Every woman wants to build a healthy and strong relationship. I would like to feel that this is your person, with whom it will be possible to maintain balance and stability, which is sometimes so lacking in the daily bustle. When meeting a new partner, I sincerely want to believe that life together will pass without unnecessary conflicts. It is no secret that the key to harmonious relationships is the compatibility of partners in character and temperament. How real is the union between the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man in this case?
The Aquarius woman is by nature a bright personality that attracts attention. Amazing energy comes from these charming ladies. They are graceful and witty, changeable and definitely different from the rest. In the head of an Aquarius woman, new non-standard ideas are constantly born, which, combined with diligence and dedication to her work, allows her to achieve her own goals. Being an adventurer who constantly wants to find something new in this life, she does not tolerate strict discipline, perceiving it as an iron cage.
Having given Aquarius freedom in relationships, in return, her chosen one will receive loyalty and trust. In the case of representatives of this air element, it is especially appreciated.
It is quite difficult for an Aquarius woman to completely trust people, despite the fact that they often find themselves in the spotlight. Aquarians sincerely and strongly become attached to those who once managed to find a way to their heart. It is enough just to accept all her oddities, creating an interesting and unusual personality, with whom it will never be boring. They are loving and affectionate, gentle and sometimes naive, like children. At the same time, it can hurt them. The Aquarius woman is prone to jealousy, afraid of losing a loved one. In her soul, she is quite vulnerable and emotional, easily subjected to experiences.
The Cancer man, in turn, is sometimes able to resemble the hero of a lyrical work. He is romantic and loving, full of emotions and youthful naivety. Sometimes such men are too vulnerable in their youth, but by a more mature age they form a strong inner core, and criticism stops hurting them. He constantly needs support and love, which he can easily receive from unimportant people, for a long time doing without a permanent relationship. Being independent, Cancers tend to think about starting a family only in middle age. They put their own interests and freedom first in the long run. Just do not conclude from these words that the Cancer man is selfish. When it comes to friendship, the person under this sign is one of the most loyal. He highly appreciates his surroundings and in the forefront comes to the aid of his loved ones. Understanding a Cancer man can be difficult. People born under this sign are mysterious and secretive. Not everyone will be able to choose an approach to Cancer, because sometimes it becomes unbearable to endure his whims and tendency to exaggerate.
Love compatibility
The compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man is 76%. Having a similar temperament, they are able to understand each other better than others. It is much easier to understand the jealousy and emotionality of a partner when you yourself live with these qualities and understand their nature. Both of these signs have a romantic nature that needs love and pushes for unexpected actions. From this, their union is more like a beautiful story from old films and books.
We can safely say that these two elements complement each other. Their relationship is dynamic and not always predictable, being in constant motion. In them, for the first time, a woman encounters such selfless love from her partner.
Sometimes an opinion may be formed that in this union, Cancer is obsessed with the very idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXblove. In fact, a man, having felt a kindred spirit, is strongly attached. Being devoted, he is ready to be there in a difficult moment, not allowing him to fall. This is exactly the person who will arrive even in the middle of the night, just to be there and wipe away tears. In relationships, he demonstrates the qualities of a reliable person, who is usually eloquently referred to as “like behind a stone wall”. The clash of interests of Cancer and Aquarius is comparable to an indomitable element. If everyone in this pair learns to give in and hear the other, these relationships will become much happier and more harmonious. At the beginning of the journey, it is like two children who are just learning to think not only about themselves. The task of both Aquarius and Cancer is to help their partner grow up.
To do this, Aquarius should tame his morals and show the kindness and understanding characteristic of a woman. If a girl feels the vulnerability and emotional vulnerability of her partner in time, having gained wisdom and patience, their union will grow stronger. The Cancer man, in turn, should discard the idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXblimiting the freedom of his beloved, taking over his jealousy. If this is not done, Aquarius will feel constrained and want to break free. Even if you have to sacrifice your own relationships for it. Ladies born under an air sign especially value their freedom, putting it much higher than family obligations. Otherwise, the love relationship between Aquarius and Cancer is full of passion and feelings, which forms attachment, the need to feel a loved one next to you. If it was not possible to avoid parting, both signs will experience it very hard. This is due to emotionality, unstable self-esteem, which is more related to Cancer, as well as a strong attachment to a person who has become a family.
Marriage compatibility
Aquarians tend to live in the current, today, almost without thinking about the future. To forge it by marriage is a rather difficult task. Fear of obligations and restrictions can prevent an Aquarius woman from taking such a responsible step as marriage. If she agrees to create a full-fledged family with her chosen one, then their relationship is trusting. Sacrificing her freedom for the sake of a man, in return, the Aquarius woman wants to feel liberation from worldly worries and the formidable word “must”. It is the possibility of further self-development that will make the girl happy in this union. She needs her chosen one to finally understand and accept her hobbies and goals. From this desire for “high”, sometimes Aquarius can forget about household duties and at some point completely stop fulfilling them. The reason may be a strong passion for a new hobby or a banal bad mood. Then the Aquarius woman will need support from her husband. Perhaps Cancer will only have to come to terms with the need for help around the house.
This couple can make a strong loving family. Despite Aquarius’s love of making a fuss and expressing their point of view vividly through scandal, most conflicts are resolved by compromise.
To do this, at first, the couple will have to make a lot of effort in order to learn to listen to each other. It is this quality that is the foundation of further relationships. After the appearance of children in the family, it will not be easy. Cancer and Aquarius have opposite opinions about the upbringing of the younger generation, and therefore this will be another reason for the clash of interests. A different approach to solving problems can also interfere with the path to a peaceful family life. Despite a similar temperament, Cancer will prefer more standard, traditional methods. The Aquarius woman, in turn, will offer many non-standard ideas. Some of them may seem at least strange and definitely not inspire confidence. In general, even in marriage, this couple cannot be afraid of the prospect of being absorbed by “everyday life”. With unexpected and non-standard ideas of Aquarius, which has not lost activity even in family life, every day will be unpredictable and interesting.
Pros and cons of the union Cancer man and Aquarius woman
In the union of Aquarius and Cancer, there will be far from only positive aspects. You have to work hard on your relationships. The main thing is not to lose sight of the dignity and notice the shortcomings of the couple in time, on which work is to be done. This will increase the chances of maintaining the relationship. Consider their main advantages:
- These two signs will have a trusting relationship built on a complete understanding of each other. Cancer and Aquarius feel closeness on a mental, emotional level, which allows them to better understand each other. Such relationships become an island of safety for the couple. Salvation from the cruel adult world. Here you can still believe in a miracle, creating your own reality. Let it be just a thought.
- Their relationship is secure. Each of the partners is able to get what they need in this pair. Cancer feels the necessary support to help strengthen faith in themselves and their own strengths, and Aquarius finally feels that they understand her. That they accept her with all the oddities and seem to say that this is completely normal. The girl will find protection and stability behind her chosen one.
A man will feel that surge of vital energy, which he was deprived of. The Aquarius woman will be like a muse, carrying with her a fresh breath of air.
- These relationships will be the impetus for the future. Helping each other to accept themselves, after the start of a relationship, Aquarius and Cancer will want to improve themselves, work on themselves. There is a lot of support in this couple, motivating them to continue their personal growth. In addition, there will be a desire to be better for the sake of your partner, showing the best version of yourself. Such impulses always positively affect the lives of both.
There are not so many disadvantages:
- Different attitude to family everyday life. Aquarius is able to keep the desire to fool around even after the wedding and the birth of a child. She is still active and emotional, not planning to change even at a new stage in the relationship.
- The situation with Cancer is quite the opposite. With the birth of children, he becomes much more serious and responsible. A man can be very oppressed by the feeling that he can not cope. Even if it is imaginary.
- The thing that Aquarius will never be able to accept in his life is the jealousy of her lover. Being a freedom-loving bird, this woman will never part with her friends after marriage and will sincerely be offended by her beloved if he starts to interfere with this.
- It will be difficult for Cancer to keep his jealousy under control, which can sooner or later result in a conflict.
Fate is a purely individual thing. It has the ability to develop in each in its own way. However, if you know in advance about possible difficulties, you can rethink your own behavior and change the perception of the situation. The happiness of a person is completely in his hands. And in the case of the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man, it is real. You just need to put in some effort to keep in touch with your loved one.