Cancer man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

When a person wants to find his love, he has two possible scenarios: connect his life with someone who attracts, as an opposite, or, conversely, find his soul mate. In both cases, the solutions will be correct. And then as fate will show. But how things will turn out, only the stars know. But if you look at the signs of the Zodiac, compare the character of your lover with the description of signs compatible with him, it turns out that a lot is true. And if you are forewarned, then you are forearmed. We will consider the characteristics of the Cancer-Taurus pair.

These signs already at the moment of acquaintance can feel closeness on a spiritual level. In addition, they have many common interests: both want to create comfort in their home, build strong family relationships, give birth to healthy children.

The Cancer man has a fine mental organization, a vulnerable, sensitive, but wise, fair person. Not everyone can understand Cancer, and accordingly, it is difficult for most women to be around such a man. However, Cancer is a very attractive and sexy man. It is this coldness, closeness that attracts him – women just want to conquer him. But behind the ice shell hides a romantic, sentimental heart. If a Cancer man is not indifferent to someone, he feels the pain of that person, his state of mind. And from the severity of other people’s experiences, cancers themselves can fall into a depressive mood. When a loved one suffers, Cancer will stand behind him with a wall and give his last shirt. Therefore, he very scrupulously selects friends, and especially his soulmate.

A woman born under the sign of Taurus is very beautiful, and conquers men’s hearts at first sight. According to unofficial data, many famous Hollywood actresses are Taurus. She loves to be the central figure in society. This is the soul of the company and the most long-awaited guest at all holidays. This happens involuntarily – she herself does not try to somehow distinguish herself from the crowd. The Taurus woman knows what healthy competition is, at the same time she is familiar with ambition, but always without fanaticism and within the bounds of decency. It cannot be said about her that she is not smart, however, you cannot call her intellectually savvy. The lady prefers to achieve everything on her own and learn from her mistakes.

Love compatibility

At a young age, Cancer and Taurus rarely get along, and their relationship rarely flows from fleeting romances to boundless love. The girl of Taurus is frightened by the infantilism of the youth of Cancer. He is not set up for serious things: he is looking for his ideal, he cannot make a decision on his own. Someone must be an authority for him, since Cancer himself does not want to have his own point of view. The girl is used to looking for the material side in everything, which inexpressibly irritates Cancer. Already at age, they change: Taurus changes, becomes calmer, and Cancer is more independent. Therefore, the compatibility is better.

If Taurus wants to conquer the pretty Cancer, she must focus on her mental organization. Cancer guys adore kind, active women who have a good sense of humor. But dolls with ideal figures and porcelain faces, but Cancers do not like the absence or affectation of emotions. Therefore, no matter how attractive the girl is, kindness and cheerfulness will be an additional trump card. Cancers do not like lies, and lack of tact, and if the girls begin to make fun of them, pointing out some imperfections, then this completely unsettles the Cancer man. In addition, Cancers can be attracted by thriftiness, comfort in the house and a serious attitude towards the future, not only in life together, but also in terms of professional growth.

Taurus is difficult to please, and a woman born under this sign is doubly difficult. She is interested in everything: the social status of a man, his family and connections, how he is dressed and looks in general.

Most often, Taurus is interested in stylish, well-ironed guys. The character must also match: masculinity, determination, persistent, but not obsessive attention to the lady. A woman requires beautiful and serious courtship, while you need to be patient and not go too far. Otherwise, the interest of Taurus will disappear dramatically. Not if each other’s hearts are stolen, then unearthly happiness is guaranteed for this couple! They say about them that this is probably the strongest couple among the signs of the Zodiac. Surprisingly, all their feelings and needs often coincide. If she wants to drink coffee, the man is already coming from the kitchen with two freshly brewed cups. He decided to spend the evening with friends, she is not against it, just let him take her to her mother first. In general, an idyll. These relationships are always stable. There are no violent emotions and scandals. Taurus Girl

Marriage compatibility

Both signs have some kind of spiritual wisdom, and this brings them closer. Also, Cancer and Taurus strive to improve their well-being, appreciate the joy of intimacy and home comfort. A woman does not get tired of taking care of her beloved, she always knows how to feel his mood, their house is clean and comfortable. The Cancer man is invariably attentive to his companion, which is the best way to ensure her spiritual harmony. Cancer and Taurus are traditionalists regarding intimacy. They do not like to experiment and try to make love only in their usual home environment. A man is always gentle in bed, knows how to give real emotions to his beloved. She is full of sensuality and emotions.

If these signs really love each other, then their intimate relationship will become truly perfect. No matter how many years they have lived side by side, these partners always maintain romance in a relationship. The prelude is very important, and the slowness to move into the merging process. Sex for them is not only bodily, but also spiritual intimacy.

For their children, partners strive to create a cozy home and give the warmth of their souls. Children will never see how mother and father started a quarrel or share something. If they have disagreements, then Cancer and Taurus prefer to solve their problems in private. The Taurus woman is very carefully preparing for motherhood, anxiously choosing the best for the baby. Having given birth, he protects the baby, guarding him day and night and showing all kinds of care. But sometimes Taurus begins to demand from the child that everything be according to the rules, forgetting that children are inherently contradictory. Dad Cancer is proud of his offspring and always tries to devote all his free time to them. Astrologers say that Cancer is the best father in the entire zodiac circle. He is patient and gets along well with the children, understands their needs in different periods of life. You can always turn to him for advice and support.

There are very few quarrels, and then, the partners quickly reconcile and come to a compromise. Cancer and Taurus are practically not jealous of each other, except as a joke. By the way, already at the initial stage of the relationship, it is clear that Taurus was looking for reliability and loyalty, and she herself wanted to be one. And in Cancer, she finds just such a life partner. Taurus will never change, simply because he falls deeply in love with his partner. However, the thought of betrayal can be born in the head of this lady if the husband stops showing care and attention. If she feels it, she will look to the side. Cancer tries to be monogamous, believes his soulmate. But in rare cases, he may unconsciously fall in love with another woman, although even then he will think a hundred times before he starts cheating on Taurus. If, nevertheless, he decides to leave, he will do it carefully so as not to hurt his ex-lover. And he will begin his confessions by talking from afar, about how difficult it is to work on relationships, that there is no ideal, and everything like that. But in general, everything is fine with them, and love in this couple lasts for many years, sometimes once in a lifetime.

Pros and cons of the union Cancer man and Taurus woman

The marriage concluded between these signs is most often successful. Already at first, they feel spiritual closeness and continue to communicate, gradually allowing romantic feelings to grow. The main advantages of this union are the following circumstances:

  • Partners try to find compromises in everything, show loyalty and understanding even in the most unsolvable problems.
  • Water and Earth, leading these signs, make aspirations balanced, eventually turning their union into harmony.
  • They equally perceive the concepts of “comfort”, “coziness and home”.
  • These people are always sincere with their partner and it is rare to hear screams and quarrels from their home. Sometimes a girl can overdo it with the manifestation of emotional outbursts, but Cancer knows how to quickly calm her down.
  • The Taurus woman is a very passionate and ardent nature, which is in the hands of a man, as she brings life colors into relationships.

Among the negative manifestations of this union, the following points can be noted:

  • Although the couple looks perfect on the outside, there are contradictions within the family. This happens because each of these signs does not tolerate when they lose. And if someone feels defeated, he will begin to actively stand his ground, up to inflicting strong resentment on his partner.
  • Cancers are not scrupulous in financial matters. No, they will not live at the expense of their partner, but they can manage only vital things, and put an end to the rest. But her financial well-being is very important.
  • Taurus strives to be the leader in the house, and Cancer, as a man, may not like this.
  • The signs have very different temperaments. This can be either a plus or a minus, depending on the circumstances. He is more at home and wants to be alone with her alone. She craves entertainment and communication.
  • Cancers are skilled manipulators, so Taurus needs to be careful when he uses his arsenal of tricks.

In order for the relationship in this pair to strengthen, you should pay attention to the above disadvantages and do not hesitate to discuss important points. In general, this is a very fruitful union, where both partners will be able to realize themselves both in the professional field and in building the right relationship.

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