Cancer diagnostics – what tests should be performed?

Diagnostics is a very important element of cancer prevention. Early detection of oncological changes is crucial for successful healing and prolonging life. Check what tests are worth doing regularly to avoid serious diseases.

Cancer diagnostics – preventive examinations

Among preventive examinations in Poland Three tests under the National Health Fund are reimbursed. This means that after receiving a referral, the examination can be performed free of charge. These are:

  1. breast mammography – this is a test aimed at women between 50 and 69 years of age. The test can be performed free of charge every two years. If a woman has a family history of the disease, then it is an indication for a free examination more often;
  2. colonoscopy – this is it colorectal cancer screening. The test is recommended for people over 50 every 10 years in the absence of a family history of the disease. However, if there are cases of colorectal cancer in the closest family (first degree of kinship), then the examination should be performed at the age of 40-49. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer can be an inherited disease. If the patient’s relatives have been diagnosed with hereditary form of colorectal cancer, and so it has been confirmed by genetic tests, it means that colonoscopy should be performed from the age of 25 and much more often than stated in the general recommendations;
  3. cytology – this is it cervical cancer test. Testing is recommended for every woman between the ages of 25 and 59. In the case of women with no known risk factors for developing cervical cancer, the test should be performed every three years. However, if a woman is infected with HPV, has been treated for cervical dysplasia, or has been infected with HIV, cytology is recommended once a year.

It should be remembered that research carried out by the National Health Fund is sometimes associated with a long waiting period. Therefore, if for various reasons we care about time, it is worth getting acquainted with the offer of private medical institutions.

Some of the tests can be done by mail order without leaving your home. One of them is cytology. You will find the LBC BD SurePath test on the liquid medium in the Al-Med laboratory offer.

Check it out: Neoplasms of the elderly – unusual symptoms and diagnosis. The most common conditions

Cancer diagnostics – tumor markers

Cancer markers are another test that helps diagnose neoplastic disease. These are chemicals that can indicate cancer development. However, keep in mind that this is not always the case. These substances may have abnormal levels associated with other diseases and health conditions that are not associated with cancer, such as pregnancy.

The most common tests are for the following tumor markers:

  1. CEA – it is a carcinoembryonic antigen, the presence of which may indicate the development of, for example, colorectal cancer;
  2. AFP – this is an alphafetoprotein test that can indicate both pregnancy and hepatocellular carcinoma;
  3. Beta-hCG – this is the chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is primarily used to confirm pregnancy, but it can also appear during the development of germ cell tumors, neuroblastoma and gestational trophoblastic disease;
  4. PSA – it is a specific prostatic antigen. Its appearance may indicate the development of prostate cancer, but PSA levels may also be elevated as a result of injury or inflammation;
  5. Ca-125 – it is a protein whose appearance may indicate the development of ovarian cancer;
  6. CA-19.9 – a protein helpful in the diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms and bile duct carcinomas.

Testing for tumor markers can now be done on your own in private medical facilities. We will find them, among others in the offer of FixCare, which has prepared cancer marker testing packages for women and men.

Cancer diagnostics – genetic tests

Genetic testing is a form of cancer risk assessment. Their performance does not diagnose the disease, but it allows us to check whether we are genetically more likely to develop a selected type of cancer.

One of such tests is the study of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which allows you to assess the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, which are one of the most common cancers among women. Research on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can be performed at home using genetic mail-order testing.

The test for the A148T mutation in the CDKN2A gene, which is responsible for a higher risk of melanoma, i.e. skin cancer, works in a similar way. This study is directed both to people who have cases of this disease in their family, but also to everyone who has many moles or moles. Genetic testing for the risk of melanoma in the form of a convenient mail-order test is offered by the Medgen Medical Center.

Cancer diagnostics – imaging tests

Imaging tests are an important element in the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases. Basic imaging tests include chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound. Chest x-rays are used to diagnose tumors in the lungs and mediastinum. However, the final confirmation of the change requires histopathological examinations. For this, a sample of the lesion taken during a biopsy through the chest, after insertion of the bronchoscope into the bronchial tree or from the secretion of the respiratory tract is required. In addition, an X-ray image can also show bone changes, which can be very helpful for the initial diagnosis of bone cancers, such as myeloma.

In turn, ultrasound is used in diagnostics of tumors of the abdominal cavity, genitourinary organs and pelvis. It can also be used to diagnose changes in the breasts and thyroid gland. You will arrange the examination privately at Polmed facilities. You will perform there, among others Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland and breasts.

Among the less popular tests is computed tomography, which is still a more accurate examination than X-ray and ultrasound. Tomography allows you to scan your entire body and look for any neoplastic changes.

Another popular research is magnetic resonance imaging. This test is used to detect changes in the central nervous system, i.e. any neoplastic changes in the brain, including even grade IV glioma. MRI of the head can also be performed privately in MRI Diagnostics units.

Imaging examinations are not always very accurate. During the examination, for example, a metastasis may appear, and not its source. Then it is necessary to perform a PET examination, i.e. positron emission tomography. During the examination, the patient is given an intravenous radioisotope, which accumulates in the most metabolically active tissues, such as neoplastic lesions. These places start to shine brightly during the test, which makes it possible to identify a specific one tumor site and appropriate treatment.

Bone scintigraphy may also be helpful. It is a test that allows you to assess the condition of the bones. During it, a radioisotope is also administered, which accumulates in damaged bones or in places of inflammation. This method is effective especially in the case of neoplasms that give rise to bone metastases. Most often it is breast, prostate and lung cancer.

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