This is confirmed by the results of work carried out several years ago by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles who found that pancreatic cancer cells they use fructose to divide and reproduce. Moreover, cancer cells that have been “fed” glucose and fructose, they handled these sugars in a completely different way. The research was published in cancer research. Dr. Anthony Heaney of the Jonsson Cancer Center explains: these findings show that cancer cells very clearly metabolize fructose to increase proliferation. Cancer cells are also very fond of glucose, but only proliferate with fructose. This is of great importance for patients given the wide presence of fructose in the diet of citizens of industrialized countries. Americans consume incredible amounts of this sugar, primarily in corn syrup, which is a mix of fructose and glucose, commonly used in sodas, bread, and processed foods. Let us add that the American Heart Association states that too much sugar, regardless of its type, not only increases the waist size, but also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.