Canary: care and maintenance
The canary is a songbird. She is unpretentious, easily tamed and amenable to “education”. Let’s list the basic rules for caring for a canary.
When caring for your canary, keep it safe.
Maintenance and care: canary cage
For a bird, choose a large cage so that when the wings flap, it does not touch its walls. Optimal dimensions: length – 40 cm, width – 20 cm, and height – 25 cm. Pet stores sell wooden, plastic and metal cages. Each of them has its own pros and cons.
The wooden cage is safe and quiet. It is made of beech or oak and covered with clear varnish. Minus – wood absorbs moisture, and dampness and moisture is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. Moreover, it cannot be disinfected.
The metal and wood cage is suitable for beginner canary breeders. The rods are made of metal – steel or aluminum, and the bottom is made of wood. It is easy to clean and inexpensive. Disadvantages – deteriorates from moisture and is not intended for disinfection.
The ideal shape for a canary house is rectangular. Do not buy cages with a round top – in them the bird often begins to throw its head back and twirl it. As a result, the helipad develops.
Advantages of a cage made of plastic and metal: it is allowed to be disinfected by any means, it is easy to clean, is not afraid of moisture, and has a reasonable price. Minus – the noise from the bird jumping on the perch and vice versa.
The rods must be made of stainless steel. Do not choose copper or multi-colored sheathing. Copper and toxic substances in paints and varnishes are dangerous to canaries.
Canary Grooming: Choosing a Location and Accessories
The bird does not like noise, dark corners and drafts. Place her dwelling against the wall opposite the window, but not on the windowsill itself. The place should be lit. Do not keep the canary in the kitchen or near heating appliances.
Place clay or glass drinkers and feeders in the house. They are non-toxic, easy to clean and can be doused with boiling water. It is advisable to buy dishes of the same shape and diameter. For one canary, supply 1 drinker and 3 feeders for:
- grains;
- mineral feeding;
- soft food.
Place the feeders in different corners rather than under the perches. Cover the bottom of the house with sand or lay down clean paper, but not newspaper.
Purchase wooden perches no more than 1,5 cm thick. Remember that the bird should not wrap his fingers around them completely. Avoid plastic perches as they cause paw diseases in birds.
Drinkers and feeders are washed daily before changing feed. In this case, they must be wiped dry. It is advisable not to use chemicals when washing dishes. It is enough just to pour over boiling water.
The cage is cleaned at least once a week, and disinfection is carried out once a month. It can be washed with special cleaning agents to thoroughly wipe off all the dirt. Remember to wash the perches. Change sand or paper daily.
The main diet includes grain mixture. A day is enough 1-1,5 tsp. grain mixtures. During the molting period, the daily rate increases. It is also important to include food rich in vitamins and minerals during this period.
Together with the grain mixture, they give green and soft fodder. The basis of green food is vegetables and fruits. Canaries eat carrots, cabbage, apples, pears, bell peppers. An example of a soft food is hard-boiled chicken yolk, chopped on a grater with 1 tsp. decoys.
Mineral dressing includes chalk, eggshells, charcoal or activated carbon. Instead of ordinary water, you can pour mineral water. Nutrients and sunflower seeds contain nutrients.
Canaries love water treatments. Buy a glass, plastic or metal bath with a diameter of no more than 10 cm and a depth of 5 cm. In summer, the bird is bathed daily, and in winter, twice a week.
In the spring and summer, take the cage out onto the balcony for 10-15 minutes. For health, let the canary out of the house. Close doors and windows before walking around the room to prevent the bird from flying out of the house.
When releasing a canary, remove any piercing or hot objects and remove other animals from the room.
Trim the tips of your nails with scissors or tweezers periodically, but no more than 2 mm. But clipping the wings yourself is prohibited – it is better to visit a veterinarian. With one careless movement, the canary will no longer be able to fly.
With proper maintenance, canaries live for 10-15 years. The most important thing is cleanliness and proper nutrition.
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