Cancer and Cancer: horoscope signs compatibility

Representatives of the water element have developed intuition and empathy, which allows them to subtly understand the mood of the people around them, but they prefer to hide their feelings. Due to their increased vulnerability and susceptibility, Cancers erect a psychological barrier in front of them, since they can be easily offended, but at the same time difficult to deceive. Caution and foresight are their life companions.

Water signs are by nature sensitive, noble and charming creatures. They highly value family and friendship ties, needing only long-term relationships.

With age, a characteristic feature of the Cancer man becomes emotional restraint. The raging sea of ​​passions is skillfully hidden behind a mask of indifference, since increased impressionability has a downside – resentment. The representative of the water element is distinguished by a wonderful sense of humor, responsiveness and generosity. Of considerable importance for him is his own home, in which he restores inner balance, gaining peace of mind. The Cancer man is a closed person for whom a new acquaintance is difficult. Initially, he will draw up a psychological portrait of a stranger with curiosity. Only after a long time, having carefully studied the nature and inclinations of a person trying to enter his life, Cancer will be able to begin to trust a new acquaintance.

Cancer Woman is a charming, mysterious, romantic nature, with a fine mental organization and attracting the attention of men. She is unusually picky in people and is set up only for long-term relationships. In order to win her trust, you will need to make a lot of efforts, confirming the seriousness of your intention. In the depths of the soul of a Cancer woman, inexhaustible reserves of love and tenderness are hidden, but getting to them is an incredibly difficult task, which only the one chosen one, destined for her by fate, can do. A woman of the water element will endow her beloved with unconditional fidelity and devote herself entirely to caring for him.

Love compatibility

The basis of a harmonious union of representatives of the water element is high psychological compatibility. A caring and sensitive man will do everything possible to make his chosen one feel loved and protected, and she, in turn, will gradually reveal the fullness of her emotions and feelings. Such a love union will be filled with tenderness, sincerity and romanticism.

The Cancer woman and man hold traditional views of what a relationship should be, so they fit each other’s criteria perfectly. He needs an excellent hostess and a woman who can inspire new achievements. For her – reliable protection and strong support in difficult times. In an ideal relationship, complete mutual understanding and harmony reign. Lovers reveal to each other the inner experiences that torment them, talk about their dreams and secrets. They focus on what is happening between them, forgetting about the real world. The similarity of temperaments and lifestyle will not cause disagreement about the choice of spending time together. They will gladly stay at home, doing household chores or drowning in each other’s warm and gentle embrace.

However, the main obstacle in a relationship will be the jealousy of both partners, so it is important not to keep grievances within yourself, but to express them, be sure to control your emotions and choose the right words.

If the representatives of the Cancer sign curb their own jealousy and egocentrism, then the couple is able to achieve an amazing emotional closeness and intuitive relationship, thanks to which they can understand each other perfectly, without even voicing their desires. Trust and mutual understanding help to build harmonious relationships, saturated with sincere love, devoid of even a hint of hypocrisy. Lovers value their union, because it is the embodiment of their long-standing dream of finding a person who is ready to delve into their contradictory and colorful inner world.

Marriage compatibility

The couple is happy with their married life. The Cancer man appreciates the calm and comfortable atmosphere in the house, which the Cancer woman gladly creates, and also pleases him with her culinary masterpieces. For her, household chores will not be a burden, because in this way she demonstrates the fullness of her love. Cancerians will cherish the marriage union created by joint efforts. Their union is saturated with warmth and unshakable fidelity. Due to excellent sexual compatibility and the ability to feel each other’s desires, spouses are able to strengthen their personal emotional connection. Unpleasant situations can still arise, mainly due to the financial situation of the family. Therefore, in order to resolve such troubles, it is important to distribute duties and expenses among themselves. Then the financial situation will become stable.

To create a harmonious relationship, it is important that the partners are open and fully trust each other. Water signs subtly feel falsehood – at the first suspicion of it, spouses can significantly move away from each other.

This has a downside – complete sincerity will be rewarded with mutual care and the desire to solve the problems of a loved one. Cancers tend to withdraw into themselves when they feel hurt. It is difficult to get the truth from them about what exactly was done wrong – this can create difficulties in the mutual understanding of the spouses. Cancers are characterized by the ability to plan a budget: they will be able to distribute even the most modest resources in such a way that there will be no need for anything. The ability to distribute their income allows them to always have savings in case of an unforeseen situation.

Crayfish are happy to lend, but those who turn to them need to remember that they will have to pay it in full and on time. In financial matters, representatives of the water element do not make concessions to anyone. In bed, Cancers are sensitive and gentle, highly appreciate the partner’s pleasure, often forgetting about their own. Although they may not admit it to themselves, they suffer from some lethargic, overly careful, not enough passionate caresses. However, Cancers know how to get real pleasure from the act of love. If they honestly and in detail discuss their wishes and fulfill them, trying to introduce an element of diversity, then their intimate life will be prosperous. Conflicts, which are inevitable at first, will come to naught when children appear in the marriage. Cancers are excellent parents: their child will grow up in tenderness and warmth. At the same time, they believe that parental duty is to raise a real Human, so if necessary, they will be able to apply strict measures. Husband and wife understood each other well before, but united by a new goal, they will become even closer.

Pros and cons of the union Cancer man – Cancer woman

The main advantage of couples between people of the same sign is the simplicity of mutual understanding. They are arranged in the same way and therefore are able to capture the smallest wishes of a partner. In addition, there are many more positive aspects of the mirror union Cancer man – Cancer woman:

  • Both of them make every effort to create and maintain home comfort. For them, family is of paramount importance. If only the lovers are willing, they can arrange a heavenly life for each other.
  • Cancers understand and appreciate tenderness and romance – for partners there is no danger of running into misunderstanding in response to their feelings.
  • In this union, a woman feels most comfortable, especially if she does not like social life and prefers to be at home more often. And the man, in turn, will literally carry his chosen one in his arms, if she knows how to lead a life and create a cozy atmosphere both in the house and in relationships. He himself – a jack of all trades – knows how to make major repairs or fix any trinket.
  • The couple will not seek other communication, except among themselves. They do not need drastic changes in their lifestyle. Everything in their life moves in order: measuredly and strictly according to plan.
  • Cancer will not limit her partner in freedom: let her communicate with her friends, go to work. But she will not forget about the household and will enable her missus to earn much more than her.

The cons of the couple come down to some intransigence of Cancers. If a quarrel occurred, but they could not extinguish it on time, then this is often fatal for the relationship.

  • It often happens that one of the partners considers himself offended, while the other insists on being right to the end, not thinking of apologizing and making amends, even if imaginary, guilt. Such a conflict will last for a long time and can lead to a break in the alliance for a minor reason.
  • It is even worse if the partners accumulate their grievances. Although lovers understand the unjustification of their accusations, thoughts that a loved one is not affectionate or attentive enough will eat away at them from the inside. These doubts will erupt in the form of a heated quarrel, which can end the relationship.
  • Anxiety and a tendency to jealousy also do not benefit the strength of the union. Trust is important for Cancers, but that is why, especially at first, they check their chosen one or chosen one and make scandals at the slightest suspicion of infidelity.
  • Friendship and communication between former lovers and spouses will never happen again.
  • Intimacy in this pair is not as passionate as it would be with representatives of other signs, since both love to obey their partner and are waiting for action.
  • If these people become a couple, then they lose contact with their former friends. Only those who prefer the Cancer lifestyle remain.

Gentle and sensitive Cancers are almost perfect for each other. Their interests, temperaments and characters coincide, so there are no problems with mutual understanding. For the highest harmony in the union, it will be good if the lady devotes herself to arranging life, and the man to work. It would be nice if their parents lived with the couple within walking distance – then both partners would walk more confidently through life, feeling the support of their loved ones.

It is worth noting that it is best to build relationships for those Cancers who have not previously had any love affairs. Because if before that the representatives of this sign had partners, then it will be difficult for a new lover to outshine previous lovers. For the union to be truly strong, Cancers need to overcome the only drawback – closeness. Another couple must correctly set their priorities – and then they will live happily ever after.

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