Cancer man – Leo woman: horoscope compatibility

To create a family is not to cross a river, people say. How to find out the future by choosing a couple? How not to make a mistake? This will help one of the most ancient sciences – astrology. Horoscopes have been compiled for many hundreds of years, to believe them or not is a personal matter for everyone. But, we think, any person at least once in his life looked into his horoscope. Today we will talk about the compatibility of men born under the constellation of Cancer and women of Lionesses.

Astrologers believe that this couple’s compatibility causes a lot of controversy, however, there are many families who live together happily ever after, born under the sign of Cancer and Leo. Their compatibility largely depends on whether the partners themselves want it. And even though they are very different people, they can create a wonderful tandem of Fire and Water, complementing each other.

Men born under the sign of Cancer are very sensual, emotional, impressionable and very vulnerable, but the representatives of the stronger sex try to hide their mood. Behind their rudeness, harshness and indifference is a kind soul. They will not pass by those who need help, they know how to empathize. It is unacceptable for Cancer men to swear and scandal, so they try to avoid conflicts. But in dealing with them, one should not forget that the representatives of this sign are very touchy. Cancers try to solve problems on their own, think for a long time and calculate options for getting out of difficult situations. The positive qualities of Cancer men include their nobility. Cancer will never stoop to humiliate other people, and this is an important trait in a person. The negative aspects include such character traits of Cancers as stubbornness, closeness, depression.

Women who were born when the constellation Leo was in full force show themselves as inaccessible, mysterious ladies. They are bright and beautiful. They do not like to show their weaknesses to other people. Lionesses always watch their appearance. Some especially daring beauties look catchy, bright, sometimes defiant. They are optimistic and not afraid to make plans for the future. In relation to other people, Lions are friendly only with like-minded people. Women of this zodiac sign have a sharp mind, which is a plus. The fair sex loves when compliments are made in their direction, they like to spend time with men. The positive character traits of Lviv women include good nature, sophistication, and cheerfulness. Their negative qualities: selfishness, confidence that they are always right.

Love compatibility

Quite interesting relationships arise in this pair, sometimes light as fire, sometimes heavy, as if under tons of water. Cancer is calm, quiet couch potato. Leo, on the contrary, is energetic and bright, does not like to sit still. In a relationship, feelings and love are very important for both of them. In this, these two signs are similar. In the Cancer-Leo union, each partner needs to choose new behaviors in order to suit each other even more. Initially, the relationship of this couple begins with a long friendship. A woman leaves her boyfriend as a fallback, because the Lioness is never deprived of male attention, she definitely has plenty to choose from.

But their relationship can develop in a different way. The girl is bright, catchy, cheerful, trying with all her might to catch Cancer, who is closed in herself. She has a desire to achieve this handsome man. But Cancer does not always reciprocate, his thoughts can be immersed in his past love, which the guy cannot forget.

These two signs of the Zodiac have absorbed the energy of two heavenly bodies: the Moon and the Sun. They have different dispositions, not very many points of reciprocity, but like two celestial bodies, they complement each other perfectly. The best relations of this union will develop at a more mature age. Then it is easier for people who are already wise in life to go through all the difficulties and conflicts. Smooth out all the nuances of these relationships. Young people are rarely set up for a serious and long-term union; it is more difficult for them to agree with their soulmate. The Leo girl needs to be softer towards her chosen one, more tolerant. A man, on the contrary, is recommended to become more determined and stubborn. In this relationship, everyone will learn something new from their soulmate.

Marriage compatibility

This is the case of a relationship when a couple does not seek to quickly enter into a legal relationship. First they need to live together and look at each other. In marriage, the situation is heating up for these two signs, since initially they hid their negative character traits and, in fact, turned out to be unprepared for their manifestations. Most often, at the very beginning of these relationships, everything goes pretty smoothly, but at some point, conflict situations will begin to surface. They can arise both because of the difference in characters, and because of the intransigence of partners.

Difficulties and problems begin. The Cancer man is trying to make a “pet kitten” out of the Leo woman, but the fair sex is resisting. This is the obstacle of this union. The fact is that the Lioness is used to being the center of attention, and Cancer is a closed person. And he begins to force her to share this closeness, to withdraw from society into the shell. She does not like it and there is a quarrel. The fiery representative of the fair sex will not refuse to communicate with friends and girlfriends, she will not quit her job, she will not even get rid of her fans. She will not change her chosen one, but she will not stop flirting, as she needs it, like oxygen for a fire. And Cancers are offended, jealous, and they do it covertly, arranging some of their games and manipulations in the desire to find a bridle on the windy Lioness.

Spouses will constantly look for resonance: he will tame his resentment, and she – her own pride, otherwise the union is doomed to failure.

In a relationship, the main thing is to understand and accept each other, only after that the marriage will be strong and long. Partners should support each other. The lioness must endure the shortcomings of her husband, keep silent once again, be more tactful and wiser. Only then will he become more courageous and decisive and be able to share her views. And thus, there is an understanding between spouses, and love becomes stronger. In intimate terms, both partners are highly compatible, but on one condition: if both are madly in love with each other. Cancer will immediately understand if his chosen one is hiding something or is fake. And gradually his feelings will fade away, leading to complete coldness to the partner. But if he knows about her love, then the answer will be tenderness and sensitivity to his beloved. And she, in turn, will try to arouse his tireless interest in new experiments in bed.

It is worth noting that the pride and inaccessibility of the Lioness is mostly only an appearance. In fact, she, like any other representative of the weaker sex, needs a man who can protect her and defend her common interests. And cancer is not always this knight-protector, so Leo begins to disturb him, trying to extract the necessary qualities from the depths of the body of cancer. Usually these attacks arise from hints, then everything goes into the stage of pressure, and if appropriate measures are not taken, aggression begins. Then the relationship is waiting for one of three: a break, reconciliation or a quiet confrontation. Cancer knows how to make difficult decisions, and always makes the right choice, since he has a highly developed intuition. And the Lioness must provide her husband with such an opportunity, otherwise, taking the reins in her mighty “paws”, in the end she can get a sofa “mattress”. Despite the extravagance of the women of this sign, they are excellent housewives. Comfort and cleanliness always reign in the house. From the union of Cancer and Leo, excellent families are obtained, but only if they solve all their problems before marriage. The divorce rate in such families is very low.

Pros and cons of the union Cancer man – Leo Woman

With the right approach to each other, this union will be favorable. You just need to find compromises, support and take care of your loved one. In this case, both partners will be in perfect harmony with each other. The positive aspects of this relationship include:

  • The atmosphere of comfort and warmth will always reign in the house of Leo and Cancer.
  • In the face of a Cancer man, a woman will find herself not only a loved one, but also a best friend.
  • With the help of a spouse, Leo will learn to respect other people, improve his moral qualities.
  • This union guarantees the permanence of relations. It is unlikely that any of them will decide on treason for the sake of an empty affair.
  • Each of the couple will strive for comfort: Cancer loves comfort, and Leo loves to create it.
  • Both partners will experience personal growth and new qualities.
  • In the family of these people, honesty, openness to relatives and close people are promoted.
  • The next point follows from the previous point – the correct upbringing of children.
  • The kindness of each of the partners makes it easy to maintain good-hearted relations with neighbors, acquaintances and friends.

However, as in all unions, in addition to positive qualities, there will be disadvantages in these relationships. You can start with the fact that Cancer and Leo are big stubborn people.

  • One of the couple will put pressure on the other. Most often, the Lioness dominates, attacking Cancer with reproaches. But the Cancer man will not immediately give in to his soulmate. Then the relationship will be more like a local military conflict. In this scenario, it is unlikely that anyone will retreat.
  • If it suddenly comes to parting, then lady Leo will take the initiative. She will find a more interesting partner and go to him. Cancer, looking at this situation, will simply exhale.
  • Leo woman can provoke scandals and quarrels, as she is quite stubborn and demanding.
  • The lioness does not want to devote much time to the family.
  • These two signs often have different goals in life.
  • Different material values ​​​​and characters, both for men and women.
  • Over time, many claims to each other can accumulate. If both will remain silent and not tell the other half about their problems. That one, in turn, will become offended, guessing about the silence.

Thus, we can say that the combination of a Cancer man and a Leo woman is not easy. It is difficult to do without conflicts, quarrels and scandals. But on the contrary, in this relationship there will be many fun, impressive moments that will positively affect everyone. But in order to come to such harmony, it is necessary to learn to understand and accept each other, which is very important in any relationship. Astrologers believe that if each of the couple works on themselves, they will get a very harmonious couple.

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