Cancer: causes: stars who defeated the disease

Eduard Matsaberidze and other celebrities who overcame a serious illness.

In May 2018, Eduard Matsaberidze, an actor, host of the “Food, I Love You” program, posted a frightening photo on Instagram, accompanied by an equally scary post. From the picture, instead of a handsome brunette, an absolutely bald thin man looked.

“I have lymphoma, this is a type of cancer, and not a kind of citrus, as I would like to believe,” – then admitted Edward.

Since then, the actor began to keep a diary, telling in detail about the fight against a terrible disease. He continued to lose weight, lost hair not only on his head, but even on his face and without eyebrows looked even frightening.

“Do I have a chance?” Ed asked after learning of a huge tumor in his head.

“Well, at least try it,” they replied.

But despite all this, Ed did not stop joking and at the end of each post urged: “Be sure to take a general blood test every 6 months and do a fluorography once a year.” His posts have become a great support for many. And on the eve of Matsaberidze made his fans happy with the news: six months later, he defeated cancer!

On this occasion, the actor was invited to the show “Evening Urgant”.

“When people find out about their diagnosis, many people have a question:“ Why me? ”. I did not have such a question. I knew why. Because I skipped chemistry as a child. I have made up for 6 courses of chemotherapy, ”Edward did not stop joking about his health.

The actor admitted that his fighting spirit, as well as his family and friends, helped him cope with the disease.

“I was never left alone with stupid thoughts that something might happen. Mom, wife, friends were always nearby. Absolutely strangers wrote me words of support in the comments. And it helped a lot. “

In the spring of 2018, the star of the series “Secrets of the Investigation” Kristina Kuzmina admitted in the media that she was diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. The actress said that for the first time she had a chance to hear the unpleasant conclusion of doctors 5 years ago. After surgery and a course of chemotherapy, the disease receded, but this year there was a relapse. Kristina was again awaited by surgery and IVs. Now her condition has stabilized and the actress is in a hurry to live: she changed her hairstyle, went on vacation to Israel. The actress draws strength to fight the disease from work and communication with loved ones and her daughter Agrippina-Agrafena.

In her photos on Instagram, the actress looks young, beautiful and happy, and about the future she says: “Everything is God’s will”.

In July 2015, Andrei Gaidulyan, the star of the Sasha Tanya TV series, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The growing swelling in the throat did not allow the actor to speak normally and even breathe, he was constantly coughing.

Andrei went to Germany for treatment and a couple of months later announced in his social networks that he was recovering, thanks to the efforts of doctors, a turning point had come in his illness. The actor’s joy from the positive predictions of doctors and the support of fans was overshadowed only by the fact that some enterprising people organized a fundraiser on the network, which was allegedly needed for the operation of Gaidulyan. Andrey hastened to refute the rumors about an expensive operation and warned everyone that the money was being collected by fraudsters.

At the beginning of 2016, there were reports that Andrei’s condition was stable, and in September he married his girlfriend Diana Ochilova, who was by his side all the time of his illness and supported him. However, the couple subsequently broke up. Like everyone who has come across oncology, Andrei Gaidulyan regularly undergoes the necessary examinations.

The writer learned that she was sick with breast cancer in 1998. Subsequently, she said in an interview that she was vacationing at a resort that year and was surprised at how noticeably her breasts had grown. The information that she had oncology in the 4th, last stage, plunged 46-year-old Daria into shock. Doctors predicted: no more than three months left to live.

However, it is not in vain that oncologists advise patients to make plans: Daria Dontsova gathered her thoughts and decided that she should not die, because she has three children, elderly relatives, pets – with whom should they all be left?

By the way, the future writer began her first novel in a hospital bed and believes that literary creativity helped her to recover. Daria Dontsova underwent a long and painful treatment – a series of operations, several courses of chemotherapy.

Now Daria actively and willingly gives interviews on topics related to the treatment of oncology. She convinces everyone that cancer is a common disease, and she is being treated, you don’t just need to feel sorry for yourself. Even when hair falls out after chemotherapy, there is no need to despair. The disease will pass – and they will grow back.

In 2012, a black streak happened in the life of the ex-member of the tATu group Yulia Volkova: a study revealed that she had thyroid cancer.

After the operation to remove the tumor, Julia was overtaken by a new trouble – during the surgical intervention, the vocal nerve was affected. The singer could not only perform on stage and record songs – she could not even speak, and communicated with her own children via SMS. Three operations to restore the vocal cords followed, as a result of which Yulia Volkova was again able to speak out loud, and not in a whisper.

Now the singer in her interviews talks about all this as a difficult period of her life, which is already in the past. Julia is proud that she has overcome the disease.

In 2005, Joseph Kobzon’s diagnosis of prostate cancer was widely publicized. The artist was operated on in Germany, but the struggle for life and health has just begun.

In 2012, Iosif Kobzon announced that he was stopping his touring activities, since the illness makes him appreciate every minute of communication with his family. The singer is regularly examined by leading oncologists, but the disease still makes itself felt. So in the fall of 2010, while performing in Astana, Joseph Davydovich fainted on stage. According to doctors, the tumor caused anemia in the singer, and as a result – fainting.

Nevertheless, it is already 2018 in the yard, and this means that while the artist is stronger than the disease.

The former lead singer of the Na-na group seemed like a “golden boy” – a handsome, charming, famous, dream of millions of girls. When Vladimir disappeared from the stage and from the screen, it seemed natural – he decided to take a break from the crazy touring schedule and bohemian life.

However, later it turned out that the singer was going through a serious test: he was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system. At that moment he was overwhelmed by personal disappointment – his then wife, ex-soloist of the “Hi-Fi” group Oksana, left him at a critical moment.

The singer had a very hard time: he underwent at least 9 courses of chemotherapy and underwent bone marrow transplant surgery, and twice, since the disease manifested itself with renewed vigor in 2012. Nevertheless, the artist returned to life and on stage. He began performing again, remarried and is raising a daughter, Nika, with his wife Maria. Vladimir Levkin emphasizes that the fight against oncology is constant checks and examinations. Talking about the final victory over the disease is rather arrogant.

The news that the fashion designer was seriously ill appeared in the press in 2016. Due to illness, Valentin Yudashkin could not even attend the show of his collection at the Haute Couture Week in Paris – he gave instructions over the phone, which were performed by his daughter Galina.

Talking about the situation on television, Valentine repeated several times that he was lucky: he found the disease at an early stage.

As always in such cases, the designer was greatly helped in the fight against the disease by knowing that he was supported by so many loved ones – family members and friends.

The actor heard the diagnosis of lung cancer from doctors in 1987. Moreover, he found out about him only after lung surgery – until the last moment, his wife Alla Balter hid from her husband what he really was sick with. Later, the artist confessed – and it was good that he was hiding, otherwise he would not have resisted, surrendered to fear.

Emmanuel Vitorgan says that he was literally pulled out of the other world by his wife’s love. The first thing he saw after anesthesia was a smiling wife.

In 2011, the singer underwent surgery to remove the prostate gland according to medical indications: a study showed the presence of cancer cells. Alexander himself accepted his diagnosis with restraint and even later joked that after the operation he did not lose his male strength.

Moreover, in the process of treatment, Alexander Buinov even continued to perform – he was given injections right before entering the stage.

In his interviews, the artist admitted that he considered the illness a retribution for past frivolity and sins, so he did not feel sorry for himself and accepted the situation as it is, without drama. This is probably why we managed to recover quickly – faith in good and beloved wife Alena helped.

The Baltic beauty Laima Vaikule also did not escape a dangerous diagnosis. In 1991, the star was diagnosed with breast cancer at a stage when doctors no longer give positive predictions. Even the operation, as the doctors said, did not give Lyme one hundred percent guarantee of life.

But the singer decided to fight for life and health. She was operated on and treated in an American clinic.

According to Laima, this story made her radically rethink her life.

In 2005, a popular TV presenter learned that he had bowel cancer. As Yuri Nikolaev admits, the world seemed to have turned black for him at that moment. Moreover, the artist at the time of the diagnosis was quite young – only 56 years old.

Yuri Nikolaev has already undergone several operations, and until now the disease does not allow him to relax – he has to be examined regularly. The artist shares his secret of survival: forbid yourself to feel sorry for yourself, calm your panic and be patient.

Celebrating the 65th anniversary, the actress in 2015 decided to check her health and heard the doctors’ verdict: lung cancer in a late stage.

Svetlana Nikolaevna went to get treatment abroad, to Germany. There she was really put on her feet, the actress was even able to return to work in theater and cinema.

Reflecting on the causes of the disease, Svetlana Nikolaevna suggests that the poisoning with mercury vapor, received in early youth, is to blame. The actress lived for seven years in a room above a warehouse where mercury was stored, and some of it was spilled.

In 1993, at the age of 59, American doctors discovered cancer in a Russian TV presenter. Later he admitted: the feeling was as if he had crashed into a brick wall at full speed. At first, Vladimir Vladimirovich planned to test experimental treatment on himself without surgery, but then he listened to the recommendations of a leading American oncologist and underwent surgery. This was followed by years of regular examinations, and each time, according to Vladimir Pozner, he was scared – what if they find something again? He was helped by the moral support of his wife and his American friend and colleague, TV presenter Phil Donahue.

Now, many years later, the TV presenter is glad that his example can show others that cancer is not a sentence, but a disease that can be treated.

Elena Frolova, Olga Maslova

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