In astrology, it is believed that the compatibility of two signs with the male and female principles is one of the most important conditions for a successful relationship. After all, the sign under which a person was born is something very important, powerful, coming from the very stars. And as horoscopes show, the union of a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of a happy and lasting relationship, because in love they are patronized by such powerful planets as the Moon and Mars. Cancer has excellent manners, he will always give in to a woman, pay for her in a restaurant. Such men are very sensual, they can literally instantly determine the mood of others. However, representatives of this sign can be easily offended, they worry about every little thing in a relationship, and hide in their shells for a long time. Cancers are kind and noble, but demanding of their soulmate. Cancer man always keeps his word and goes to the end. But this sign is characterized by excessive drama and a too pessimistic outlook on life. They are quite closed and they rarely manage to step over themselves and take the first step towards a person. From this, Cancers may miss the only chance to meet their true happiness.
These signs can be united by a common goal. If they want to create a common business, it will work out like no other couple. If they want to get married at all costs, then Cancer will go through fire and water to be close to his beloved woman. And she, in turn, will also strive for her lover, overcoming all obstacles.
Scorpio woman has crazy energy and charisma, she is self-sufficient and purposeful. Such women are passionate and sensual natures. They may be too anxious, but do not show it to others. She has admirable willpower, a courageous character, and in order to achieve her goal, Scorpio can be both rough and tough, and gentle, soft. She loves to control people. Everyone considers her an imperious woman whom nature has not deprived of charm. But she also has her shortcomings. A woman can quite often be vindictive, unable to forgive. Scorpio loves to let go of barbs in the direction of other people. She quickly becomes attached to people and experiences parting very painfully.
Love compatibility
At first glance, Scorpio and Cancer are interested in each other, because they are very similar. Since both are water signs, real, sincere love will move them. The emotionality and sensuality of Cancer and Scorpio brings new colors to their relationship every day. When these people fall in love, their eyes flash like the sparks of an evening fire, and they are ready to give themselves completely and completely. Each of them sees himself in the partner, and therefore does not try to correct the shortcomings, but accepts them. The passion, strong will of the Scorpio woman appeals to Cancer, because they prefer women with a core. He is ready to give her all his attention, tenderness, but requires the same from her.
Despite the strong character, Scorpio likes to feel a strong shoulder nearby, on which you can always lean, and Cancer can just provide this. Cancer really needs care and attention, and Scorpio women are sometimes not ready to constantly give it to their soul mates, because they are most often busy achieving personal goals.
But it’s worth a little time and the Scorpio woman will understand how affection a man needs and will satisfy this need of her partner. In a couple, small quarrels may often occur at first due to misunderstandings, but over time this passes and peace and harmony are established. Both Cancer and Scorpio spiritually grow under the influence of each other. The intimate life of these signs is filled with irrepressible passion and emotions. They both love to dream up and are perfect for each other in bed. The main thing is to respect your partner and not hesitate to reveal secret desires. Cancer Woman and Scorpio Man dream of a long-term relationship, so sometimes they don’t leave each other even when it really needs to be done.
Marriage compatibility
Both signs dream of finding a quiet cozy nest, so harmony reigns in their family. They can quickly formalize a relationship or just start living together. Also, the Cancer man and the Scorpio woman equally dream of children. Their desire to love, share experience and educate a new generation is limitless. They do not like to live by stereotypes. The Scorpio woman does not manage to sit in one place for long, she does not like to be overwhelmed with household chores. Therefore, do not be surprised if you come to visit them and see Cancer behind the stove. He wants to be the head of the family and a support, but sometimes he can be dependent on Scorpio, who will never miss the opportunity to be in power, even in the family.
This lady will provide her man with prosperity, stability and support. But since Cancer is a man, he will not always be able to blindly obey his wife, and will show character. Cancer is also always happy to fulfill her desires and bring new colors to family life.
Cancer men are caring fathers, they always monitor the growth and development of the child, take into account every little thing. They spend a lot of time with the child and help him in everything. The couple will be delighted with their children, even if they are bad students and bullies. Scorpios and Cancers will give boundless love, both to each other and to their children. There will be more romance in marriage after the birth of a child, no matter how strange it may sound. Scorpio women in the role of mothers are divided into two types. Either the child will always be surrounded by mother’s love and care and become her center of the universe, or will always be provided with everything that he needs, but he will miss his mother’s affection. The probability of divorce here is very small, and you need to try very hard to find a couple that will be stronger than the union of a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man. Even if the marriage loses its value, they will continue to take care of themselves and the family, and will never show it to others.
Pros and cons of the union Cancer man and Scorpio woman
One of the most important advantages of a pair of Cancer man and Scorpio woman is that they complement each other. The longer the union exists, the more their shortcomings are smoothed out. Here are some of the main positive aspects of the merger of this pair:
- Scorpio tries to learn to compromise and not “sting” his partner, and Cancer learns to control his violent emotions. But this does not happen immediately, a rather long period of time must pass, and before that quarrels over trifles may arise. But on important issues, they come to a compromise.
- Despite the fact that both signs are rather secretive in terms of their feelings, in an alliance they completely trust each other, but they do not lock themselves together.
- They continue to develop spiritually throughout their lives.
- The woman will be the main one in their relationship, but Cancer will pretend not to notice this, which is very much appreciated by Scorpio. And for this she will thank his constant support.
- If the so-called “black streak” comes in life, then the Scorpio woman will not run away, and will not wait for a brighter future. She will fiercely defend her chosen one, drawing Cancer into the fight, which is not inherently a fighter.
- Another plus of the relationship between Cancer and Scorpio is that they can safely make a career in one direction, because this will not interfere with their love idyll at all.
- Also, partners will always understand each other’s feelings and emotions, as water signs understand this very well.
- Despite the fact that she does not spend much time at home, a woman in a relationship is thrifty, trying to create maximum comfort in the house, which her partner will definitely appreciate.
- Her temperament is independence and manifests itself rather in bed and career.
Excessive emotionality is the main problem of this couple. But there are other cons, as in any other relationship:
- Cancers are offended when Scorpios let out barbs in their direction. Sometimes this can lead to serious scandals, because women feel their adrenaline rise when men succumb to provocations. Therefore, they happily continue to “sting” with words.
- A Scorpio woman can almost never come to terms with the isolation and indecision of Cancer. She constantly pushes him to accomplish any goals. And this negatively affects the consent within the couple, because Cancer is in a hurry to quickly retire to his favorite shell.
- Men should not abuse emotional blackmail to inject women. Yes. Cancers are great manipulators. And if they figured out the weaknesses of their lady, they will twirl them as they please. But with Scorpio, this will not last long – a partner one day may simply leave and not return.
- Both do not like to flaunt their feelings, even though they have a storm of emotions in their souls. They should not make fun of each other in front of strangers, this can cause serious, almost incurable mental wounds. Which, in the future, will lead to a break in relations.
A Scorpio woman and a Cancer man can make a great couple if they successfully go through the above relationship difficulties. In marriage, these signs have complete harmony, and children grow up in love and affection. According to astrologers, the couple is in 3rd place in terms of compatibility, which is about 90-92%.