Can you go for walks during the coronavirus epidemic?
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Should You Leave Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak? How can a walk in the forest or in the park affect our health? The most frequently asked questions are answered by dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

How to protect yourself from the COVID-19 coronavirus?

The risk of contracting the coronavirus COVID-19 is very high, especially among the elderly with comorbidities, as well as the chronically ill. For this reason, when caring for your and your loved ones’ health, it is worth following the following tips:

  1. thorough hand washing;
  2. hand disinfection;
  3. avoiding touching your face with your hands;
  4. thorough cleaning of flat surfaces;
  5. disinfection of the mobile phone and items that we use most often;
  6. compliance with the recommendations of voivodeship and poviat sanitary and epidemiological stations in the case of quarantine;
  7. avoiding clusters of people;
  8. sneezing and coughing on the inside of the elbow or a handkerchief that will be thrown into the trash.

Should we avoid leaving home?

As part of preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus, the #Stayhome campaign was initiated. But should we completely avoid leaving home? This is primarily a question of large clusters. A lonely walk in the park or in the forest will not hurt anything, on the contrary – it can help us regain good humor and balance.

  1. Also read: Could I have contracted the coronavirus?

Thus, dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw, emphasizes the importance of the mental state, which can have a significant impact on physical health.

  1. Also check: WHO warns: Coronavirus can spread on banknotes

Symptoms of the coronavirus COVID-19

The above-mentioned recommendations and comments are extremely important due to the fact that the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads via airborne droplets. It is enough to sneeze or cough for the viruses to hover in the air. They can also survive on flat surfaces for up to several hours (research is still ongoing to confirm how long viruses live on objects).


The main symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus are: dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. They can also be accompanied by muscle aches, sore throats and general body weakness.

Check out other information on the coronavirus as well:

  1. How long will COVID-19 coronavirus survive on items?
  2. Why does the coronavirus kill some and run like a cold in others?
  3. Coronavirus fake news. They spread rapidly

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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