Cancer becomes the leading cause of premature mortality before 65 years of age. Not only elderly people are sick, but also young people.
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1/ 11 Cancer is getting more and more dangerous
In 2012, over 152 thousand jobs were recorded in our country. cancer. It is estimated that for every 100 in 2012, over 397 people in the Polish population were diagnosed with cancer, and about 575 people lived with this disease diagnosed in the previous 10 years. One in four Europeans dies of cancer. However, not everyone knows that as many as 1/3 of cancers are preventable. See what you can do on a daily basis to reduce your risk of cancer.
2/ 11 Don’t smoke
Do not use tobacco in any form. 9 out of 10 people who develop lung cancer are or have smoked in the past. The effect of smoking has also been confirmed in the formation of esophageal, throat, mouth, bladder, kidney, stomach and pancreatic cancer. It is estimated that about 50 percent. people who started smoking at an early age will die from smoking. Why should I quit smoking? With each year of abstinence, the risk of developing cancer decreases. Create a smoke-free environment at home. Remember that both active and passive smoking are harmful. People exposed to tobacco smoke introduce into their body the same carcinogenic and poisonous substances as the smoker. Proof? Every year, almost 2000 people who have never smoked die in Poland because of passive smoking.
3/ 11 Take care of your body weight
Overweight and obesity are the second risk factor for smoking with tobacco cancer, especially cancer of the colon, breast, endometrium, kidney and esophageal adenocarcinoma. To find out if your weight is correct, simply calculate your body mass index (BMI). It is the ratio of weight to power in square meters. If the BMI ranges from 25 to 29,9 kg / m2, the result indicates overweight, while when the index is greater than or equal to 30 kg / m2, we are dealing with obesity. If you have an abnormal weight, take care of a proper diet and exercise.
4/ 11 Do sports
There has long been evidence of the beneficial effects of exercise on health. The most important thing is regularity, not intensity. Keeping the body healthy is possible thanks to even a small amount of physical activity, but performed every day. For those who don’t like sports, we have good news. Walking is believed to be the kind of physical activity that is closest to ideal for health. Remember, however, that you have to walk every day, and the total duration of the walk should be 150 minutes a week.
5/ 11 Eat healthy
Some researchers believe that eating fruit twice a day reduces cancer risk by up to 75%. It is also worth including whole grains, legumes and vegetables in your diet. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of high-calorie foods (high in sugar or fat) and sweetened drinks. You can reduce the risk of cancer by excluding processed meat from your diet and restricting your consumption of red meat. This is especially important to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. It is also worth giving up foods that contain a large amount of salt, which increases the risk of developing stomach cancer. Scientists also point out that abstinence helps prevent cancer. Alcohol is a carcinogen. Regardless of whether you are drinking beer, wine or vodka, the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, liver and breast increases with each sip. This risk is especially high in people who smoke regularly and consume alcohol.
6/11 Unique UVs
Protect yourself from the sun, use sunscreen products. Sunburn, especially in childhood, increases the risk of developing melanoma. Evidence is emerging to support the involvement of non-solar UV radiation sources in the etiopathogenesis of melanoma. The growing popularity of UVA emitting devices and more frequent exposure to artificial radiation sources (solariums) increase the incidence of melanoma and skin cancer. What to do to reduce the risk of developing melanoma? Avoid the sun in the afternoon hours (10.00-15.00) and look for shade on sunny days. You can protect yourself from the sun with appropriate clothing and headgear. Do not forget about well-chosen sunglasses with a UV filter to protect against eye melanoma. You should also use creams with UVA and UVB filters. Periodic dermoscopic check-ups of skin lesions by a dermatologist are also recommended. It is also worth remembering that some medications can cause burns or discoloration after exposure to the sun.
7/ 11 Watch out for carcinogens
Protect yourself from carcinogenic substances in the workplace. Find out if your home is exposed to natural radiation from high radon levels. Take action to reduce its level.
8/ 11 Protection of women
Women should remember that breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of developing cancer. If you can breastfeed your baby. It should also be borne in mind that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Limit its use.
9/ 11 Vaccinations
Make sure your children are immunized against: hepatitis B (newborns); human papillomavirus – HPV (for girls).
10/ 11 Screening
Participate in structured screening programs for the early detection of: colorectal cancer (recommendation applies to both men and women); breast cancer (in women); cervical cancer (in women).
11/ 11 Source of information
On the basis of the European Code against Cancer, which was established on the initiative of the European Union in order to reduce cancer incidence through activities related to primary prevention, i.e. promoting pro-health behavior and a healthy lifestyle. The document is the result of many years of research carried out by outstanding scientists. The rules contained therein are implemented at the national level by the governments of individual European Union countries.