Cancer man – Libra woman: horoscope compatibility

There are unions that are strong and reliable, like a stone rock – in them both partners feel comfortable and live in full confidence that tomorrow will be even better. And there are couples where delicacy and careful storage of feelings are required. There are many interesting interweavings in the relationship between the Cancer man and the Libra woman. Such a tandem resembles a crystal vase, beautiful and fragile, with intricate patterns and small tangles of roads and destinies. If you carefully handle a vase, then it decorates the house for many years, but one careless movement – and all the beauty will shatter into sharp, dangerous fragments.

The Cancer man, a representative of the element of Water, lives under the auspices of the enchanting and mysterious planet of the Moon. This makes the character of this sign emotionally sensual and shy. The best traits of Cancers are honesty and responsibility. These qualities allow the Cancer man to take care of his loved ones with trepidation and care, which, of course, will attract any woman. It is the woman in such a relationship that will have to take the first step towards their development, because the Cancer man can take the initiative only in a state of complete confidence and security. Only after checking thoroughly and making sure of the correctness of his choice, a man will make a marriage proposal to a woman. And then he will be sure that this is forever.

Such men live with their hearts and their emotions. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for them to fit into the surrounding cruel world. Because of this, they are prone to mood swings and pessimistic thoughts may visit them. But as soon as he gets into his harmonious environment, gain love and understanding, and he will be immensely happy. He will take care of his home and its inhabitants with great love and affection. A Cancer man, capable of empathy and compassion, will become sensitive to the needs of his wife and children.

The Libra woman was born under the auspices of Venus in the element of Air. These are passionate and creative people who hate loneliness. To get their attention, you need to be a good conversationalist and listener. They like to talk about themselves, perceive life with a certain ease. Sometimes Libra can be caught on long telephone conversations, it would seem, about nothing. But if you listen, you can find a lot of wisdom and good advice in her words. Despite the typical mood swings for every woman, and especially for Libra, they pay enough attention to their partner, plunging into his life. They support him in social matters and take care of his appearance. In addition, they do not want to depend on their spouses and successfully make a career. The characteristic features of the Libra woman are wisdom and diplomacy. She hides her masculine nature under the guise of a feminine good-natured girl, as she knows that the stronger sex is afraid to get in touch with too smart ladies. Libra can be overly proactive, but despite this, she tries to find balance and a happy medium in everything.

Compatibility in Love

The romantic relationship of these zodiac signs is not as simple as it might seem at first. On the first dates, the Cancer man, like a knight on a white horse, will win his lady in every possible way. Romantic and sentimental Cancers are capable of long walks under the moon, writing poems and songs in honor of their beloved. The Libra woman accepts the kind of attention that makes her feel like a queen. And at the same time, with her rebelliousness, she will tease the man, inciting even more ardent feelings in him.

The first flash of sensuality of these lovers quickly turns into a fire of passion. In bed, they are able to understand each other without words, guessing desires and delivering unforgettable pleasures. This is an important connecting factor of these signs. And, it would seem that this is a prerequisite for a long love relationship.

But the time of dates under the moon, romantic poems and intimate conversations can end instantly due to the jealousy of the Cancer man. Even the most insignificant reason is enough for him to torture his chosen one with interrogations. This, of course, will not please the Libra woman, because they are freedom-loving natures and will not tolerate pressure from the outside. To resolve the controversial issue, both lovers need to escape from problems and again plunge into the atmosphere of romance. To continue the relationship, both partners should make an effort. In this pair, it is the Cancer man who is too amorous and insists on developing relationships, looking ahead and imagining their wonderful union in his dreams. In Libra women, the romantic sphere manifests itself in a slightly different direction. Sometimes it seems that these women play feelings for the public.

There is no need to talk about harmony in such a union, because they have a different view of the relationship. They seem to speak to each other in different languages. It is the parallel elements of Water and Air that command them. But just as air can excite the surface of the sea, it is in the same way that it can pacify it. Therefore, in these respects, romantic Cancer men fall under the auspices of more rational Libra women. And this can suit men of the water element. Trusting a far-sighted woman, they will bypass many obstacles in their path and achieve success. Such a business relationship can replace the raging passions of the initial stage of their love story and take root for a long time. And this can be the key to a strong and happy marriage.

Marriage compatibility

Understanding the differences in characters, representatives of these signs are in no hurry to marry each other. But having joined the union, they will try to save it. For a Cancer man, family is the most important thing in life. He treats his wife as the only woman for life. Therefore, in marriage, he is soft and caring. Perhaps even sometimes boring. But the Libra woman is able to turn a blind eye to his shortcomings. Her natural tact and diplomatic qualities allow her to bypass controversial issues in marriage. She always remembers the virtues of her man.

Libra can perfectly analyze and solve all issues related to everyday life. She puts everything on the shelves and makes her husband agree with her in everything. In marriage, Libra is a unique sign. It even sometimes seems to husbands that there are not one, but two representatives of the fair sex in the house: one cooks, brings comfort, and the other works and builds a career. For a Cancer man, his mother has the greatest authority. Therefore. If the wife finds a common language with her mother-in-law, peace and harmony will reign in the house. And Libra, like no other, can captivate her husband’s mother into a conversation and pour her a full hem of compliments. Cancer loves delicious food, beautiful scenery, music and comfort in the house. And if all this is combined, cancer turns out to be a wonderful husband and father.

The birth of children unites their union. Children are very important to Cancer. His patience and care in raising a child knows no bounds. Sometimes they can even replace the mother of their children. The more time he spends with the child, the more responsible the father becomes.

Libra’s mother also wraps her baby in reverent care. At the same time, she takes a responsible approach to raising a child, emphasizing the development of a harmonious and versatile personality. She wants to share her knowledge of the world with him and prepare her child for adulthood. For the sake of a child and a happy relationship, such a woman is even ready to become a housewife. However, the child will never become the center of the universe for Libra, unlike cancers. Libra treats the role of mother as a duty necessary for every woman. They can caress and severely punish their child, besides, they will do everything to ensure that the authority of the father remains unshakable in the eyes of the child. As a result, having jointly developed common principles regarding the life and upbringing of children, these signs will be able to achieve harmony and harmony in marriage.

Pros and Cons Union Cancer man – Libra woman

Every family has its positive and negative aspects of life. In such a pair as Cancer and Libra, the pros and cons are somewhat intertwined, so it is impossible to single out something unambiguously negative, or only positive. Consider the pros and cons in conjunction with each other.

  • This pair is quite capable of creating a strong and reliable tandem. However, their union can also be destroyed by the doubts that periodically visit partners. As a result, distrust of each other can undermine marital happiness. These signs painfully react to the indifferent attitude of a loved one. In response to indifference, both are offended, withdraw into themselves. And as a result, they move away from each other. Misunderstandings further increase and lead to frustration.
  • The Libra woman needs constant attention from her man. They want to feel important and loved. And because of their outward stubbornness and pride, they introduce a partner into confusion about their desires and can even scare them away. In fact, behind the secrecy of feelings, Libra hides his kindness and friendliness.
  • The Cancer man expects from his chosen one a deeper participation in his life, inner world and experiences. They need occasional emotional conversations. Otherwise, he may withdraw into himself, in his depressive state. The other extreme of ignoring his feelings can be vindictiveness.
  • Therefore, for harmonious relationships in a pair, these signs need to take into account the pros and cons of each other and constantly work on themselves and on relationships.
  • You should not close yourself, you need to go to an open dialogue, speaking openly about your desires and needs. Advice for a woman in this union: you need to fully share the views of a man. And a man needs to give his partner the opportunity to be sometimes in solitude, not to cling to her for nothing. This will enable the Libra woman to always be cheerful and sweet, as at the first meeting. Then the Cancer man will continue to give 100% for his family. And his love for his wife will become stronger every day.

Perhaps, over time, both spouses will understand all the advantages of this union, namely, that both have a traditional view of relationships and life together. And this is very important. When the mistakes of youth are left behind, and they learn to trust each other, they will be faithful and happy. This is a reliable relationship in which a man takes care of the safety of his wife, and a woman is able to turn her strong-willed qualities to protect the interests of her family. The same approach to raising children, and the attitude towards money will create a harmonious relationship between these signs.

When analyzing the pros and cons of a couple according to the horoscope, it must be remembered that the stars only give recommendations and indicate the likely development of relationships, taking into account the characters of the signs of the Zodiac. In real life, you need to constantly work on yourself and relationships. After all, the happiness of every person is not in the starry sky, but in his own hands.

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