Can you hold out for 20 seconds? A simple test will show if you are healthy

If you’re wondering how you can quickly check your health, try… standing on one leg. This exercise is a good indicator, and improving this skill can help us stay healthy longer.

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Standing on one leg, although it seems simple, requires a bit of concentration and effort. It is also a good test. According to, the inability to maintain balance for 20 seconds or more in apparently healthy people is associated with an increased risk of damage to the small blood vessels in the brain and a decreased ability to reason.

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When will it be easier for us to stand on one leg?

If you have a medical condition such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke or Alzheimer’s disease, standing on one leg will of course be more difficult, but this ability can also be reduced. pregnancy, menopause or advanced age.

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Prolonged lying or sitting is associated with decreased muscle strength, a greater risk of severe falls and decreased physical performance. People who sit most of the day are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes or obesity.

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The more physically active we are, the more likely it is that it will be easier for us to maintain balance while standing on one leg.

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Further part under the video.

The ability to stand on one leg can be improved. Why is it worth it?

We can improve the ability to stand on one leg at any age. This is more difficult for neurological conditions, but even then we can improve our ability to maintain balance. It is worth doing as it helps to reduce the risk of dangerous falls. In the UK, according to, about a third of adults over the age of 65 and half of those over 80 will experience at least one fall in a year. The situation is exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has contributed to significantly lower physical activity.

Attention! Standing on one leg is much more difficult if you close your eyes while doing this exercise. Most people can only do this for a short time, so always have something close to you to hold on to in case you lose your balance.

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