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Tumor markers are often measured in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer. They are not a clear indicator of disease and are therefore usually analyzed in conjunction with other test results. Individual markers may be different for men and women. This is why a personalized tumor marker package – in this case aimed at women – is useful.

When are tumor markers measured?

Tumor markers are usually tested by a physician as they are an auxiliary indicator in the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer treatment. If marker levels are inconsistent with the norm, they do not always mean cancer as they can also be associated with non-cancerous diseases. At your own request, you can mark cancer markers by going to private laboratory tests.

This solution is useful when we want to assess the risk of developing cancer. This can be particularly important information when we are at risk of neoplastic diseases or when we see disturbing disease symptoms.

Cancer markers for women – what antigens to test?

Under cancer prophylaxis women can do a number of different tests, including Pap smears and mammography. They are complemented by the determination of tumor markers, i.e. substances that may or may not indicate the development of cancer. It is also worth knowing that some markers are gender-specific, for example PSA is tested in men, and CEA, CA 125 or CA 15-3 mainly in women.

W the basic package of cancer markers for women we will therefore find:

  1. CEA – it is a cancer-fetal antigen, elevated levels of which are observed in smokers and ex-smokers, as well as in people with Crohn’s disease, hepatitis or alcoholic cirrhosis. Increased CEA levels may indicate cancer of the colon and rectum, and in rare cases also of the breast, lung, thyroid, liver, intestines, pancreas and bladder. As a rule, the CEA level test is performed on the basis of a venous blood sample. The price of a CEA blood test is about PLN 35-40.
  2. CA 125 – CA 125 tumor antigen is one of the key tumor markers in women, because its significantly increased concentration usually means ovarian cancer, less often lung or kidney cancer. A slight increase in CA 125 levels is also associated with endometriosis, inflammation, pregnancy or menstruation. Therefore, it is important for a specialist to analyze the result, taking into account other studies. We will pay from 125 to 35 PLN for the determination of the CA 50 antigen, depending on the selected laboratory.
  3. AC 15-3 – another tumor marker is CA 15-3 found in breast cells. This antigen is naturally present in the body, but its high levels appear in breast tumors, so it is often considered a cancer marker of women. Sometimes, however, it also indicates the presence of lung cancer and metastases. We will pay an average of PLN 15-3 for a blood test for CA 40-50 antigen.

If the woman’s family has a genetic tendency to cancer or she noticed disturbing symptoms, examination of markers is one of the useful preventive measures. Research the basic tumor markers in the women’s pack:

Extended cancer prevention for women

Laboratory analysis of the risk of neoplastic changes in women may additionally include the measurement of CA 19-9 antigen. It is a useful indicator for detecting pancreatic cancer, as well as cancers of the gallbladder and colon. In one test package, four different tumor markers can be measured, including CA 19-9, CEA, CA 125 and CA 15-3:

  1. Neoplastic diseases in women – analysis of 4 tumor markers – from 165 PLN

In addition to measuring the concentration of individual markers, it is worth doing complete blood count. On its basis, it is possible to determine the general condition of the organism and detect possible changes in the composition of blood morphotic elements. The diagnosis of neoplasms should also include the examination of ESR, which may indicate cancer, especially when the result is three-digit.

  1. A package of 6 diagnostic tests to assess the risk of cancer in women – from PLN 180

Prevention of breast and ovarian cancer

Breast and ovarian cancer development is often influenced by mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Many changes can take place within these genes, so genetic research is usually focused on identifying specific BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations – the most common, and in extended research also the rare ones.

Cancer prophylaxis it is important in risk groups for cancer in families and in women who develop breast lumps or changes in the ovaries. Buy a package of tests and check if you are at risk of breast or ovarian cancer:

  1. Determining the risk of breast and ovarian cancer – detection of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations from 189 PLN

Do you have doubts? Consult an oncologist

Any health concerns and cancer-oriented test results consult an oncologist. He specializes in diagnosing the first symptoms of cancer, you can discuss test results with him, and seek advice on treatment or further treatment if the disease is suspected or confirmed. You can use the oncologist’s help online (without leaving your home) or in person at the office:

  1. A visit to the oncologist – take advantage of the online consultation
  2. Do you have a question for the oncologist? Visit in person (from PLN 165)

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