Can you go on a diet all the time? Video

Can you go on a diet all the time? Video

Numerous diets have become a sign of the times; most women have tried one or more of them at least once in their lives. Even now, when the harm and uselessness of many diets designed for extreme weight loss is already known, there are still new ways to lose “10 kg in 10 days”, in which one so wants to believe, especially since their names are the most stellar. But it is proper nutrition that is the key to losing weight.

Why extreme diets are useless

Trying one “miracle” diet after another, you have probably experienced serious disappointment more than once. Yes, this is so, the weight goes away, as promised, but when you return to your usual diet after a week, two or a month, you have a really crazy appetite and, as a result, your previous weight returns. If a woman constantly diets, she can not only become neurotic, but also earn herself many health problems.

Today in the world there are more than 28 thousand diets aimed at getting rid of excess weight.

In fact, the process of losing weight on a strict diet is due to the loss of glycogen, a protein compound accumulated in muscle tissue and the liver, as well as the water with which it is associated. But the most unpleasant thing is that, rebuilding itself to starvation, the body changes the hormonal balance and the endocrine system begins to reduce the production of some hormones and increase the production of others. As a result, the breakdown of fats slows down and their accumulation accelerates, and the appetite increases. When you stop the diet, water is retained in the body again, and the still unstable appetite forces you to eat more than you ate before the diet. If this situation is familiar to you, it’s time to take time out and try to lose weight so that it won’t come back, without any diets. In fact, this is quite real.

According to the US National Institutes of Health, those who tried to sit on the express diet regained their original weight in 98% of cases, and even in excess

Take a comprehensive approach to losing weight. You should understand that there are many reasons for being overweight: it is not only a wrong and unbalanced diet, but also constant stress, lack of physical activity and non-compliance with the regime, etc. Yes, it will be difficult to change yourself and your habits, weight will go away slowly, but this is the surest and safest way to become slim and healthy.

You just need to reduce the amount of calories consumed by only 10% of the norm that corresponds to your physique and lifestyle, adding physical activity that will help burn the accumulated fat reserves, normalizing metabolism and speeding up metabolic processes. You can work out not only in the gym, give up elevators and escalators, walk more at a fast pace for at least 45-60 minutes a day – such aerobic exercises are the most effective.

Stick to your daily routine and be sure to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. Do not forget to snack, so as not to feel hungry, with something low in calories. And by the way, about calories – most of them should be eaten in the morning, dinner should always be low in calories and end 3-4 hours before bedtime. Take this break from dieting and try to follow these simple rules to gradually achieve the results you dreamed of.

By the way, similar techniques are well described in the diet of Dr. Gavrilov. It also has its advantages.

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