Cancer: the nature of the zodiac sign, his element, celebrities

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Cancer: the nature of the zodiac sign, its element, celebrities – Cancer” – a complete description of Cancer, a list of famous people of this sign in the world and a video.

Period from June 22 to July 22

This zodiac sign is mystical and mysterious. His patron is the Moon herself – the mistress of the night and magic. His element is Water. Cancers are kind and noble people, they have great intuition.

Cancer: the nature of the zodiac sign, his element, celebrities

On the one hand, they feel the soul of their neighbor well and agree to come to the rescue. But on the other hand, the Moon’s wards are very vulnerable and indecisive. Among them there are both phlegmatic and sanguine people. But looks are just a mask.

Cancer: characteristics of the zodiac sign

Cancer loves to hide from problems in its reliable shell, preferring to bypass or evade them. But we are not saying that he is a coward. If the matter is really important, he will “settle” it calmly and balanced. But he needs to make sure that it is worth his work.

He often saves his friends at the very last moment. If you can cope without him, he will watch, but when he sees that you are drowning, he will hasten to give you his hand.

Our hero is a rather conservative person. Reliability and stability are provided with it. If he has achieved something, he will no longer give it up, but will firmly clamp it in his claws.

He closes in himself and does not open his soul to the first person he meets. His trust must be earned. But sometimes it is unbearable for him to cook in his own juice. Therefore, Cancers are prone to depression and pessimism.

Cancer is a female sign. Consequently, people born under this constellation are endowed with female character traits – sentimentality, emotionality, kindness and responsiveness. He is very attached to the family, especially to his parents and will do everything to strengthen and protect the family nest.

People of this sign are great aesthetes. Art and poetry are not alien to them. The light side of the moon gives them romanticism, but the dark side gives them revenge. Another disadvantage is a weakness for alcoholic beverages. In a more mature age, they often complain about life, criticize everyone and see the world in dark colors.

And now let’s compare Cancer with its congeners in the water element. He is inferior to Scorpio in willpower and ambition, and Cancer is not so self-centered and treacherous. He is soft and vulnerable, which cannot be said about the exquisitely cruel predator – Scorpio.

As for Pisces, this is an even more complex and mysterious sign than Cancer. In addition, Pisces strives more for the spiritual, and material stability is important for the children of the Moon.

And finally, let’s say that our hero is cunning, but not sneaky. And he certainly doesn’t want to hurt his family and friends. If you set out to solve it, please be patient. This is a tricky task!

Cancers – celebrities

  • Meryl Streep;
  • Mike Tyson;
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery;
  • Ralf Schumacher;
  • Isabelle Adjani;
  • Leah Akhedzhakova;
  • Princess Diana;
  • Gina Lollobridge;
  • Elena Obraztsova;
  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • Ringo Starr;
  • Giorgio Armani;
  • Frida Kalo;
  • Tom Hanks;
  • John Rockefeller;
  • Vasily Livanov;
  • Pierre Ducan;
  • Vitaliy Klichko;
  • Grigory Leps;
  • Leonid Agutin;
  • Жанна Агузарова;
  • Gottfried Leibniz.

Cancer: the character of the zodiac sign (video)

General characteristics of the Cancer Sign “Sad moon people”

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