Candida albicans – symptoms of infection, causes, treatment, diet

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Candida albicans, or white moth, is a yeast type fungus that occurs naturally in the bacterial flora of the human urogenital and digestive systems, as well as on the skin. It happens, however, that as a result of lowering the level of the body’s immunity, Candida albicans is infected. Can Candida albicans infection be dangerous to our health? What are the symptoms of Candida albicans infection and what is the treatment like? How to prevent Candida albicans infection?

Candida albicans – what is it?

Candida albicans is a fungus that is a natural component of the human bacterial flora. In the case of a healthy person, Candida albicans does not become infected because the positive microorganisms present in the human body do not allow such an infection to occur. The situation is different in people with reduced immunity – the number of positive microorganisms decreases, and Candida albicans multiplies without any problems, leading to the development of mycosis.

Candida albicans – causes of infection?

Disease circumstances that lead to disorders in the functioning of our immune system, as well as abnormal habits contribute to the development of mycosis caused by Candida albicans fungi.

People suffering from diseases affecting the immune system, such as HIV or cancer, as well as the common flu, are particularly vulnerable to Candida albicans infection. Candida albicans also attacks people who abuse alcohol and drugs and do not follow the rules of a healthy diet.

The mycosis caused by Candida albicans can also develop in people taking certain medications, such as steroids, antibiotics and birth control pills. Patients with Candida albicans are also susceptible to infection, e.g. for diabetes people who experience excessively stressful situations.

Do you have symptoms that may indicate the development of mycosis in the intestines? Perform a mail-order screening test for gastrointestinal mycosis. Use Candida Control Complex prophylactically – YANGO dietary supplement, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Candida albicans – diagnosis

Some symptoms of Candida albicans infection are also characteristic of a number of other diseases, therefore, in order to confirm or exclude a fungal infection in XNUMX%, appropriate tests should be performed. Usually, in the diagnosis of Candida albicans infections, blood tests are performed, sometimes tissue specimens or samples of body fluids, such as stools, are taken. You can purchase your stool test on the Medonet Market. Thanks to mail-order examinations, you will avoid waiting in lines at the clinic. We also recommend a Candida Albicans Intimate Advice Shipping Test available at a promotional price. You can also order a venereal disease test kit, which checks not only the possibility of mycosis, but also HIV, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis.

Candida albicans – treatment

Treatment of Candida albicans is carried out with the use of appropriately selected drugs. Unfortunately, Candida albicans fungus is becoming more resistant to pharmaceuticals, so scientists are looking for new ways to treat Candida albicans infection.

It is worth supplementing pharmacological treatment with an appropriate diet. The antifungal diet includes the elimination of products that promote the development of mycosis and the maintenance of the acid-base balance of the body. The basic recommendations of the diet in the fight against Candida albicans are the elimination of: products containing sugar, highly processed foods, vegetables with high starch content, dairy products, products containing yeast and molds, and products containing preservatives and monosodium glutamate.

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A diet supporting the fight against Candida albicans infection is actually a healthy diet and it is worth considering excluding these products from the diet, even if no symptoms indicate that our body has been infected with Candida albicans. Support a balanced diet with supplementation. At Medonet Market, you can now buy the Lactibiane CND 10M probiotic, which will help you fight fungal infections.

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