. This distinguishes candidiasis from other types of plaque on the tongue.

Treatment of candidiasis in men

During treatment, it is very important that both partners undergo it. If only one is treated, then the disease will recede only for the duration of the medication. Asymptomatic carriage is very common, especially among men.

You should also avoid factors that provoked candidiasis. It is necessary to start treatment precisely from the solution of the root cause: restoration of microflora after taking antibiotics, treatment of other infections, competent hygiene.

Both local and general treatment are often prescribed: for example, ointments externally and additionally taking pills. With a mild course of candidiasis, and if it was not there before, sometimes only local therapy is enough.


A urologist, a venereologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of candidiasis in men. The doctor collects an anamnesis, so it is important to remember all the symptoms, after which they appeared, whether you took any drugs. If you have tried self-treatment, also be sure to tell the specialist about it.

During the examination for the presence of inflammation and discharge, the doctor takes a swab. It is examined in the laboratory, and during microscopy, it is determined whether there is a mycelium of the fungus there. Additionally, they often take an analysis for other sexually transmitted infections that could provoke the disease.

If candidiasis does not respond to treatment, sowing on the fungus is prescribed. This will help determine which drugs this fungus is sensitive to if it does not respond to the selected drugs.

Modern treatments

After receiving the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment. In some cases, this can happen even earlier if the discomfort is almost unbearable and the symptoms are obvious.

Antifungal drugs inhibit the growth of candida, the rate of their reproduction decreases, and the microflora is restored. In the treatment of men, ointments and capsules or tablets are mainly used. A therapeutic diet additionally supports the immune system and speeds up recovery. The diet should be a lot of vegetables, dairy products.

If you stop treatment halfway, immediately after the symptoms disappear, candidiasis can become chronic. The disease in the period of improvement does not manifest itself in any way, but can often worsen. Chronic candidiasis is more difficult to treat, so it is important not to bring the disease to this stage.

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Prevention of candidiasis in men at home

No one can protect themselves from candidiasis 100%, since more than half of the people are carriers of these fungi. It is necessary to avoid factors that will reduce immunity and help fungi actively multiply.

In addition to the general rules for increasing immunity, it is important to observe hygiene. Avoid aggressive shower gels and soaps, use special products for intimate hygiene. Simple soap can greatly irritate the mucous membrane and dry it out. After a shower, be sure to dry yourself with a towel so as not to leave an unnecessarily moist environment suitable for fungi.

Underwear should be selected from natural fabrics and not very pressing, since diaper rash and friction also provoke irritation.

During sexual intercourse, use condoms that will protect you not only from candidiasis, but also from other sexual infections.

Popular questions and answers

Candidiasis is often overlooked until the symptoms become too noticeable. At the first improvement, many drop out of the prescribed treatment. The symptoms disappear, but the candida becomes chronic and resistant to these drugs. Why should this problem be taken more seriously? urologist, member of the Russian Association of Urologists Konstantin Mokshantsev.

Why is candidiasis dangerous in men?
If left untreated, the symptoms may subside on their own. At the same time, acute candidiasis can become chronic, and periodic exacerbations will greatly worsen the quality of life.
What are the complications of candidiasis in men?
With untimely treatment, the structure of the urethral mucosa can be disrupted, which makes it difficult to urinate, the inflammatory process can rise to the prostate gland and bladder. It also reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the penis.
When to call a doctor for candidiasis in men?
Candidiasis is not a disease that requires a doctor’s call to the house, emergency medical care and hospitalization. But it is important to see a doctor in a timely manner to diagnose and prescribe adequate therapy in order to avoid the above complications.
If the disease does not manifest itself in any way and does not interfere, but the fungus was detected during another analysis, is it necessary to treat it?
Often in men, candidiasis occurs without symptoms. In this case, treatment is usually not carried out if neither partner experiences discomfort and the couple is in a relationship only with each other.

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