Cancer man – Aries woman: horoscope compatibility

A man born under the sign of Cancer is often indecisive and sentimental. And if he meets a bright, stubborn and courageous Aries woman, then something unusual can be born in this union. Such a couple must constantly improve, work on themselves: he – to be bolder, she – more compliant and feminine. The nature of these signs haunts them: the more they quarrel, the more passion there is in reconciliation. How relations will develop in a Cancer-Aries pair will be shown by the stars.

Everything in this union seems incompatible, because the partners begin to play roles that are unusual for them. The Cancer man is driven, in need of affection, impulsive. Therefore, at first he feels depressed. However, he realizes what exactly the Aries woman was able to attract him to. Just this self-confidence, determination and explosive, indisputable character.

This feature of the Aries sign is to attract weaker partners to itself. Cancer men are looking for a strong relationship, an unquenchable family hearth and life-giving kisses. And in Aries, they see the embodiment of their dreams.

But without work on the relationship, these opposites will not be able to stick to each other to the fullest. Partners differ greatly in how to live correctly: Cancer has different ideological attitudes and beliefs than Aries. Therefore, there are often disputes where the Aries-Woman wins. Cancer would be happy to lose, but the masculine principle takes its toll and a new dispute arises. And this will continue until the couple finds compromises or decides to leave. Aries do not like that Cancers devote most of their time to thinking, are captive to their feelings and are used to “backward”. The mood of the representatives of this sign changes hundreds of times a day. And they are often prone to bouts of sudden sadness. In the morning, the Cancer man planned to go to the cinema with his lover, but by the evening he changed his mind twenty times and eventually decided to watch the movie at home. And the Aries woman, resolute and domineering, is unlikely to endure her partner’s mood swings and may well go to the cinema alone.

But such methods have a beneficial effect on Cancers. Aries are able to purify their souls, sweeping and clearing their notorious feelings with their flame. They find a special approach to their men, forcing them to take decisive steps, to get out of their shells towards a happy future. However, the main thing is not to overdo it. Sometimes Aries cannot restrain himself and shows his character too brightly, flaunts his previously covered habits, begins to dominate in a couple. And then Cancer again climbs into his little world and tries to limit contacts with his partner. If we talk about the predominant character traits of these signs, it is quite understandable why the union is called complex. She is active, loves life and strives to always be in trend. She has many friends and always has a good relationship with colleagues. The Aries woman loves to travel and often tries to get out of town for a picnic or to the sea with friends. And the Cancer man is often cold, withdrawn. Friends can be counted on the fingers. Only those who have similar interests are friends with him: solitude and peace with a book in their hands. In general, they are complete opposites.

Love compatibility

When these people start dating, the relationship is not easy. First, the Cancer man makes attempts to establish his leadership in the pair. But he does not have enough strength and will to curb the fiery Aries. Simply because she does not like to obey in principle, even in front of a stronger partner. Moreover, in Cancer there is nothing for which she would restrain her non-angelic character. But, as has already been said, if they find a compromise, then everything can turn out well. The Aries woman has one unpleasant character trait that especially annoys not only Cancers, but also other signs of the Zodiac. She is very lively, often not observing any decency and tact, violates the personal space of other people, starting to question them and calling them to frank conversations. Therefore, only by deeply understanding the subtle mental organization and showing sensitivity, the Aries woman will be able to get as close as possible to her Cancer partner.

At the very beginning of a relationship, Cancers want romance and modesty. And they are afraid of excessive interest from a woman. And if he felt that his sentimental-romantic moods were not destined to come true through the fault of an enterprising lady, he immediately turns off his fishing rods. Aries can show patience, which is very necessary just with Cancers: they must be approached slowly and demonstrate exceptionally good intentions. There should not be a drop of commercialism in a relationship. Male cancers think very badly about girls living on other people’s money. The Aries woman is always on the lookout for strong and independent men. She wants to have a friend, a business partner and a delightful lover all rolled into one. Aries is always positive, life is in full swing around her. Therefore, she does not really like people who whine about the disorder in life, but are not going to change anything. Cancers, on the contrary, love to complain about the frailty of life, talk about “bad politics” and the like. If they want to win the heart of an Aries woman, then they should be less sad and have such conversations. Well, if the guy is a creative person, artist, artist or teacher – Aries likes such men. She succumbs to the charms of those who have unusual hobbies and talents. In any case, Cancers need to be less sad, and Aries need to be a little more patient.

The beginning of dating and relationships in a pair of Cancer-man-Aries-woman always happens thanks to the female half of humanity.

Aries easily converge and people can understand, provide support and approval. And Cancers, seeing only positive qualities at the beginning of a relationship, are imbued with sympathy for Aries. After all, men really need a friend and a psychologist, and preferably in the face of a woman. Relations in this couple develop for a long time. This is the fault of the man who is eyeing the girl. And when he begins to trust her so much that he will not be afraid to talk about his experiences, only at that moment Cancer will understand that he has fallen in love. She listens to him, deep down wondering why there is so much anxiety, and why he is so worried about mere trifles. However, if the Aries woman is also in love, she will make every effort to make him feel the brightness of life.

Having fallen in love, Cancers are so afraid of losing their chosen one that they begin to come up with various sad stories. However, their suspiciousness and jealousy never surface, so Cancer can become depressed. The Aries woman is unaware of this, accepting the favorable views of the surrounding men, but remaining faithful to her Hermit Crab. When a love relationship moves to a new level, the partners begin to feel some kind of disharmony. But if love is very strong and hot, then the beloved cherish the hope that they will remain together at all costs. It is at this time that they intensely need to look for other points of contact, in addition to passion. And then the union will become truly indestructible.

Marriage compatibility

The first thing a Cancer man expects from family relationships is stability. After he fully reveals his feelings to the lady, Cancer will seek to create a family with her. The Aries woman, succumbing to the impulse, will accept his offer. But sometimes it happens that after the wedding, Cancer’s interest begins to fade, because he has reached the limit of his dreams. And Aries will get bored: the fire is gone, there is no former passion, everyday life is eating up. For her, the creation of a family is not only a stamp in the passport. She wants to be one with her chosen one, so that “everything is as before.”

Cancer is gentle and timid, and this woman takes it for weakness. She is in dire need of bursts of emotions and passions. And the man who endured and fulfilled her whims before the wedding is now experiencing discomfort. He ceases to like the activity of his wife, he gets tired of her. Aries love to make rearrangements in the house, repair something, put the house in order. And Cancer men in everyday life do not show any initiative. It’s better for them to lie on the couch, talking about their neighbor Vaska, who, well, doesn’t do anything at home at all. If Cancer shows concern, contributing to the best of his ability, this seems to his wife insufficient. To reach a compromise, they need to distribute their responsibilities: if she does housework, then he works. Only then will there be full compatibility. In bed, this couple also shows opposite moods. She expects her partner to conquer her and win. She likes to experiment, reincarnate and remove all prohibitions. He, in the depths of his consciousness, seeks to merge with a liberated partner, hoping to weaken control over himself and fully enjoy sex. But Cancer is slow. The Aries woman does not like this and begins to push. Such pressure frightens a man, preventing him from completely relaxing.

To feel comfortable in an intimate relationship, both partners must change their principles and habits. He should not hesitate and expect initiative from a partner. And she must show sensuality, patience and tact.

To achieve a harmonious relationship in a pair of Cancer man and Aries woman, you need to arrange everything so that both partners find their calling. And it should not be violent and fully conscious. The ideal solution is if a woman becomes the keeper of the hearth. In her hands should be the family budget, and the right to raise children. It is worth noting that in the process of grinding the characters, the relationship of this couple is quite complex and in most cases is kept only at an intimate level. But when this stage is successfully passed, a completely happy and prosperous family life begins.

Pros and cons of the union Cancer Man and Aries Woman.

This union changes the lives of two people, as they completely reconsider their habits, trying for the sake of a partner. Whatever they say about the complexity of the relationship between Cancer and Aries, there are still a lot of pluses.

  • In these relationships, Cancer finds a sense of importance and necessity, as the partner strives for him, is in love and is happy. And if the partners can find a compromise of characters, and then accept each other with all the shortcomings, then the family will only be stronger every year.
  • The Aries woman brings passion and fire into the life of a Cancer. It is with her that he becomes more active and decisive and learns to stand firmly on his convictions.
  • From the outside, this couple looks very beautiful and noble: the Cancer man is invariably gallant, and the Aries woman takes care and is attentive to the wishes of her husband.
  • Cancer is outwardly calm and courteous, but inside he also has a sea of ​​emotions and passions. And again, with mutual compromise, intimate relationships can be very rich and vibrant. Yes, and in ordinary life, with the participation of Aries, Cancer will not be bored: feelings and passions are provided.
  • If an Aries woman loves her chosen one so that she cannot live without him, then she will always be a faithful and devoted wife. And Cancer loves stability, and will not violate family life for the sake of an affair on the side.
  • All Aries girls are good housewives and often pour their energy into home improvement and life. Finding solutions that satisfy both parties, this couple will live happily ever after.

The minuses in the relationship of this couple are still less than the pluses.

  • The pressure from the partner is very hard on Cancer. And if you do not improve relations, then he will give in to his wife in everything, and feel discomfort inside.
  • Often a couple breaks apart due to different goals and outlooks on life, and their interest in each other gradually declines and eventually goes out.
  • Partners can start a quarrel over trifles, and very rarely stop scandals, which leads to long-term grievances.

Details on how to maintain a relationship with this couple were mentioned above. The most important thing is to find a compromise. The Cancer man must become a mystery to his wife in the good sense of the word, so that she always retains an interest in married life. And it is also necessary to always share your thoughts and feelings, avoid understatement and misunderstanding. Only in this case the pair will be 100% compatible!

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